The Honorable President Barack Obama Lectures TLR on Lack of Black Male Voter Enthusiasm for Kamala


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
Breh, YOU dropped the word "position" yourself. I already quoted you saying it without "position" in there:

Everyone can see your own words, which I didn't change.

You also lied and claimed you were going to make a whole post full of statistics proving that you were right that Black people were better off economically during segregation. Instead, you made a giant juelzing post with just ONE statistic, and in that one statistic you claimed that a 51% poverty rate during segregation was better than a 20% poverty rate after segregation. When I pointed out that you were full of shyt, you deflected and started attacking me again, then abandoned the thread.

Why'd you lie, claiming you had a big data post that would prove you right, and then post nothing but one more lie?

Wait, your "receipts" are one of the worst posters on the board making the claim with no receipts? :mjlol:

Like I said, I deleted old posts that had personal information. I didn't "change" anything, only deleted.

That was an absolute lie, and you keep deflecting to those lies in order to dodge your exposal as a pro-segregation weirdo.

That poster brought up personal information that I had posted years earlier, and claimed I was lying. I ban bet him on every one of 5 different points and said I could bring receipts to a mod immediately. I offered the ban bet over and over, and he chickened out of it every time.

MONTHS later, I deleted the personal information because I was tired on him stalking me. That poster had made over 400 posts about me in 2 years, it was an insane level of obsession, so I reduced my footprint.

Later on he started making the same false claim saying that I had made up the information. I offered to ban bet him again. He said, "I can't ban bet cause you changed the posts." I told him that the fact I deleted the posts was irrelevant because we both knew what claims we were betting on. I was ban betting him that I could prove the claims that HE had repeated in HIS posts, which were still up. It didn't matter whether my old posts were deleted or not, cause I still had real-life proof that I was telling the truth about the specific things he said were untrue. But he chickened out again, because he knew I was telling the truth and he knew I could prove it.

He lied, and now you're lying, and your only "receipts" for your lies are the fact that he lied too? You both are foul people.

This is a fukking lie!!!!!! :laff: :laff: :laff: :laff: The post about playing basketball with me and @Sccit DID NOT have personal information, and all those other posts were lies you made about your life which is why you CHANGED THE POST AND CREATED NEW CONVERSATIONS WITTHIN THOSE OLD POSTS, NOT DELETED.

Rhakim really the 2024 Coli WOAT


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
According to him he “didnt change jack shyt” :mjlol:

I had to put him on ignore before he runs to the mod he has under his wing. Last time I exposed him, I got warning points from a post from 2020 :dead:

Sorry breh, he snitches on me and Sccit so much the mods just be like aight we'll just give warning points to whoever else he tells on :pachaha:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
the proof is all here

Rhakim Exposal Thread

keep lying @Professor Emeritus aka Rhakim aka The Real @Jcotton1

Everything you quoted me saying is true, and there are zero contradictions there beyond your awful reading comprehension. :yeshrug:

A lot of things that you CLAIM I said, but without quotes, were just random shyt you were making up.

We've already been over this dozens of times - I offered you 5 different ban bets on 5 major points you claimed I made up, and you refused to take those ban bets even though I kept offering them for months. If you're so confident that you "exposed" me, why didn't you just take the ban bets and be done with it?

You got so aggravated and emotional that you were sending me PMs begging to meet up and fight me, but you wouldn't take a simple ban bet when given 5 different choices. :mjlol:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
That ad is the non-manliest thing I've heard today:francis:
What is that supposed to do? Who thought that was a winner? :mjlol:
we're talking about a party whose official position is that they don't know the difference between a man and a woman. as far as masculinity, that ad is about as good as it's gonna get :yeshrug:
Last edited:


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
Everything you quoted me saying is true, and there are zero contradictions there beyond your awful reading comprehension. :yeshrug:

A lot of things that you CLAIM I said, but without quotes, were just random shyt you were making up.

