The General Mills Chronicles.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
We get back to the ship and start thinking. . Who can we get for this caper?:takedat: We eliminate the lames, the snitches, and the goody two shoes.

We settle on this one light skinned cat. He was fresh from bootcamp. Had only been on the ship for a month. He always was bragging about he was was a running champ at some podunk town in Illinois. We approached him and said we needed a sitdown with him.


We were already infamous on the ship for having the insight to buy then resell all those zippos. We shelled out alot of cash for that and got it back twice as much. Cats were mad:damn: and impressed. :mjpls:

So he knew about us and wanted in. :obama: We told him the plan. And asked him if he felt he had the speed for this caper. I remember he looked at me :leostare: Told me he will meet us in the Engine room with a bag full of money. Lets all eat.

We dapped him and said thats whats up!!

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
The next day we are ready. :smugfavre: Me and my three homies are all posted up on the bench across the street. Perfect view of the upcoming theft. New kid was next to us stretching and shyt.


He had some Air Pegasus and a headband. Dude was ready. . . . Then the perfect time came! Two sailers and a local came at the same time. Chicks put the bag on the can and went into the bushes. .

The bag was


New Kid takes off at a brisk jog. Scoops the bag up in a smooth as motion like he was running a relay!! It was beautiful! :ahh: He HAD SOME JETS!! :gladbron: He turned on the gas and was ghost!

We all stand up like we were cheering at a football game!! Those cheers turned into:mindblown: soon enough.

There was three guys on a bench way across the way. I had seen them before but they were always chilling. Reading a paper or drinking bitter Turkish coffee. As soon as homie grabbed the bag they all jumped up and gave chase.. One of the dudes blocked homies escape to the ship. The other two almost caught him!!!

He did have some jets tho. But the three dudes were closing the circle on him. They seemed to know at all costs they had to prevent him from getting to the ship. .

We all jump up to assist when a police car pulls up!! My homie :cape: to the cop car! With the goons in hot pursuit! He tells the cops these guys have been chasing him!!

Cops slap them bracelets on him without warning.


Then hand the bag of money to the goons!! :dwillhuh:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Well. What we did not know was that prostitution was legal right there. The pimps told the cops he stole their money. They put my homie in the back of the car quick as a hiccup.

Me and my homies are


What tha fukk do we do now! We are standing there in shock! All I kept thinking of was them Turkish dudes flippin lil homie and we were all going down. :sadcam: We walk back to the ship defeated.

Soon people start talking about it on the ship. They kinda connect the dots that we were somehow involved cause he was seen with us the day before and the day of the theft/jailing. But they had no proof. My Chief stepped to me.

Chief - :birdman: What is this I hear about you masterminding a plan that got a sailor arrested in a foreign country?

Me - ( :childplease: I dont know what you are talking about.

Chief - So help me god. You better not have anything to do with this. :beli:

Me - I dont know Chief. I dont know what happened. :ld:

Soon our Captain got involved. You see. . This kid was now in Turkish jail. There the captive's parents or family or friends have to provide food for the prisoner. So the ship had to provide that. PLUS. We found out he got sentenced to 30 days in JAIL!!

We were leaving in THREE!! :wow: The Captain went to the jail to talk to the officials there. From what we heard from the Scuttlebutt was that they respected my captain. . But my homie :ufdup: And he had to pay the price. :sitdown: