The General Mills Chronicles.


All Star
May 16, 2012

General with the


General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Why didn't you chill at the shopping center instead?

Two reasons. .

1. I had a fatass Myra lookalike waiting on me and I wanted to get to her house as quick as possible.


2. I am crazy. :snoop:

One thing I finally realized about myself. When I am under pressure I make the most boneheaded decisions. :mindblown: Its like my brain goes into overdrive and I put all my effort and energy into making a simple situation turn into fukkery that could have all been avoided.

I notice that cop car sitting under a tree at the far end of the parking lot and I am :ohmy: Then I smell two smells. . ...One is the distinct smell of some high grade green. Someone nearby is chiefing. :smoker: The second smell is that sharp smell of crack being smoked. . .:wtf:

I now start to look at my surroundings. . .It looked like a scene from the Walking Dead. . There were crackheads everywhere. . . .:wtf: Walking around. . Some were obviously tweaking. One cac was on the ground picking thru pebbles. :scusthov: The room I am sitting in front of. . that door opens. .

I swear brehs. . I turned around and all I saw was smoke. . The whole doorway was filled up with weed smoke and all I saw was the red end of a lit leaf blunt blazing.


He speaks. . Whatchu need? Green or Crack? :myman:


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
One thing I finally realized about myself. When I am under pressure I make the most boneheaded decisions. :mindblown: Its like my brain goes into overdrive and I put all my effort and energy into making a simple situation turn into fukkery that could have all been avoided.

*remembers limo ride with the Admiral*


General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I am :whoa:

Me - Nah homie i'm good.

Chief Keef - ( he thinks I am turning down just the crack. ) Oh ok big dawggg. Well I got green on deck. Got that mid. And I got some dro and some kush from Cali.

Me - Nah I mean I dont need ANYTHING! ( I have to yell cause he has the stereo in his room up loud as fukk. This whole time I am trying to sneak look at the cop car. )

Chief Keef - He gets mad. . HEY if you aint buying you gots to bounce big dawggg. ( He starts getting hype ) I dont like you sitting in front of my room.

I immediately back up. :whoa: I dont want no beef with him. And I dont want to give that cop any reason to come over here. I have to get the fukk out of here! It is WAY to hot! But I am scared to just hop in the whip right now with that cop sittin there. fukk! :facepalm:

What can I do? I decide I need to waste a little bit of time before just driving away. I decide to take a walk to the front office. Maybe pretend that I am going to buy a room then walk back to my car and leave. As I am walking I get approached by a crackhead. :wtf: He asks if I can sell him a dime. I tell him nah I dont have anything. . Keep walking. Two more crackheads pop up out of the fukking shadows and ask me for a nickel. I tell them the same. Almost to the office and a crack ho is chilling in the cut. She tried to grab my dikk. :weirdo: I :mj: spun away from her like I hit the circle button on Madden.

Get to the office breathing heavy! I walk in and look out the window. . The cop car is gone!!:whew: I hear the door chime behind me and I turn around. . Its a cop looking at me like :leostare:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA

Cop - Hey buddy. . You got some id? :ufdup:

Me - uh. . .yes sir. . . . ( starts fumbling for my wallet )

Cop -
What you got on you? eh?? You are making me nervous. . Turn around and place your hands on your head.

Me - :sadbron: yes sirrrr.

He cuffs me and then turns me around. . You are in a well known drug area. Who are you again? He takes my wallet and starts looking around. . . My ID is not in there. . . :mindblown:

He is :thumbsdown: Then he tells me what HE thinks I am doing here. He thinks I am supplying the drug dealer in the room I was at. He thinks I was either his connect or I am running drugs to him. He said that he also saw crackheads approach me but I probably turned them down cause I saw him sitting in the cut.

I told him no no no! :what: I just pulled in here by accident and . . .got out the car. . . to rest. . for a second before going back down the. . road. .

fukk. .. . I sounded guilty as hell to my own cotdam self. :shaq2: So this is real bad. . . And where the fukk was my ID?????? I started to backtrack in my mind. . Then it hit me like a bag of bricks. . When I got my id back from the liquor store clerk I was in a rush so I put it in the bag with the liquor. I gave the cac Josh Hartnett the BAG! I took my bottle out. . . . :snoop:

Meanwhile the cop has already patted me down. And he is looking at me like :win:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
In the meanwhile. . . . He has been on the radio. . Two other cop cars pull in. :dwillhuh: Cop has taken me outside and placed me in the back of his car. :snoop:

4 cops line up outside Sosa's door. The resident crackheads had already evacuated the area. They all :cape: A cop knocks on the door and Chief Keef opens the door counting cheese and smoking loud.


Cops pounce on his ignorant ass. Keef was so high he is smiling the whole time and somehow manages to still have the blunt between his lips while they are cuffing him on the ground. :salute:

They run up in his room and he has all kinds of shyt in there. Weed, crack, money. A nine. . . Sosa was bout that life. :wow: For the moment I am on the back burner. . They finally get back to me once they have Sosa all ready to go. . . I had requested a supervisor cause they were trying to lump me in with all this bullshyt!! :why:

Ended up.. .. After talking with the supervisor . . .I was not going to get booked on any drug charges. . They were taking me to jail to confirm my identity. . . . So I had to go downtown. . Get processed. . . I got out in about 8 hours. . . . ..And got a ticket for driving without a license. :skip:

It seems my whole reason for even being at the hotel was nothing but my fault. I assumed there was some big city wide apb out on me for dipping on that cop. There was not. . Nobody was looking for me at all. . I felt like such a fool. smh

Instead of a night in

I was in
