The General Mills Chronicles.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
LMAO damn general you got shot! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
LMAO at the KID STILL being on the train in Ohio! I rode from Ohio to Pittsburg once it's a pretty long journey iirc

Imagine this. You are about 10-11. You see a old man pointing a shotgun at you.


Unless you grew up in a war zone or Chicago. . You are not prepared for this. . Then when I got shot :dwillhuh: Every movie I saw where somebody got shot is running through my mind. I thought about Ricky from Boys in the Hood. :to: I thought best case scenario was that I was going to lose the leg. I already lost the Goose. . So with no leg I def would not be able to ride.

And this stupid KID! His parents forbid him to talk to me again. :manny: Plus I was on punishment the whole summer so I did not see him again until school started.

I asked him what happened. . He said he was scared to jump off cause it was so high. .:rudy: Then when the train picked up he knew he could not jump off. So I asked him if the train ever slowed down .. He said yeah it eventually did. But he was to scared to get off. He had no idea where he was and soon it was dark and he def was not getting off.

I was :snoop:


May 1, 2012
Im still holding out hope when we get there that maybe its only in one part of the club. Nope. :to: We walk in brehs and there on stage is some of the most cock diesel black dudes gyrating on stage with what appears to be socks on their dongs dancing around. :leon:

The place was FULL of women. . But we might as well as been invisble. :beli: Even Pretty Boy. . He was not getting a second glance. I look at homie.

Me - :yeshrug: I do not see the plan breh. . I am lost.

Homie - :win: You have no faith.

Me - For real breh. I am getting pissed. :scusthov:

Homie - Look. :myman: Sure its a Male Revue. .But what men dont realize is that after 12 the show is over and the place stays open as a regular club. About half of the women leave after the show. . But the other half stay. .

And the beauty is. . . That no regular dudes know this. It will be just me and you and a half a club of horny drunk women. We will be swimming in puss. :win:

Me - You are beautiful and a genius. :ohhh:

Sure enough . . At midnight. The show wraps up. And woman are literally fighting to talk to us! :skip:
Breh, when I was stationed at Andrews there was club outside the base called The Classic that used to do this. We were there almost every Tuesday for this shyt.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
@ general, ur pops should have beat the shyt outta the grown ass man who is shooting 10 year olds with a shotgun.

I never knew exactly what happened later with my dad and the caretaker.

I DO know this. My dad did a overnighter in jail like a month later. :ld: I remember asking my mom about it and she told its none of my business. I never asked my dad cause I was tired of getting beat. :why:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
I never knew exactly what happened later with my dad and the caretaker.

I DO know this. My dad did a overnighter in jail like a month later. :ld: I remember asking my mom about it and she told its none of my business. I never asked my dad cause I was tired of getting beat. :why:

Man if pops only had to take an overnighter for putting the fops on the cat that shot his son, then that's just the cost of doing business. Ur pops probably whooped dudes ass then took the goose back and sold it.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Here is one from my childhood again. This one is the Church Retreat Piss Pot

I had to be around 11 or 12. Me and my brother were going to this youth Church Retreat that one of our white buddies invited us too. It was like 3 days in the mountains in the winter. They had this big huge cabin. . .Also barracks with bunk beds. . etc..

Also they had a huge hill which we rode innertubes down on the snow. :smugfavre: Well. . We get there and its hella fun. Doing stupid shyt. . Well this one cac kid was older than the rest of us. He was about 15 or so. . So he was always popping off starting shyt and bullying everyone. He was def on his Scut Farkus shyt.

At first he ignored me . . but he tried my lil bro so I could not stand for that. .:shaq2: My brother was walking in front of him so he pushed my brother into a snow bank. Perfect shot. Caught my brother walking down a lil hill. He just shoved him in the back and all you saw was my brothers feet sticking out of the snow.


I clicked....:wtb: All the other kids were laughing. . I was behind Scut. . So I went to jump on his back and hopefully my momentum would take him into snow bank too. Well while I was in mid-air he already had me. .

He turned around and perfectly hip tossed me into the snow also.

He looked at me like :childplease: Right before the counselors got there he said " Try it again and I will piss in your mouth "

He said that shyt cold as hell with a sneer on his face. I start popping off yelling at him. " fukk you fakkit! " :pacspit:

Right as the church counselor walks up. :snoop: I get in some trouble for that. . lol. So I tell my brother if you have any issues from this dude let me know. Cause I already owe him one and I am coming for him. The cac was older and bigger than me but I was kinda heated.

