The End Is Near: The Leftovers season 3 thread

OJ Simpsom

Dec 6, 2013
Breh you a idiot...the show is up for interpretation... unless you actually wrote the book and or show script sit yo dumb angry ass down somewhere and stop giving your opinion as fact...
Same can be said with the BS you're posting. :camby:
:umad:My opinion makes more sense. Nora made that shyt up just like half the other characters on the show were making shyt up in order to move on. It's not my fault that you missed the point of the show.

:russ:The creator said numerous times that we would never find out where the departed went and you still believe Nora's bs story that has no logic whatsoever.


Jul 24, 2013
Not quite they gave hints and clues that they were not quite the happy family they pretended to be from day one. Evie was able to do what her mother wasnt...leave and disappear without a care....thats what the bridge scene was all about...That storyline was not that big of a mystery imo.

I want to know about his dog killing friend..all the visions him and his father had...and how a pregnant woman woke up pregnant with chiild...they kept it with a biblical undertone the whole show...just to chalk it up to some wierd science shyt

What you said sounds reasonable but with everything going on in the family regarding the mystery of what happened with Virgil and John, or the issues that John and his wife were having made it seem like their was more skeletons in the closet of that family that could have been explored.


All Star
May 6, 2012
Not quite they gave hints and clues that they were not quite the happy family they pretended to be from day one. Evie was able to do what her mother wasnt...leave and disappear without a care....thats what the bridge scene was all about...That storyline was not that big of a mystery imo.

I want to know about his dog killing friend..all the visions him and his father had...and how a pregnant woman woke up pregnant with chiild...they kept it with a biblical undertone the whole show...just to chalk it up to some wierd science shyt
Also, evie and those other girls didn't like how the town was all happy go lucky and calling itself miracle. They were rebelling teenagers. Not that much different from running away

I agree Evie was essentially written out of the show due to time constraints, but I don't think there were any unanswered questions

Professor K.

rap game Paul Millsap
Sep 5, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I remember they made it seem like he may touched Michael but then Michael still continued to have a relationship. This season reminds me of the last season of Boardwalk Empire where they decided they were wrapping things up and tried to rush so many things. Problem was in the case of this show, the cast and world felt so much bigger. I'm not even as mad about the lack of elaboration on the nature of the universe that they live in as I am about the personal relationships with other characters that they didn't explore.
That's a possibility as well, though it seemed like John had the biggest problem with him. If he had touched Michael, I think his mom would be just as upset but she wasn't.

And you're right, but there's only so much they can do with an 8 episode final season. There wasn't a single episode that could've been done without in the main plotline and it only makes sense to devote the little time they had for subplots on the characters closest to the main story. This show could've spent another year in Jarden, half a season on the Book of Kevin, another half on Nora's trip to the other side, and a whole season on the flood storyline. At the end of the day, the writers did what they could with what they were given. Don't blame them, blame the feeble ADHD ass minds of society for not giving this show the attention it deserved and HBO for having expectations higher than they probably should've been for a niche show like this.


Jun 26, 2014
I don't think she was lying. I'd be lying if I'd said I fully believed her though. Felt as skeptical as Nora did when Kevin was explaining his crazy ass back in S2.


Feb 2, 2016
Same can be said with the BS you're posting. :camby:
:umad:My opinion makes more sense. Nora made that shyt up just like half the other characters on the show were making shyt up in order to move on. It's not my fault that you missed the point of the show.

:russ:The creator said numerous times that we would never find out where the departed went and you still believe Nora's bs story that has no logic whatsoever.

Yet the creator wrote the would seem you a fan probably needs to stop assuming you know with surity about anything...if thats what you think cool...but to go at it aggressively arguing as if your talking about a real life situation and not a fictional tv show..makes you seem bat shyt crazy...take it down a notch nikka

OJ Simpsom

Dec 6, 2013
Yet the creator wrote the would seem you a fan probably needs to stop assuming you know with surity about anything...if thats what you think cool...but to go at it aggressively arguing as if your talking about a real life situation and not a fictional tv show..makes you seem bat shyt crazy...take it down a notch nikka
Actually I'm not assuming. Did you read the creators interview I posted a few pages back that got released after the finale? It clearly explains everything and confirms AGAIN that the show was NEVER going to answer the question of where the departed went and also hints that Nora was lying, but he will let people believe what they want, which was THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE SHOW. People will believe what they want if it brings them comfort.

