"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
Well in the FE model the earth is under a "dome/firmamemt". So one could argue that we look at the sky straight up and its blue when the sun is overhead but appears redish when its closer to the curved side/horizon of the dome?

Lol. I have no idea how the sunrise and sunset are explained in a FE scenario. But this does not completely explain away a flat earth theory, a staunch supporter would see this as maybe supporting the FE view.
Nah, that was foreplay. :takedat:You led me to my 2nd question debunking Flat Earth and Domes...

Question 2 of 3:

Did you know that certain types of light don't pass through glass?:jbhmm:

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
Nah, that was foreplay. :takedat:You led me to my 2nd question debunking Flat Earth and Domes...

Question 2 of 3:

Did you know that certain types of light d"on't pass through glass?:jbhmm:

The dome/firmament isnt "glass" its clear but never heard what it is meant to be made of. In the seven days it took to create the world God in his infinite wisdom and as the Creator could have made it out of any material he wished.

So as the creater of the colour sectrums he would make a dome out of a material that all light could pass through.

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
ok but you are posting like a FE'er. you had walls of text from the bible justifying its flatness and firmament etc, and saying all space pictures are CGI

All space pics are cgi or edited.

I was saying anyone on here who goea to church or claims to be a Christian better believe on the flat earth theory that the bible supports.

I also asked what the Quran says about the shape of the earth and if any Muslims could shed some light on that.


May 19, 2012
Lol. My reply was in a FE in a dome/firmament scenario the "dome", which is supposed to be clear, could explain the colour of the sky.

You literally just picked the last sentence in my post.

You would better "debunk" FE if you knew the theories "origin story".

Which is exactly the whole thing is retarded, for the angle of diffraction to change you have to be at a different tangent. if we are all at the same level we will all basically see the same thing, but once you are at a level higher or lower than me the same light source will appear to have changed colors when viewed through the prism that is the atmosphere. So for this FACT to be true in the dorm theory, the plane that you believe to be Flat earth would have to be tilted at an angle, and the light source would have to rotate around the flat earth at this angle. The only issue with that theory is that there is not one point and time where it is dark both in China and in the USA, which is the only way that could be true. Since at any given time some part of the world is experiencing sunlight the earth has to be circular in shape, and the earth has to be rotating around the light source on its own axis. Of course, please you are free to come up with a model that contradicts what I am telling you and yet still explains how at any given time one part of the earth is facing the sun, and how at any given time the sun appears to be setting on one part of the earth.

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
All space pics are cgi or edited.

I was saying anyone on here who goea to church or claims to be a Christian better believe on the flat earth theory that the bible supports.

I also asked what the Quran says about the shape of the earth and if any Muslims could shed some light on that.

But I guess we are all athiests or other religions on here.

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
FE explain day and night.

I said it can be argued that the dome is the curved part thats changing the angle we see light. The earth would be flat but the dome which the sun is above in the FE biblical scenario is curved and affecting the light.

Which is exactly the whole thing is retarded, for the angle of diffraction to change you have to be at a different tangent. if we are all at the same level we will all basically see the same thing, but once you are at a level higher or lower than me the same light source will appear to have changed colors when viewed through the prism that is the atmosphere. So for this FACT to be true in the dorm theory, the plane that you believe to be Flat earth would have to be tilted at an angle, and the light source would have to rotate around the flat earth at this angle. The only issue with that theory is that there is not one point and time where it is dark both in China and in the USA, which is the only way that could be true. Since at any given time some part of the world is experiencing sunlight the earth has to be circular in shape, and the earth has to be rotating around the light source on its own axis. Of course, please you are free to come up with a model that contradicts what I am telling you and yet still explains how at any given time one part of the earth is facing the sun, and how at any given time the sun appears to be setting on one part of the earth.

Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
All space pics are cgi or edited.

I was saying anyone on here who goea to church or claims to be a Christian better believe on the flat earth theory that the bible supports.
This only applies to the bible literalists. the rest of christianity doesn't work like that, people pick and chose parts that fit their world view or twist it to make it work.

I also asked what the Quran says about the shape of the earth and if any Muslims could shed some light on that.
there are some parts that say its egg shaped and others that say 'its rolled out flat like a carpet'. Essentially the quran is wrong too.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
The dome/firmament isnt "glass" its clear but never heard what it is meant to be made of. In the seven days it took to create the world God in his infinite wisdom and as the Creator could have made it out of any material he wished.

So as the creater of the colour sectrums he would make a dome out of a material that all light could pass through.

I actually believe in God but to essentially indicate that "God could just magically do it" in response to my points that:

1) based on the color spectrum, we KNOW without CGI that there is an actual horizon and zenith of our star which actually indicates that the gases in the air scatter light and the angles corroborate Earth's rotation.

2) A greenhouse effect with our atmosphere can not be replicated by a man-made green house as a result of 55% percent of the Sunlight's energy is in the form of Infrared radiation, which doesn't pass through glass or similar translucent material. [man-made greenhouses work by convective cooling]

3) Thus, if there is no DOME, than the only thing that could keep our atmosphere(gases) from floating out into space is gravity, which proves the existence of gravity.

The fact that it'll be met by "Well, God could have snapped his fingers..." as a rebuttal yet you and others still disingenuously ask for "proof" is disgusting, breh.

