I was hoping this whole thing would blow over.

I should have known better than that. Me and the homies were being very quiet. But the whispers kept hanging around.
Soon we were all called to see the Chief Master At Arms. And they took turns interrogating us. When it was my turn. .
They asked me some very specific questions about what me and the new kid talked about. If I knew what was going down. Why I happened to be right there when it all went down. . etc. . .
Then they told me that the other dudes already flipped and so did the kid in jail. And that

The whole time I was respectful and not defiant. Kept a

smile on my face and denied denied denied. It all seemed very First 48ish.
The dude getting my story got aggy as hell!

Told me he remembered me fukking up his hallways with hydraulic fluid. I was
After it all. . They could not prove we had anything to do with it. The kid in jail never told!! I was amazed.
New Kid snitched . . If so Id be doing a 100 years.
Story on the New Kid:
He did his 30 in Turkish jail. fukked up his Naval Career tho.

The ship had to leave him. . After his 30 he had to wait for the next ship to come which was 3 days after he got let go. The ship left him cash to get a hotel until then. Then he had to report to the ship that was pulling in.
He said while he was there for 3 days by himself he fukked all three of the hookers multiple times. He had 6 Zippo lighters on him.

When the new ship came in and he reported he was thrown in the brig on the ship asap.
Had to stay in the brig on that ship for 30 more days until that ship and ours happened to be in the same port. They then transferred him over to us. When he got with us he was promptly put in the brig AGAIN until he was sent to Captains Mast. They busted him down in rank. He lost his Clearance status. Now he was a lowly seamen deckhand. He lost half his pay for two months and could not leave the ship for three months.
He never told! So we always made sure to take care of the kid when we could. Kept him fed with food and porn while he was locked down. When he was finally able to leave the ship we made sure to get him some puss. Stupid kid fell n love and wifed the ho tho. She had three kids and was 29. He was 21.