I thought I would have the last laugh. Sadly I was mistaken. :to:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
After getting Juventud Guerrera'd into a snow bank. . And getting reprimanded by a counselor for cussing. . I was kind of mad. I did not have a plan yet for Scut but I was sure I would come up with something. :youngsabo:

Next up was the inner tube sledding. They had this giant hill and we would all trudge up with our inner tubes and slide down.
Well. . after going down a couple of times I had a idea to increase my speed. .:takedat: After getting to the bottom I grabbed my tube and ran with it to the barracks. Once there I went ahead and slapped vaseline all over my tube. Then hit the slopes. :lolbron:

I was FLOATING down the hill now. Nobody knew my secret. I would give cats a huge head start then swag slide right past em. :smugfavre: shyt was awesome. . And then something hilarious happened. .

Scut had seen my fun and decided I guess that he had enough. I had just got to the top of the hill and was tired but looking forward to another exhilarating ride down. . When he popped up from behind a tree


tripped me and I fell on my face. . Grabbed my tube and was GONE! :whoo: At first I was mad as fukk. . . But then I noticed he was out of control. In his haste to get away he took a running start and jumped on the tube. . He was going way way to fast and soon he was drifting off course. .


He went off the path we were all riding and was soon near a bunch of trees. The tube was spinning like crazy and he probably should have jumped off. The tube spun again and he was going backwards when he hit a tree full force! He flopped off and it looked like he got shot.

Im at the top of the hill. :umad:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I was def feeling myself now. Scut had been terrorizing pretty much all the kids there. He was the biggest and oldest so he was putting in work. :deadhorse:

This was the first time someone got the best of him. . Even if it was accidental. So all the kids were looking to me as a savior. Ol Scut was laid out on the snow bank. :dead: It was a beautiful sight.

Later in the main hall he cornered me and said

Scut - You have no idea who you are messing with. :childplease:

Me - How does your back feel tho? Have a nice ride? :lolbron:

Scut - Watch your back lil boy. I never lose. :upsetfavre:

After he said that he tried to grab me and throw me. . :shaq2: I saw him coming this time and blocked the takedown. He glared at me and walked off.

I had the bully bested. . But of course I kept pushing my luck and it backfired on me. :noah: Scut's back was f'd up from the inner tube ride. He was walking gingerly as heck . . After dinner and mini church service we stayed up telling scary stories in the main hall. We had the fire going and all it was kinda creepy.

The last story was a about a ghost train that would take you if you died in your sleep. Supposedly in your dreams you would hear a train whistle and then it would show up and take you.

Well after the stories we all went back to the barracks. . Scut was still hurting :noah: He climbed into his top rack and went right to sleep. Once I saw that. . A plan hatched. :mjpls:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Here was the final plan. .

1. I knew that one of the counselors had a small air horn. . It was in his bag. . Had one of the lil homies sneak it out. :obama:

2. I grabbed a flashlight and a pillow. .

3. We all snuck around Scut's bed. . I then had my brother yell right in his ear. . :damn:THE TRAIN IS COMING! As he is yelling in the other ear a kid BLASTS THE AIR HORN!

4. At that point I am on his bed at the foot. I shine the flashlight right in his eyes. . So when he opens them he is blinded by the light from the supposed train.

5. Then he gets SMASHED in the face with a pillow from my brother.:gladbron:

6. All of this together is supposed to make it seem like he is getting hit by a train.

The plan was magnifico! Except. . my plans normally go awry. :sadcam: I was a the foot of his bed. He was on the top bunkbed. The plan went off perfect. . My brother yelled in his ear. Other kid hit the air horn. . As his eyes flipped open I had that light beaming right into his brain..

My brother then crashed the pillow onto his dome. . . SCUT FREAKED THE fukk OUT. :wtf: He started hollering super loud and started kicking the covers off!

As he was kicking them off he was half crying half yelling while he was trying to scramble away. . . The covers come off and he is naked below the waist! :skip:

I was :ooh: Cause I knew those jokes were going to come out. . . But as I went :ooh: I did not realize that this joke scared the piss out of him. Literally. :why: He starts spraying piss as he is trying to get out of his bed. . .

Full stream right in my open mouth brehs. . :to: