The Honorable President Barack Obama Lectures TLR on Lack of Black Male Voter Enthusiasm for Kamala

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Notice how Obama is in the wrong as evidenced by all of the outrage by Democratic loyalist like Wendell pierce, yet he won’t come out and say “I apologize for my remarks to black men, black men have been the most loyal Democratic voter base and should be appreciated for their loyal support despite the perpetual neglect and passive aggressive comments like “you ain’t black”

Instead of publicly addressing the criticism, he’d rather make the call behind the scenes to Wendell pierce and have him retract his (factual) criticism of Obama’s comments. Yet another example of Obama being a coward. :scust:

I think this is fair. He could come out and say he was misunderstood, he could come out and say he wasn't as articulate as he hoped, etc. I will give him credit for talking to someone who disagreed with him, since I had predicted he wouldn't do that. But this shyt is a problem and I think people - specifically black men - are tired of being talked down to. He should come out and address this on record. Plenty of time before November.

There is zero evidence that black men have a problem voting for a woman. 80% of black men voted for Hillary. Kamala's numbers with black men look better than Biden's numbers did before he dropped out. Everything points to this being a high turnout election, and while I'm not sure how high black male turnout will be...overall black turnout will be high. Again.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:laff: :laff: :laff: still offering ban bets on posts you edited.

Why does it matter if I deleted the posts? We're doing the ban bet on the facts that YOU said I lied about. Those are in YOUR posts. This is just your chicken-shyt way of dodging the ban bet for the 20th time.

You literally spent YEARS denying the basketball story until I found it and then you pivoted.

Yet another lie - I never "denied" anything about that story.

You been getting your ass beat in several threads this year by all types of posters but you still think you can play those little games with your misleading ban bets on edited posts :laff::laff:

You're so desperate in your stalking that you just say I "lose" any argument I post in no matter how stupid it is. You've been on a rampage co-signing posters who are:

1) Pushing overt right-wingers
2) Claiming to have proof aliens are real
3) Saying that black people were better off during segregation

THAT is how desperate you are. Just yesterday you were in a fukking ALIENS thread claiming that I had been proven wrong because the other guys were convinced aliens are real. :dead:

This idiot is saying that Black people were better off during SEGREGATION, and you're here cosigning him solely because you lost arguments with me about Lebron. :russ:


Jun 11, 2012
:laff: :laff: :laff: still offering ban bets on posts you edited. You literally spent YEARS denying the basketball story until I found it and then you pivoted. You been getting your ass beat in several threads this year by all types of posters but you still think you can play those little games with your misleading ban bets on edited posts :laff::laff:

Real talk, im convinced that one of the mods are either a part of the shill team @Professor Emeritus is on. Dudes been getting away shyt that other posters have been bushed and banned for. This is why this site has gone to shyt. @Professor Emeritius, you know youre lying and most of us seen what @10bandz seen so you can cut the bullshyt out. Nobody believes you. :mjlol:

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
There were posters in TLR saying literally just yesterday that they don't think women should be in politics.

And? I'm sure you can find random white men who believe the same. And yet the majority of black men will vote for the woman, a majority of white men will vote for the man.......and guess who gets blamed? The black men. Make it make sense.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
Real talk, im convinced that one of the mods are either a part of the shill team @Professor Emeritus is on. Dudes been getting away shyt that other posters have been bushed and banned for. This is why this site has gone to shyt.

Well I'll say this.....the only mod here who has banning powers is not on Rhakim's could be another mod covering for him though :yeshrug: Over the years a lot of posters fell for his BS, he even won POTY from dap fishing in POTY. Mods probably dont know what to do with him.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
And? I'm sure you can find random white men who believe the same. And yet the majority of black men will vote for the woman, a majority of white men will vote for the man.......and guess who gets blamed? The black men. Make it make sense.

That nikka Rhakim's rebuttal was to point out some randoms in TLR we dont even know for sure are black :dead: Thats cuz he doesnt talk to any black folks in real life.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
There were posters in TLR saying literally just yesterday that they don't think women should be in politics.
You really are willing to stereotype black men, just like a white racist, aren't you? The stats show Black men voted for Hillary at a higher rate than any other group of men. Yet, here you are taking what a few state and using it as an excuse to accept slander of the general population of Black men.

I seriously can't trust a Black man who demonstrates he will throw his brothers under the bus in the name of supporting nominal allies who are mischaracterizing us.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Real talk, im convinced that one of the mods are either a part of the shill team @Professor Emeritus is on. Dudes been getting away shyt that other posters have been bushed and banned for. This is why this site has gone to shyt. @Professor Emeritius, you know youre lying and most of us seen what @10bandz seen so you can cut the bullshyt out. Nobody believes you. :mjlol:

You want me to make you even more mad? I don't have a real-life relationship with a single one of these mods, and yet I've never once gotten bushed, never even come close, and have only even been warned 7 times in entire 10 years on the site. 4 of those warnings were complete bullshyt "derailment" just because I was making fun of one particular mod and he caught feelings, and 1-2 of the others were SCCIT straight up lying on me to the mods (the mod who warned me admitted publicly that he hadn't seen me do what Sccit claimed I did, he just believed him). I think the other one was for making fun of Kobe (when he was still alive).

That's it. I almost never even get warned, and I've NEVER been bushed, while you get bushed all the time. Do you know why?

Because I don't tolerate racists, I don't lie and I never, ever post foul shyt about Black people. You should try those strategies.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
I think this is fair. He could come out and say he was misunderstood, he could come out and say he wasn't as articulate as he hoped, etc. I will give him credit for talking to someone who disagreed with him, since I had predicted he wouldn't do that. But this shyt is a problem and I think people - specifically black men - are tired of being talked down to. He should come out and address this on record. Plenty of time before November.

