"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


May 19, 2012
Breh no matter what theory (well yours is a theory, mine isnt but lets go wit it), helium reduces weight. An empty balloon, will not float into the air. But if its filled with helium? Into the air it goes. Your ramblings dont matter that shows that in EITHER scenario, helium reduces weight.

Now your wacky belief says that a force can hold down 1000 lbs, but not 1 (theoretically). It says the sun forces the earth to orbit it, but doesnt force the moon to orbit it. See I dont believe anything from the establishment wholeheartedly. Not their religions. Not their politics. Not their governments. Not their science. Why? Because why would a black man, who saw his ancestors or other black men oppressed for 300+ years prior, absolutely trust what that very same establishment presents to him wholeheartedly? It makes absolutely no sense. You trust what they gave you when it comes to science. I dont. Not that there isnt truth in it, but that alot of what they're pitching is agenda.

You only believe all that shyt about the spinning ball earth, because you were taught it. Not because you observed ANYTHING that supported it on its own merit. While my view, has support on its own merit. But cacs give you excuses as to why thats the case, and yall run with it. Cant explain nothing without referring to what they taught you

Helium doesn't reduce weight, it reduces density, you can't make an object weigh less without altering it's mass, that's not a theory, that's a fact. Helium has a quantifiable molecular weight. And using YOUR theory you never answered why a balloon would encounter less air resistance than a baseball. The same frictional effect of an air mass that slows down a baseball should slow down a much larger balloon. There is a very fundamental reason why changing the density of an object changes the gravitational force acting on it. But we're cooking with your theory right now. Why does air not slow down a larger, lower density object, but slows down a higher density, smaller object? :ohhh:When the wind blows does it not move all things, including balloons? if I put a balloon in a cylinder, and put an industrial fan on top of the cylinder, a higher density object like a baseball will actually go up higher than a less denser object like a balloon?! :dwillhuh: Forget about CACs, let's look at the inherent contradiction in your theory. Does the balloon not have a lower density than the air circulating through the fan? So why doesn't it go as high as a baseball when I throw it against an air mass flow? Why does a low density object such as a balloon not travel as far as a high density object such as a baseball against an air mass flow of the same density moving with the same force in both instances? :dwillhuh:
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May 7, 2012
Because the ball is heavier than the air around it it has the propensity to fall. That's my answer breh. Take it or leave it. I'm also sure that something traveling through air is slowed down by it

Breh, if falling is driven by differences in weight, then why doesn't a 15 pound bowling ball fall much faster than baseball that's less than a third of a pound? If it's the weight difference driving the fall as opposed to a fairly constant force of gravity, shouldn't the bowling ball fall 45 times as fast?

Similarly, a 50 lb canoe weighs more than water, yet it floats while a 15 pound bowling ball sinks. Why is this if all that matters is a difference in weight?


May 19, 2012
Breh, if falling is driven by differences in weight, then why doesn't a 15 pound bowling ball fall much faster than baseball that's less than a third of a pound? If it's the weight difference driving the fall as opposed to a fairly constant force of gravity, shouldn't the bowling ball fall 45 times as fast?

Similarly, a 50 lb canoe weighs more than water, yet it floats while a 15 pound bowling ball sinks. Why is this if all that matters is a difference in weight?

His theory doesn't add up unless you acknowledge that density is directly proportional to mass. But then acknowledging that would defeat his theory since mass is directly proportional to the gravitational force acting on it :pachaha: He's f*cked so he keeps bobbing and weaving with vague answers, floating balloons, and a few CACs thrown in here and there for good measure :pachaha: Actually he abandoned the density argument, it's all about air resistance now :pachaha:

Floyd Pinkerton

Mar 29, 2014
He cant throw 100 miles per hour straight up into the air.

At the end of the day, you have nothing to show that gravity exists. Gravity holds down 2 ton trucks to the ground, but cant hold a balloon with helium to the ground. It cant hold feathers down but keeps 2 ton trucks to the ground...Yea sure

You are so out of your depth here it is equal parts horrifying and laughable.

Box Factory

May 14, 2014
If I can carry 100 lbs, then I can carry 1 lb. But your theory says that I can carry 100 lbs, but CANT carry 1 lb. Thats gravity for you. And you wouldnt believe it, if it wasnt forced down your throat as a youngin. Some of us break free, the rest of yall? Into slavery!

The larger an item is the more gravitational pull there is on it. You were talking about a feather earlier, do you not understand why something weighing so little as a feather would take much less force to be lifted off the ground than a truck would?

This is the most basic stuff possible. Also equating believing in gravity to slavery is incredibly disrespectful and retarded.

Lets try again. The sun's gravitational pull, makes the earth orbit around it. Somehow, it leaves the moon alone which is much smaller. Why cant you see why some would object to this line of thinking?

The Earth is much larger than the moon. The moon is a little more than 200k miless away from the earth and about 93 million miles away from the sun. Obviously it is going to feel the pull of the object it is closer too.

Also I'll ask again, if it's not the earth's gravity holding the moon in orbit, pls explain what is holding it there.

Actually, these are the main arguments for gravity's nonexistence. The fact that it lets puny balloons float into the air, but somehow straps 2 ton trucks to the ground. Or the fact that it can cause the earth to orbit around the sun, but somehow chooses to leave the moon alone and let it orbit around the earth. Im poking holes in your argument breh... You just rather believe cac science while I rather think for myself...

Your arguments are beyond retarded, you have no plausible explanation of your own to offer, and you keep calling modern science "cac science" even though it has almost all of its roots from the middle east, Africa and Asia. There is pretty much an endless supply of non white scientists who have made significant contributions to science throughout time, so "cac science" is a retarded term.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
While in your belief system, there is a force that can keep tons of weight strapped to the earth, but has trouble with feathers :mjlol: So much for "logic"


You gotta be kidding, but the 80 replies in here lets me know you're not :to:


May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
Ban all the flat earth believers. legit bring down the forum IQ as a whole
They need to be forced to attend a children's museum or exploratorium. A few minutes with some magnets and paperclips and some oil and vinegar should have them seeing the world in a whole new way....or they'll run out screaming saying the place is possessed by demons.


May 19, 2012
How can you doubt science when you can go out and test their theories yourself?

That's the most disappointing thing about @Everythingg , I gave him/her some clear SIMPLE, EASILY REPLICATED experiments to confirm the relationship between mass and density, and between mass and gravitational force. His only rebuttals are "cac science" and "balloon floats" :deadrose: Certain things you can argue about, gravity is not one of them. More annoying is when these types argue their ideas on computers and tablets and cell phones while driving their car to go work in a skyscraper, all of which were designed based on laws he is saying don't exist :pachaha:


Nov 21, 2013
Helium doesn't reduce weight


Again, I dont care for your ramblings. If a balloon on its own, is able to be held down, but not when filled with helium, then theoretically, its weight was reduced.

You lame ass nikkas believe in what cacs teach you wholeheartedly. I mean, the science you're pitching is the science the establishment taught you right? The same establishment that has been oppressing and misleading your people for the last 400 years, you trust wholeheartedly when it comes to science.

Pathetic :scust:

Ban all the flat earth believers. legit bring down the forum IQ as a whole

Yea! Ban everyone who believes different than me!!! :damn:

Pathetic :scust:


You gotta be kidding, but the 80 replies in here lets me know you're not :to:

Kidding about what? Yall believe theres a force that can easily strap down 2 ton trucks, but has trouble with puny balloons with helium in it or feathers. Yall have watched blacks been misled,lied to, and oppressed by the establishment, but turn around and believe their science wholeheartedly without question.

Pathetic :scust:

How can you doubt science when you can go out and test their theories yourself?

Tell me how you tested gravity then. Meaning how can you prove its a FORCE acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air and not simply because the ball is heavier than the air around it?


Nov 21, 2013
The larger an item is the more gravitational pull there is on it. You were talking about a feather earlier, do you not understand why something weighing so little as a feather would take much less force to be lifted off the ground than a truck would?

This is the most basic stuff possible. Also equating believing in gravity to slavery is incredibly disrespectful and retarded.

Of course I understand why it would take less force to lift a feather than a truck. What I dont understand is how you believe theres a force that can hold a truck down, but not a feather. Illogical, if it wasnt force fed to you as a youngin


And by "slavery" I meant that we have a bunch of blacks here, believing anything and everything scientists in the establishment tells them. The same establishment that had their ancestors in slavery, and often times used "science" to rationalize it...

The Earth is much larger than the moon. The moon is a little more than 200k miless away from the earth and about 93 million miles away from the sun. Obviously it is going to feel the pull of the object it is closer too.

Also I'll ask again, if it's not the earth's gravity holding the moon in orbit, pls explain what is holding it there.

Ahh. The "my theory failed so let me add something else to it to compensate" tactic they like to use. If the sun's pull is strong enough to drag the earth, it should be strong enough to drag the moon. I mean, sometimes in your belief system, the moon will be between the earth AND the sun, yet it NEVER gets caught into orbiting the sun?

My belief, because I believe in a Creator, is that the Creator placed certain things in certain places to do certain things.

Your arguments are beyond retarded, you have no plausible explanation of your own to offer, and you keep calling modern science "cac science" even though it has almost all of its roots from the middle east, Africa and Asia. There is pretty much an endless supply of non white scientists who have made significant contributions to science throughout time, so "cac science" is a retarded term.

Gravity came from cacs. Sun centered universe came from cacs. The black Hebrews didnt believe that nonsense. Nor did the black Egyptians. So yea that sounds like cac science to me.


May 19, 2012

Again, I dont care for your ramblings. If a balloon on its own, is able to be held down, but not when filled with helium, then theoretically, its weight was reduced.

Helium has a density of .2 kg per cubic meter breh. So 11 cubic meters is 5 kg. So if I fill a ballon with 5 kg of helium, the balloon weighs less than it did before helium was introduced? Are you saying that helium has negative weight? :dwillhuh: