She gets in and is looking at the window like she is from Law n Order. It looks like it was busted from the inside?
I say nothing.
Then she starts babbling about how I am such a nice guy etc. . . blah blah blah. I was tuning her out at this point and regretting even giving her the ride. I was getting more angry by the minute that I had to listen to this.
We are on a lil back road when I see up ahead a big ass deer in the road far ahead.
I am already going slow cause of the snow. . Like 20 miles a hour. So I slow down to 15 and creep slower and I see the deer looking at me like
So I slow to 10 and the deer is looking at me with disdain.

Like he was mad I was on his road?

He takes a step forward..
At this point the chick stops babbling and is looking at the deer too. The deer then for whatever reason decides to run AT US!

This deer hits my whip!! He crumples the fukk out of my hood. . rolls up to the windshield then flops off on the ground. .

Scrambles to its feet. Looks at me one more time.
Then just bounds away into the woods. . . .