General Mills
More often than not I tend to take that L.
We get back to the ship and start thinking. . Who can we get for this caper?
We eliminate the lames, the snitches, and the goody two shoes.
We settle on this one light skinned cat. He was fresh from bootcamp. Had only been on the ship for a month. He always was bragging about he was was a running champ at some podunk town in Illinois. We approached him and said we needed a sitdown with him.
We were already infamous on the ship for having the insight to buy then resell all those zippos. We shelled out alot of cash for that and got it back twice as much. Cats were mad
and impressed. 
So he knew about us and wanted in.
We told him the plan. And asked him if he felt he had the speed for this caper. I remember he looked at me
Told me he will meet us in the Engine room with a bag full of money. Lets all eat.
We dapped him and said thats whats up!!

We settle on this one light skinned cat. He was fresh from bootcamp. Had only been on the ship for a month. He always was bragging about he was was a running champ at some podunk town in Illinois. We approached him and said we needed a sitdown with him.

We were already infamous on the ship for having the insight to buy then resell all those zippos. We shelled out alot of cash for that and got it back twice as much. Cats were mad

So he knew about us and wanted in.

We dapped him and said thats whats up!!