"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
He obviously did which is why he's asking questions you cant answer :sas2:

Agreed :ehh: But thats not whats going on here

In other words, cacs dont have to prove the earth is round, but I have to prove they're wrong? Even though just going off what they present us with, they're clearly wrong? If you dont further the conversation from here, I'll kindly bow out of this thread. Its amusing to see how flat earth triggers non thinkers, but it gets kinda weird after awhile
There's a stark difference between someone who questions the status quo because they have a hunger for knowledge and someone who just says contrarian shyt because they're trying to be different.

Imagination is means to an end. When people develop their imaginative ideas into hard research and truth seeking, that is where we find enlightenment. But you're on the other end of the spectrum. You aren't going against the grain, you're going with a smaller poorly developed grain and you're a follower just like the people you attempt to separate yourself from.

I haven't thought of any good reasons for this round earth theory to have continued this long throughout the world if it isn't true. Why every single person who has had means to disprove it hasn't done so. I have listened to you flat earthers try to explain it and I'm sorry but your explanations are pure :trash: and this is coming from someone who thinks the moon landings were bogus.


Nov 21, 2013
There's a stark difference between someone who questions the status quo because they have a hunger for knowledge and someone who just says contrarian shyt because they're trying to be different.


He is challenging the status quo. He's asking for poof of the earth being round. Where is it?

Imagination is means to an end. When people develop their imaginative ideas into hard research and truth seeking, that is where we find enlightenment. But you're on the other end of the spectrum. You aren't going against the grain, you're going with a smaller poorly developed grain and you're a follower just like the people you attempt to separate yourself from.

Unlike you I think for myself. So I can step outside and see a flat/stable earth with the sun moving above it. Thats how Im going to view my reality. Just as I, MYSELF, sees it. Some cac comes and tells me, "Well yea the earth does seem to be flat and stable, and the sun appears to be the thing moving, but thats not the case". Sorry but I dont believe them until further proof (that doesnt consist of CGI photos or word of mouth accounts) is provided. You dont have that proof so you shift the burden onto me to prove my side. A burden that you dont put on the established viewpoint. Your ad hominems dont change that breh..

I haven't thought of any good reasons for this round earth theory to have continued this long throughout the world if it isn't true. Why every single person who has had means to disprove it hasn't done so. I have listened to you flat earthers try to explain it and I'm sorry but your explanations are pure :trash: and this is coming from someone who thinks the moon landings were bogus.

And with this statement you show that you're not even trying to think for yourself. Instead of thinking of the proof they've provided and examining if its proof at all, instead of examining statements they've made throughout the years and seeing if they match up consistently (they dont), you're asking "why would they lie?"

You cant think for yourself so you allow other people to think for you. While Kyrie pobably at least sparked one person out there to go examine things for themselves and to THEN come to their own conclusion. Not thinking for yourself is your lost bruh...


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles

He is challenging the status quo. He's asking for poof of the earth being round. Where is it?

Unlike you I think for myself. So I can step outside and see a flat/stable earth with the sun moving above it. Thats how Im going to view my reality. Just as I, MYSELF, sees it. Some cac comes and tells me, "Well yea the earth does seem to be flat and stable, and the sun appears to be the thing moving, but thats not the case". Sorry but I dont believe them until further proof (that doesnt consist of CGI photos or word of mouth accounts) is provided. You dont have that proof so you shift the burden onto me to prove my side. A burden that you dont put on the established viewpoint. Your ad hominems dont change that breh..

And with this statement you show that you're not even trying to think for yourself. Instead of thinking of the proof they've provided and examining if its proof at all, instead of examining statements they've made throughout the years and seeing if they match up consistently (they dont), you're asking "why would they lie?"

You cant think for yourself so you allow other people to think for you. While Kyrie pobably at least sparked one person out there to go examine things for themselves and to THEN come to their own conclusion. Not thinking for yourself is your lost bruh...
I'm way ahead of you on all of this. People like you were killing people like me for ages because you wanted to stay stupid.

The first question you should be asking is why. Why is everyone participating in a conspiracy to deprive you of knowledge? How is this conspiracy kept under the rug when so many people of so many different ideologies have the ability to out it? What is the benefit?

You are sitting here wondering if a tree falling in the forest really makes noise. Or if the lights in a room actually turn off if you simply close your eyes. Step it up breh :scusthov:


Nov 21, 2013
I'm way ahead of you on all of this. People like you were killing people like me for ages because you wanted to stay stupid.

More ad hominems because you have nothing to provide. Typical.

The first question you should be asking is why. Why is everyone participating in a conspiracy to deprive you of knowledge? How is this conspiracy kept under the rug when so many people of so many different ideologies have the ability to out it? What is the benefit?

No the first question I should be asking is, is what Im being told true or false. THAT is the first question before getting to anything else. And you obviously cant answer that question since you cant provide anything that supports the so called obvious position you hold. Well you cant provide anything that doesnt consist of fake pictures or word of mouth. And with this, the burden will be shifted to me instead of the original position having proving its own stance... I get it bruh, you have nothing. Again, typical.

