When she was tying herself upI actually felt like this the last time I watched it. When he chokes and slams her against the wall at the very end, she wouldaright then and there
"I killed for you"

When she was tying herself upI actually felt like this the last time I watched it. When he chokes and slams her against the wall at the very end, she wouldaright then and there
"I killed for you"
Women are some of the worst people on earth, this movies lead female character reminds me of a woman that I had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with. I couldn't make this up.
They'll do nothing to you physically but psychologically they will kill you.
Her getting juxed by those bumpkins ruined the flick for me. It seemed very out of place for someone who was so meticulous in her planning. I would have loved to see her either get away fully (even after deciding not to kill herself) or go through with her OG plan and "win" in that manner.
she grew up wealthy and went to good schools, she wasn't street smart at allHer getting juxed by those bumpkins ruined the flick for me. It seemed very out of place for someone who was so meticulous in her planning. I would have loved to see her either get away fully (even after deciding not to kill herself) or go through with her OG plan and "win" in that manner.
What do "street smarts" have to do with keeping all your money on your person? Or cozying up with people when you should be keeping a low profile? Or going through the trouble of having a fake name only to not answer to it when called? She got juxed because she got complacent. I don't believe that to be consistent with the character they showed me previously. Nothing at all to do with "street smarts". People from all walks of like get caught slipping. It seems like a betrayal of the character and inconsistent to make her fall off her game that badly.she grew up wealthy and went to good schools, she wasn't street smart at all
okWhat do "street smarts" have to do with keeping all your money on your person? Or cozying up with people when you should be keeping a low profile? Or going through the trouble of having a fake name only to not answer to it when called? She got juxed because she got complacent. I don't believe that to be consistent with the character they showed me previously. Nothing at all to do with "street smarts". People from all walks of like get caught slipping. It seems like a betrayal of the character and inconsistent to make her fall off her game that badly.
Just saw the movie yesterday with the fam. It was cool. I liked it enough. I saw the twist coming very early in the movie tho. 8/10 movie imo.
Ehhh...to an extent, can you blame them tho? Not like most women have much chance of fighting a man physically, so that's the only way they could go at us. I'm sure they'd love to be able to take us on physically, but like 98% of them are simply not on that level naturally and could barely get there by damn near any other means, lol.