Damon Lindelof on Balancing Mystery and Closure in 'The Leftovers' Finale

we landed on the idea of this season, if not the series, being about people telling stories. And, more important, people telling stories that would either give themselves a degree of comfort or that they believed would give comfort to others. That tradition goes all the way back to season one with Matt at the pulpit, and in season two, with Tom [Chris Zylka] speaking in front of the ex-guilty members like AA meetings, saying that he can give magic hugs. So, there’s always been a tradition on the show of characters delivering monologues that are fantastical or believable or unbelievable stories, with themselves at the center of those stories. They’re told in the first person, and it was sort of like, “Oh, yeah, how could we not end the series with Carrie c00n doing that?"

That’s why the answer to the question, “Why didn’t we show Nora’s journey?” is that because if we showed it, it would be undeniable that it were true... For a show that’s based around the idea of belief and the idea that belief can actually bring a tremendous amount of emotional healing and the lack of belief can bring a lot of emotional pain, what is true and what is authentic and what matters —those are all themes and ideas that were in Tom’s book that we tried to bring to the series. I feel like Nora’s story is the culmination of all those ideas.

Do you believe Nora?

Well, I want to believe her. Let me just put it to you that way. I want to believe her.
That’s the most honest answer I can give you.

Were the show's writers divided on how they felt about Nora's story?

Yeah, I mean, we’re still discussing it. From when we first talked about it at the beginning of the season to when we talked about it again when we were actually writing the finale to the script of the finale being written and then sitting in the editing room. Once I had a cut that I wanted all the writers to see, they came in and all I’ll say is that people changed their minds once they saw Carrie do it. Both ways. And I would ask you another question. Let’s say that I said one thing like, "I don’t believe Nora’s story," and Carrie c00n says, “I one-thousand percent believe Nora’s story.” Then which is true? Whose intention wins? And what about what [director] Mimi Leder thinks? The reality is that Carrie and Mimi and I never had the conversation that you and I are having now, quite purposefully. We wanted to let Carrie make the choice that felt right to her. I saw her last night and we still haven’t talked about. I haven’t said to her, “Carrie, do you think it’s true?” I don’t want to know what her answer to that question is. You can ask her. But I don’t know. She still hasn’t seen it, by the way.

:camby:Now stop quoting me since you been proven to be a dumb ass.
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Feb 2, 2016
Actually I'm not assuming. You're the one assuming and making an ass out of yourself. Did you read the creators interview I posted a few pages back that got released after the finale? It clearly explains everything and confirms AGAIN that the show was NEVER going to answer the question of where the departed went and also hints that Nora was lying, but he will let people believe what they want, which is THE POINT OF THE SHOW.

Damon Lindelof on Balancing Mystery and Closure in 'The Leftovers' Finale

:camby:Now stop quoting me since you been proven to be a dumb ass.

Dude I tried to be civil with your comicon attending ass but fukk it. You dont gotnthe answers to the question because there is no answer only your opinion amd your opinion IS NOT FACT....this is hard to comprehend because your a retarded over emotional fakkit but please let this sink in. Its not as serious as your making be honest I dont care if her character lied..I liked the imagery she painted as far as her journey....and saying she was there takes nothing away from the mystery of where anyone went or what happened...that still remindedd very much in get off your little PMS period rants and act like your some anti social weirdo who doesnt know how to interact with people anonymously


May 10, 2012
It's fitting that a show dealing with people dealing with the uncertainty of what happened with their loved ones, would end on an uncertain story from Nora. Like most have mentioned, whether she was telling the truth or not isn't the heart of the issue. The heart is that Kevin said he believed her and that Nora was there in the moment with him, the two damaged people being able to reconcile after so many lost years. If anybody would believe her it would be Kevin, not just because he loves her but because of all the crazy hotel adventures he had.

As crazy as her story sounds and the holes that could be poked in it, it's no crazier than all the stuff Kevin went through or 4% (forget exact number) of the world's population suddenly disappearing without any explanation.

One thing I do know for certain is that Carrie c00n better get that Emmy nomination this year :ufdup:. Would love to see Justin Theroux and the show get one as well, considering this will be their last time and it may be the best thing on TV all year.

Her conversation with Matt before entering the machine, seeing Old Nora and Kevin dance at the wedding, and the way her eyes light up when Kevin says he believes her story and she says "You do?" :mjcry:

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Also they both lied to each other. Kevin told her he had a pacemaker to cover up his own trip to the other world. He is immortal, the guy barely aged when he appeared. His father also has something going with him. He is 91 but survived getting bit by a snake , falling off a roof and trekking thru the dessert at let's say 65?