You are sitting here wondering if a tree falling in the forest really makes noise. Or if the lights in a room actually turn off if you simply close your eyes. Step it up breh :scusthov:

I dont have to wonder. I step outside and experience reality just as I see it. You guys go outside and have cacs explain to you what you're experience.. Step it up brehs :scust:


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
More ad hominems because you have nothing to provide. Typical.

No the first question I should be asking is, is what Im being told true or false. THAT is the first question before getting to anything else. And you obviously cant answer that question since you cant provide anything that supports the so called obvious position you hold. Well you cant provide anything that doesnt consist of fake pictures or word of mouth. And with this, the burden will be shifted to me instead of the original position having proving its own stance... I get it bruh, you have nothing. Again, typical.

I dont have to wonder. I step outside and experience reality just as I see it. You guys go outside and have cacs explain to you what you're experience.. Step it up brehs :scust:
Stepping outside and assuming the universe is exactly as it seems to a simpleton? This is the thinking that brought about Greek mythology and every other cooky belief system that has been thrown in the bushes.

That belief system revolves around a lot of superstition and fallacious thinking. We know of the earth's movement so we know about the placement of the sun and the change in seasons. A farmer can plant some crops in one time of the year and other crops in other times of the year. Back in the day, farmers - who had no access to the wealth of knowledge you willingly reject - would waste valuable hours praying for the return of the sun, thinking the more distant sunsets meant the sun was simply drifting off to never return. It came back of course, and they felt blessed. But then it would start to drift away again at the same time each year.

At some point, you have to feel fortunate to have all of the knowledge our past generations lived without. We can rely on science instead of superstitions and funny math. All of the fukkups and false conclusions of prior civilizations don't have to be repeated.

If you were examining the flat earth theory with the same skepticism you have for reality, then I could say you are at least being thorough even though you're wasting time. But we both know you have already written it all off as garbage the government is trying to feed you.


Nov 21, 2013
Stepping outside and assuming the universe is exactly as it seems to a simpleton? This is the thinking that brought about Greek mythology and every other cooky belief system that has been thrown in the bushes.

No Greek mythology is the worship of so called black people. The same ones that the Egyptians worshiped but thats another story. :sas2:

That belief system revolves around a lot of superstition and fallacious thinking. We know of the earth's movement so we know about the placement of the sun and the change in seasons. A farmer can plant some crops in one time of the year and other crops in other times of the year. Back in the day, farmers - who had no access to the wealth of knowledge you willingly reject - would waste valuable hours praying for the return of the sun, thinking the more distant sunsets meant the sun was simply drifting off to never return. It came back of course, and they felt blessed. But then it would start to drift away again at the same time each year.

I dont care for the ramblings breh. You're acting like you hold an obviously true position yet you have nothing to show for it besides ramblings, fake pictures, and the words of other people. Nothing substantial and nothing concrete. And you try to cover that up with your ramblings. I dont care about none of that. If you have proof, then bring it to the table because thats what Kyrie (newly) said.

By the way, the average ancient was WAY more in tune with what was going on around him/her than you and I are. Stop the BS :stopitslime:

At some point, you have to feel fortunate to have all of the knowledge our past generations lived without. We can rely on science instead of superstitions and funny math. All of the fukkups and false conclusions of prior civilizations don't have to be repeated.

If you were examining the flat earth theory with the same skepticism you have for reality, then I could say you are at least being thorough even though you're wasting time. But we both know you have already written it all off as garbage the government is trying to feed you.

You cant get on me for not checking flat earth when you havent adequately checked your own position. I didnt just get up one day and decide to stop believing in what I've always been taught. But you've gotten up everyday and continued believing what was shoved down your throat since birth without ever questioning it. Thats the difference between me and you and its a big one. I think for myself, you think as you were told. Which is cool if what you were told was true. Since its not, you lose


May 2, 2012
He should just wathc one of those youtube videos which have cameras attached to rockets that go into space. Pretty hard to fake that


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
You cant get on me for not checking flat earth when you havent adequately checked your own position. I didnt just get up one day and decide to stop believing in what I've always been taught. But you've gotten up everyday and continued believing what was shoved down your throat since birth without ever questioning it. Thats the difference between me and you and its a big one. I think for myself, you think as you were told. Which is cool if what you were told was true. Since its not, you lose

Sure I can, because if you were looking for the truth, you'd be questioning the findings of your fellow flat earthers on Reddit or wherever it is you people assemble but you don't because they feed into the viewpoint you wish to hold. You also wouldn't be asking people like me for more proof pictures, you'd be asking NASA. Or better yet, starting your own grassroots effort to get out into space and take the pics that prove your views.

The basics of our universe have been known for a long time and they were discovered and tested by people much more experienced in those areas that I am. The findings and explanations make sense to me and not only do I see no reason for them to be lying to me, my life would honestly be no different even if they were lying to me.

