Whew...finally calmed down a bit lol. Now that time travel is in play, I wonder just how much of a factor it will be as time progresses. Barry for certain will go back to the past to save his mom but...I'm pretty sure that he'll probably go the future to depending upon the consequences with him doing that. I'm wondering just how much can he affect the time continuum with him traveling back and forth between the past and the future. This is about to get really crazy.
What would be even more scarier is that if this spills on over to Arrow, which won't happen but man if did, all kinds of fcukery would be in play. Wow...so many angles can be used here, it's ridiculous. I wonder if the future Barry would come to the present Barry to warn him of the....nevermind, I don't even want to think about that now, lol!
This show is amazing!