We've already been over this dozens of times - I offered you 5 different ban bets on 5 major points you claimed I made up, and you refused to take those ban bets even though I kept offering them for months. If you're so confident that you "exposed" me, why didn't you just take the ban bets and be done with it?

You got so aggravated and emotional that you were sending me PMs begging to meet up and fight me, but you wouldn't take a simple ban bet when given 5 different choices. :mjlol:

:laff: :laff: :laff: still offering ban bets on posts you edited. You literally spent YEARS denying the basketball story until I found it and then you pivoted. You been getting your ass beat in several threads this year by all types of posters but you still think you can play those little games with your misleading ban bets on edited posts :laff::laff:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Obama had the audacity to say Kamala grew up like “us.”

1. Kamala spent ages 12-19 in an affluent white community… in Canada.

At a public school that was 40% Black. How many "affluent" people go to a nearly half-black public school? And you conveniently left out her growing up in a working-class Black neighborhood in Berkeley from 7-12, and then going to Howard at 19.

This is what her high school was actually like.

"You might think Westmount High School, taking its name as it does from Montreal’s wealthiest, most stereotypically anglo district, would be a bastion of privilege. The reality was quite different. When I went there it was highly divided, with wealthy kids from the mansions of upper Westmount rubbing shoulders with kids from very poor areas just down the hill — such as Little Burgundy and St. Henri.

Most of those poor kids were Black. This was long before anti-racism and DEI initiatives. Racism was pretty overt and groups at Westmount High didn’t mix much. There were the rich kids who went home to luxurious houses and summered in the Eastern Townships, there were more middle-class white kids (including me), and then there were the Black kids who made up perhaps a quarter of the student body.

As the years went by, it got worse. A lot of anglos fled Montreal after the election of the Parti Québécois in 1976 and many of the richer families who stayed sent their kids to Westmount’s fancy private schools. Westmount High started accepting students from a wider catchment area, including more of those poor neighbourhoods down the hill.

By the time Kamala Harris arrived in the late ’70s there were fewer students from comfortable backgrounds and many more from places like Little Burgundy and Verdun. Those areas hadn’t yet been gentrified; there was a lot of slum housing and the poverty was acute.

A person who attended Westmount High at the same time as Harris wrote a blog post about this in 2020 when she became VP and had this to say: “There was de facto segregation between the Black and white student body. Two universes that existed independently of one another, never interacting.” The segregation, the former student went on, was most noticeable after March break, when the kids from upper Westmount came back from ski holidays while the kids from below the hill “did not even own a pair of winter boots.”

This is the environment that teenage Kamala Harris had to navigate. She was a mixed-race kid who lived in Westmount with her mother, but not in one of those mansions. They rented part of a house in lower Westmount, which is perfectly nice but not especially luxurious. More to the point, she clearly identified with the Black students. The person she’s named as her best friend at the time, Wanda Kagan, is Black."

She was renting part of a house in a middle-class neighborhood and going to a public high school that had far more poor kids than affluent kids. And it wasn't like she was identifying with the affluent kids. When her Black best friend started getting abused by her father, Kamala invited her into her own home and they lived together in the same room for the next year. No "affluent" person has to share a bedroom with another 18yo they aren't even related to.


May 1, 2012

Notice how Obama is in the wrong as evidenced by all of the outrage by Democratic loyalist like Wendell pierce, yet he won’t come out and say “I apologize for my remarks to black men, black men have been the most loyal Democratic voter base and should be appreciated for their loyal support despite the perpetual neglect and passive aggressive comments like “you ain’t black”

Instead of publicly addressing the criticism, he’d rather make the call behind the scenes to Wendell pierce and have him retract his (factual) criticism of Obama’s comments. Yet another example of Obama being a coward. :scust:
Obama's ego is out of control. He's the reason Trump ran in the first place. And to combat Trumpism he gave us Hillary, Biden and now Kamala?
I remember idiots on here claiming Obama was playing chess with everyone.
You don't hear a peep about that shyt now.

Obama says he's not responsible for Trump's rise to power​