There is zero evidence that black men have a problem voting for a woman. 80% of black men voted for Hillary. Kamala's numbers with black men look better than Biden's numbers did before he dropped out. Everything points to this being a high turnout election, and while I'm not sure how high black male turnout will be...overall black turnout will be high. Again.
And that’s the problem. They would rather make up false narratives about black men being misogynistic than to admit that Kamala Harris just isn’t a good candidate. If Michelle Obama ran for office right now she would get 99% of the black male vote.

I don’t even see the data to suggest that black men won’t turnout this election for Kamala so where exact is Obama coming from with his remarks? This election will be decided by white voters in swing states. Obama was raised by a white family and his entire American lineage is white so he has more of a connection to those voters than he does to us but he feels more comfortable being more critical to black men. It’s really insane.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
Yet another lie - I never "denied" anything about that story.

Yeah you just hid it behind a spoiler, and then over four years later edited the post to say this

I had to log out to see who you were talking about, I've had both those fools on ignore for like two years now. :dead:

When the original post really said this

I had to log out to see who you were talking about, I've had both those fools on ignore for like two years now. :dead:

The beef is dumb as hell - I don't even know either one of them like that. It started when the pudgy little one dropped me a message one day and asked if I would take him to some pickup games in the city cause he'd never been south of the 101. I told :wtb: that I could tell him where brehs play and he could take his own self to a game, but he said he don't go to new courts without a buddy and he didn't know anyone in "the wood". It sounded lame but I felt bad for him cause he was talking scary so I gave in.

We met at a parking garage on 6th in Santa Monica cause :wtb: didn't want to leave his car parked on the street in the hood. I get there and find out he brought All Caps without warning me. He said they were a team and the All Caps car had a flat and his parents hadn't sent their guy to fix it yet. I mean, All Caps got out of the passenger side looking like a tall hairy Tamir Goodman,
I knew he was gonna get clowned. I said F it and gave them both a ride.

I was originally planning to take them to Centinela but
was talking way loose quoting DBAMTSCWDYJITH in a fake accent. I thought he might offend someone and goons show up at Centinela from time to time so we went to Darby instead. It was a Sunday and there were gonna be family bbq and such so I figured
couldn't get into too much trouble. Besides, daytime basketball on the outdoor courts sucks at Darby and that looked like it would probably be as much competition as either of these guys could handle.

We roll up and I was relieved right away cause my token :flabbynsick: Mexican neighbor was out there in his baggy shorts and he's always nice to everyone. There were a couple guys shooting around who I hadn't seen before. Some other regulars showed up and myself and a homie of mine claimed captains cause we play there the most. I was gonna pick
cause I was afraid he wouldn't get to play otherwise, but the other captain blew my mind and picked him first, I guess he figured I wouldn't bring a White guy to the courts unless I was trying to hustle. Teams ended up being me, the Mexican and :wtb:versus my homie,
and one of the guys I didn't know.

So we get to playing and the guy I didn't know was pretty good, him and my homeboy would have rolled us easy, but
over there was like a black hole for their team, he couldn't touch the ball without shooting. And every damn time he shot he kicked one of his legs out and called "foul!" if he missed, even though the contact was his own damn fault. :childplease: I got a short fuse and was getting really pissed off, plus both his teammates were heated cause
was bricking long 1s left and right. :childplease:

Things boiled over when
called for a screen and the guy I didn't know actually gave him one, but then
shot instead of going around, only he was off balance so when he kicked out his leg he hit his own teammate in the nuts. The breh pulled right up and swung, would have slept him except
was already falling down so he got lucky and slipped under it. :wtb: rushes in to defend his homeboy, but then the new guy's girl flew in off the sidelines to back her man. :krs: She had been sitting there filing her damn nails the whole time and still had her nail file out, I think that :wtb: thought it was a blade cause when she rushed in he hightails it out of there with speed I ain't never seen. Like the man was legit fast, he was across the other end of the park, over the football field, and jumped the fence and was running down PIncay while we were still just standing there like :wtf: trying to process what just went down. Things were getting too real for
so he went :hubie: and called it a game. I was relieved cause I didn't want to take responsibility for his fool ass play any longer.

So then
asks me for a ride home because he doesn't know where :wtb: went. Turns out he doesn't even really live in SFV but was all the way over in Simi Valley, no way I was gonna waste my Sunday going there and back. :rudy: I told him :wtb: probably just caught a bus to Santa Monica and he should do the same. He said he didn't know if :wtb: would wait for him and the fool had left his cell phone when he ran. I said fukk that, I ain't driving all the way to Simi Valley and back on my weekend. So I called for next game and
called his parents to have their driver pick him up, and just sulked on the side of the court giving me the evil eye until the driver got there.

I never saw either one of them in person again, but ever since then they've had mad beef with me online. I know they ain't coming back to Inglewood, so online trash talk is all they really ever gonna do. :yeshrug:

Last time I ever gonna ball with guys from the Valley. :scust:

oh but but but but personal information huh??? :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff:
Oct 22, 2017
I don't know if it's nerves, but she does tend to ramble at times, sometimes appear scripted.
i think that’s largely attributable to the fact that she’s tied to biden and is unable to comfortably stake out her identity while still a part of his administration. it’s a delicately walked tightrope of political maneuvering that she’s on.

if you listened to her session with howard stern, she was fine, able to articulate herself in a measured and confident manner.

at the end of the day, i don’t care that she lacks the wonkiness of elizabeth warren.

she’s running against a nazi. she could have the inarticulacy of herschel walker, and i would still vote for her.
