Picture your boy hitting that thing head on.

I hit the glass ( it did not break ) and then slid down in a heap. . I am scrambling to my feet groggy as fukk when I am suddenly grabbed by two security guys and hoisted in the air!
Then scoop slammed on my stomach. .

Arms were zip tied behind me!
They are yelling at me in Finnish and I have the wind knocked out of me. I cant even breathe. . .
Then I hear the voice of a angel. ANNA! She saw the commotion and my milk of magnesia came to my rescue.
She starts telling them in Finnish and English that I am a US Sailor and I am trying to get to my ship. They ask me which ship. . I tell them the Spruance!! Has the Spruance left yet???? !!!!
I tell them which berthing port we are at. . They look at my ID FOREVER!

Then finally say lets go. . They untie me and we get on a golf cart and are hurtling across the port. . I am finally starting to feel a lil better.
I was still going to be in trouble. But I am sure the ship is not leaving exactly on time. I would be ok. .
Pull around a corner. . . . . I see our berthing spot. Ship is ghost.