I'm sorry the movie was trash. The CGI was CW The Flash bad and at least CW had a valid excuse of not ever having a budget. There's no excuse for a 300M budget film to have this embarrassingly horrible CGI. And speaking of the CW, when they did the Crisis of Infinite Earths, all of those cameo appearances to include the Ezra Miller cameo with done right, this felt rag-tagged in and mostly pointless. And you can tell this went through so many different screenwriters, editors, and directors' hands. The story narratively was all over the place. That's the biggest thing I cannot understand, you have a solid BLUEPRINT laid out for you from both the source material and animated Flashpoint movie. Even the CW's The Flash did flashpoint a big better than this. Zod was a COMPLETE WASTE. I get what the actor was talking about when he said his role was more or less mid. Most of the jokes were forced and ham-fisted. I was more annoyed by this movie.