Like all good things. They must come to an end. . Me and Hump went to great pains to keep our ll operation a secret. We knew the risks we were going thru for some extra cash. Selling drugs on a Military Warship. . .That is

But we were confident we would be ok. . . The other wild cats who were selling green were trying to keep it under wraps also. . But it soon spread like wildfire all over the ship that if you asked the right question to the right person . . . then left a 20 under your pillow. When you came back later there may be a dub sack under your pillow waiting on you. .
Now. . We told the dudes. Instruct them dudes who buy to NEVER smoke on the ship. Everything is connected and that smell was LOUD. They could think they are in a out of the way room. . .but all it takes is for some cac fakkit to catch a whiff and tell someone and they are bringing drug dogs on board. You dont want that problem.
So the deal was. . Dudes would buy it. . Then smoke it when they were off the ship in port somewhere. From there the risk was on them if they got busted smoking in public. And there are no ties to the ship. .
Of course when your dealing with weed some idiots caused some big problems. .
Two young dudes new to the ship went ashore. I forget where we were. They had bought some green. They got BLAZED.
Then came back aboard. They went to the fantail and were just chilling and talking while highed up. It was like 2 in the morning and they had the fantail to themselves. . Or so they thought.

They were going on and on about how potent the green was. How high they were. .HOW COOL IT WAS TO BUY IT ON THE SHIP!!
Lil did they know. The Master Chief ( the highest enlisted rank you can attain ) was standing behind them and heard all of it.
He never said nothing. He waited until they were sleep. . .Then they snatched them both out of their racks and first made them take a piss test. They want that concentrated THC Piss.
Then he interrogated both of them. Eventually one of the dudes told where they got the loud from. From there the Master Chief and his flunkies woke up the weed crew. Made them take piss tests and started interrogating them! This all happened from 3am to 6am.
The whole ship is sleep. Nobody knows. Why should I be worried tho right? I was not selling weed. . We are good. . . .Right?