Ok that was dumb. Why even end the episode like that. We know he's coming back the first episode of season 4. What's the point of all of this.
I guess to show Barry being accountable for his actions . Maybe the Speedforce will let him out of prison early on good behavior .
I'm glad the writers said next season won't have a speedster villain and hopefully they tone down on the time travel fukkery. This was definitely the weakest season so far.
On the positive side, it was good to see Barry embrace who he is, even if it didn't work with Savitar. The show still does emotions really well and I felt more for the characters fates than say the Supergirl finale on Monday.
Nice to see Iris bust her gun like her dad
Cisco not taking Julian's cure, means she gets to keep her powers w/out being fully evil . Could be a good look for the character.