That's why this isn't a conversation. It isn't a quest for more knowledge. We are not discussing a bunch of research you performed that uncovers a miscalculation or hole in a theory. You're just sitting at home and reading internet sites created by other pseudointellectuals claiming that any and all evidence to the contrary of what you want to believe is counterfeit, doctored, and all part of some giant conspiracy that stretches across every country and political affiliation to keep the little people in the dark. So honestly, what is the point of asking for more evidence when you categorically reject all evidence anyway? You have made up your mind.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
I think all this anti-intellectualism and movements of dummies rejecting common knowledge is some sort of evolutionary failsafe on humanity. Seems like we're regressing.


Nov 21, 2013
Sure I can, because if you were looking for the truth, you'd be questioning the findings of your fellow flat earthers

Not before I question your "findings" which you obviously have no proof of :yeshrug:

Real "truthseekers" look at all sides before coming to a conclusion, not accept one side off gp than go off to question all others that go against the accepted position.

The basics of our universe have been known for a long time and they were discovered and tested by people much more experienced in those areas that I am. The findings and explanations make sense to me and not only do I see no reason for them to be lying to me, my life would honestly be no different even if they were lying to me.

In other words you let them think for you instead of thinking for yourself. You could save so much time if you just said that instead of getting your blah blah blah on...

That's why this isn't a conversation. It isn't a quest for more knowledge.

Absolutely agree. Im not on a quest for more knowledge in the BS belief you hold. Once I ask "whats/wheres the proof beyond fake pics and word of mouth" and you have nothing to provide, the quest is over.

And its also not a convo because you have nothing to provide for your stance. I can say go outside and everything I say (flat/stable earth with sun/moon moving) matches your experience. You have nothing to offer me though which is why this isnt much of anything. Its just me watching you scramble like roaches when the light comes on around the fact that you cant support what you say is an obvious position with ANYTHING because everything you have to support it is either someone elses words/experiences or fake pictures...


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
Not before I question your "findings" which you obviously have no proof of :yeshrug:

Real "truthseekers" look at all sides before coming to a conclusion, not accept one side off gp than go off to question all others that go against the accepted position.

In other words you let them think for you instead of thinking for yourself. You could save so much time if you just said that instead of getting your blah blah blah on...

Absolutely agree. Im not on a quest for more knowledge in the BS belief you hold. Once I ask "whats/wheres the proof beyond fake pics and word of mouth" and you have nothing to provide, the quest is over.

And its also not a convo because you have nothing to provide for your stance. I can say go outside and everything I say (flat/stable earth with sun/moon moving) matches your experience. You have nothing to offer me though which is why this isnt much of anything. Its just me watching you scramble like roaches when the light comes on around the fact that you cant support what you say is an obvious position with ANYTHING because everything you have to support it is either someone elses words/experiences or fake pictures...
No one is scrambling breh. I can't stop you from being an idiot. When you're asking for proof but saying that pictures and word of mouth don't count, your intentions are pretty clear.


Nov 21, 2013
When you're asking for proof but saying that pictures and word of mouth don't count, your intentions are pretty clear.

I said fake CGI pictures (which is all they have) dont count. And yea, word of mouth (some cac saying he saw this or that) isnt reliable either. But thats the thing, thats all you have. Fake pics and cacs telling you this or that. Which means you have nothing at all.

Anyways it was fun breh :salute:


May 27, 2012

He is challenging the status quo. He's asking for poof of the earth being round. Where is it?

Literally everywhere, you clown. Look at the horizon, c*nt. Eratosthenes had this figured out almost 3,000 years ago and was able to estimate the size of Earth extremely accurately by measuring the lengths of shadows cast from a large distance.

1. Foucault's Pendulum
2. Different constellations in the sky depending on where you are
3. Timezones

Actually fukk it, not gonna even bother with this mongoloid. There are hundreds of proven ways the earth is round and none that are flat.


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
I said fake CGI pictures (which is all they have) dont count. And yea, word of mouth (some cac saying he saw this or that) isnt reliable either. But thats the thing, thats all you have. Fake pics and cacs telling you this or that. Which means you have nothing at all.

Anyways it was fun breh :salute:
Nah, there's plenty. There is tons of evidence to support what is pretty obvious to everyone but there is really no point in listing it out because you like to defer to your woke weed smokers in the flat earth society.

As you are proving, you can literally take any topic and play devils advocate and say there is no proof of it. I can say that Houston and Los Angeles are 85 miles apart and claim you can't prove me wrong. Want to use mapquest or other mapping software? That's cac word of mouth. No pic will confirm the distance. If you claim you drove between the two cities and it matched up to mapping software, I'll say you went the wrong way.

If I asked you to prove your mother was in the human species, you couldn't do it. You don't remember your birth and there is no video of her pushing you out, and if you have DNA tests, I can claim it is all unreliable.