General Mills
More often than not I tend to take that L.
This one is: The IceHouse Simpleton
Ok brehs. . Picture it. I just got out of the Navy. Move back to Piffsburgh and was staying with my parents until I got my own place. Started a good job at Sony and everything was
I joined the Navy when I was 20. So when I came back home I knew the city but did not really know the good clubs and bars. So my cousin put me on and she showed me some spots. One of the spots was this lil cool bar. ( It was down the street from the bar where I danced with the midget )
The bar was average at best but there was a cool mix of people there and since leaving the Service I was a shark.
And the women were easy pickings.
After going there a few times I met some kindred spirits. Two dudes who were sharks like me. They hung tough.
One dude looked like Big from Rob and Big.
His partner in crime looked like MC Eiht.
He always kept a hat on and had his lil straggly braids sticking out. After seeing them a few times it became apparent that these dudes were knocking down different ho's all the time from there. I was not doing bad myself
so out of mutual respect I teamed up with them.
And it was beautiful!
Despite being average looking dudes no homo their gift of gab with the ho's was legendary.
I learned alot from those dudes. They were not tricking on these ho's either. Minimal spending. Maybe a few beers or breakfast after smashing. That was it. 
Well. Like I said I learned alot from those dudes and I think I passed the pimping course they set up for me. But like I normally do I failed a class or two along the way. . .
Ok brehs. . Picture it. I just got out of the Navy. Move back to Piffsburgh and was staying with my parents until I got my own place. Started a good job at Sony and everything was

I joined the Navy when I was 20. So when I came back home I knew the city but did not really know the good clubs and bars. So my cousin put me on and she showed me some spots. One of the spots was this lil cool bar. ( It was down the street from the bar where I danced with the midget )
The bar was average at best but there was a cool mix of people there and since leaving the Service I was a shark.

One dude looked like Big from Rob and Big.

His partner in crime looked like MC Eiht.

He always kept a hat on and had his lil straggly braids sticking out. After seeing them a few times it became apparent that these dudes were knocking down different ho's all the time from there. I was not doing bad myself

And it was beautiful!

Well. Like I said I learned alot from those dudes and I think I passed the pimping course they set up for me. But like I normally do I failed a class or two along the way. . .