I'm crazy to even have thought this was atleast a quasi-scientific discussion. :gucci::aicmon:

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
The bible states repeatedly the nature of the world. Not even one of those iffy contradictory biblical things either practically every part supports the flat earth view.

Other religions and cultures all have similar creation stories and ideas about the nature of a flat earth. Logical coincidence? Maybe.

Their descriptions of a flat earth are similar. These cultures/civilisations supposedly had no contact with each other. Makes me wonder.

I would like just one true beliving Christian/Muslim to say that the Bible/Quran was wrong or outright lied about the shape and nature of our world. Or post ad say yes the eatth is flat simply because God/Allah says so.

coz either there is no God and religion is a mass control tool


the earth really is flat and the conspiracy is to tell us its spherical to further push man into "falling from grace".


This only applies to the bible literalists. the rest of christianity doesn't work like that, people pick and chose parts that fit their world view or twist it to make it work.

there are some parts that say its egg shaped and others that say 'its rolled out flat like a carpet'. Essentially the quran is wrong too.
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Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
Then you do not truly belive in the biblical God. If you belive the God you claim to believe in created man, the earth and the cosmos them why would it be so far fetched to believe he could create a flat fixed earth in a dome?

You are contradicting yourself. You cant halfway belive in Gods power but belive other things are beyond the scope of his power?

The very science you speak of is created by God, the God you claim to belive in???? Unless he can snap his fingers and do one or two magic tricks but the rest is impossible for him?


I actually believe in God but to essentially indicate that "God could just magically do it" in response to my points that:

1) based on the color spectrum, we KNOW without CGI that there is an actual horizon and zenith of our star which actually indicates that the gases in the air scatter light and the angles corroborate Earth's rotation.

2) A greenhouse effect with our atmosphere can not be replicated by a man-made green house as a result of 55% percent of the Sunlight's energy is in the form of Infrared radiation, which doesn't pass through glass or similar translucent material. [man-made greenhouses work by convective cooling]

3) Thus, if there is no DOME, than the only thing that could keep our atmosphere(gases) from floating out into space is gravity, which proves the existence of gravity.

The fact that it'll be met by "Well, God could have snapped his fingers..." as a rebuttal yet you and others still disingenuously ask for "proof" is disgusting, breh.

I'm crazy to even have thought this was atleast a quasi-scientific discussion. :gucci::aicmon:

Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
The bible states repeatedly the nature of the world. Not even one of those iffy contradictory biblical things either practically every part supports the flat earth view.

Other religions and cultures all have similar creation stories and ideas about the nature of a flat earth. Logical coincidence? Maybe.

Their descriptions of a flat earth are similar. These cultures/civilisations supposedly had no contact with each other. Makes me wonder.
No they are not similar. The hindu's for example think the Earth is on a giant turtles back! The Abrahamic religions all come from the same root. Judaism and Christianity were all in the same place around the same time. Islam came after judeo christian religions, so took most ideas from there. The main point is the earth looks flat and stationary so stone age people would just roll with that assumption. Now we are in the technological age we have loads of evidence against a flat earth.

I would like just one true beliving Christian/Muslim to say that the Bible/Quran was wrong or outright lied about the shape and nature of our world. Or post ad say yes the eatth is flat simply because God/Allah says so.

coz either there is no God and religion is a mass control tool


the earth really if flat and the conspiracy is to tell us its spherical to further push man into "falling from grace".
The earth is round but doesn't disprove god, but means the texts were wrong at least in those verses.


May 19, 2012
FE explain day and night.

I said it can be argued that the dome is the curved part thats changing the angle we see light. The earth would be flat but the dome which the sun is above in the FE biblical scenario is curved and affecting the light.

If the earth is flat how come there is always light at any given time on one part of the earth? More importantly how can it ever be dark if the eath is flat? Technically it should be dusk not pitch black. You can't have one part of the earth be dark and the other part have light in a flat earth scenario, unless of course you are assuming the sun is smaller than the earth. Do you believe it can be argued the sun is smaller than the earth? :mjpls:

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
What shape do all antient religions and cultures think the earth is. Whether supended in a vacum, on an animal or othee seat, or between heaven above and hell below they all claim its flat, fixed and enclosed.

The only ones who didn't believe something along these lines outright claimed to have or imply that extraterrestrial beings came and told them about space.


Thats not how Christianity works and you know it. You either belive God is indeed the creater or you don't actually really belive in him. Kinda like how you belive the earth is a sphere coz you were taught it was and all evidence you hear will automatically support that or from the cradle you were taught there is a God so you "belive" it.

The earth shape being easier to swallow coz thats the answer the physical evidence presented proves to you. God on the other had you were practically indoctrinated to belive in but as there is no proof you can profess it with your mouth but your actions say otherwise.

Also isnt every last punctuation mark in the bible all part of Gods anointed inspired word. Can't pick and choose.

No they are not similar. The hindu's for example think the Earth is on a giant turtles back! The Abrahamic religions all come from the same root. Judaism and Christianity were all in the same place around the same time. Islam came after judeo christian religions, so took most ideas from there. The main point is the earth looks flat and stationary so stone age people would just roll with that assumption. Now we are in the technological age we have loads of evidence against a flat earth.

The earth is round but doesn't disprove god, but means the texts were wrong at least in those verses.

As a good beliving Christian you know that
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