"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


May 19, 2012
Because the ball is heavier than the air around it it has the propensity to fall. That's my answer breh. Take it or leave it. I'm also sure that something traveling through air is slowed down by it

It's easy for you to formulate answers for your belief because people already did that for you. Me? Well I have to do what you don't. That's think for myself


Fair enough, let's run with your theory, and let's leave belief out of this please, let's only work with the facts. Let's assume the ball travels 300 feet before slowing down, reversing its course, and falling to the grown. So it left Aroldis Chapmans arm at 100 mph, went up 300 feet, and then came back to earth. Average baseball weighs around 150 grams. So it takes 300 feet of air resistance to stop a 150g object moving at 100 mph. Now from studies we know that helium has a density of .2 kg/cubic feet. so roughly 200 grams is 1 cubic feet of helium. Of course feel free to test all these facts yourself. So for argument's sake let's assume these measurements are correct, so let's say we fill a balloon with 1 cubic feet of helium. The balloon is a solid object, same weight as the baseball. Technically it is a much larger object so it should technically encounter MORE air resistance. Why does the much larger, less aerodynamic 150g helium balloon not stop at 300 feet? Hell it's not even being thrown, why does it not stop at 1 feet? :jbhmm: Why does 150g helium balloon not get the same treatment from air that 150g baseball does. They both WEIGH the same! :dwillhuh:
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Floyd Pinkerton

Mar 29, 2014
On the other side of the south pole /= other side of Antarctica breh

:laff: at "they did know some things" :deadrose: And read Alexander Gleason's patent filing breh. There was no persecution of scientists at the time, no reason for him to declare a patent other than what it was. At this point you are putting words in other people's mouths, he himself explained why he designed it as such.

You said the government is hiding something, when they are clearly allowing people to visit Antarctica, which I have shown, what exactly am I ducking and dodging breh? :why:

Where were the Egyptian cars? computers? cell phones? radio? Where was their Sears Tower? London Bridge? Three Gorges Dam? Rockets? Guns? Refrigerators? Robots? Trains? Electric grids? Wind towers? Solar panels? They were so advanced scientifically they needed slave labor to build everything :camby:

You called them the standard when it comes to science. Where was this science against the Greeks and the Romans were all up in that azz? :camby:

I can respect that :yeshrug: You still should take some very basic physics courses to further your understanding of the world.

I trust the research and the mathematical proofs, not the words. At my university we had to DEMONSTRATE THE PROOF for every theory/law we studied. I was in computer engineering, they start you out with a rigorous courseload in calculus, then from there you went on to circuit theory. We were shown and had to prove Thevenin circuits and how they were derived for example. And then we went in the lab and put our proofs into real life in the form of circuits/robots we designed. The first thing they teach you in science is to question EVERYTHING. The basis of science is the question "Why?". Why do birds fly? Why do I get shocked when I drag my feet across carpet and touch the doorknob? Why does wood float? Why does fire make things warm? There are ASSUMPTIONS made in science for ease of calculations. E.g. pi = 3.14. There are also PROBABILITIES calculated in science, such as on average 2 hydrogen molecules will bond with 1 oxygen molecule to make water. These are for ease of calculation, based in empirical data. To contradict myself however Goedel's theorem did show that faith existed in science in the axiomatic theory for any axiom applied for a specific set of numbers on its own set, but that's a discussion for another day :pachaha: For whatever it's worth breh there are plenty of scientists that are Christians, and right now Intelligent Design is and has been making waves in the scientific world. None of that however makes the earth flat :pachaha:

You are moving the goalposts here. You clearly said they had an agenda, I showed you they killed proponents of the heliocentric system. I also showed you that Martin Luther, the man basically responsible for the fall of the Church from power, was also against the heliocentric system. Is it one mic or shorty owe you ice? :pachaha:

I did give you anecdotal proofs using my own personable, verifiable experiences, why didn't you respond to any of them? What the hell is a "science bible"? :dead: I already showed you that density is a component of mass breh. It's the same reason why muscle weighs more than fat, or water weighs more than alcohol, it's more dense. if I take any object, and I compress it, it now weighs more per cubic foot than it did prior to compression. Try it yourself breh. No need for complicated math that you don't understand. Go buy some meat, take the measurements, run it through a grinder, and take the measurements again, and compare both by weight. You will see it weighs the same even though it takes up a smaller area. So obviously if you bought more meat to grind, you would see that after you pack it up you get more weight in the same space after it's ground. More density = more mass = more weight, no need to refer to anybody else's experience, try it on your on your own.

Conversely, take a cup of oil and water, and pour it in a cup, and let it sit. You will see the oil float to the top, and the water sink to the bottom. Does it mean gravity is not acting on both liquids? No. but since the MASS of the oil is LESS than that of water (because the density is less :gladbron:) the WEIGHT of the oil (gravitational force acting on the oil) is less than that of water so it floats to the top. It doesn't matter if it's air, liquids, fluids, or solids, the gravitational principle is the same. You reduce the density, you reduce the mass, thereby you reduce the gravitational force (weight).

This is stupid breh with all due respect. If I attached a rocket to your feet, you will go up instead of down. Don't you and the rocket weigh more than air, so what is it about the rocket that causes you to go up instead of down breh? Both of you are heavier than air. :sas2:

Don't waste your time. This man is incredibly stupid. If he can't even understand Newton's 2nd law there's no point in trying to explain Universal Gravitation.


Nov 21, 2013
Don't waste your time. This man is incredibly stupid. If he can't even understand Newton's 2nd law there's no point in trying to explain Universal Gravitation.

Trust in cac scientists undeniably when in the past they argued that you werent human brehs :mjlol:


Nov 21, 2013
Fair enough, let's run with your theory, and let's leave belief out of this please, let's only work with the facts. Let's assume the ball travels 300 feet before slowing down, reversing its course, and falling to the grown. So it left Aroldis Chapmans arm at 100 mph, went up 300 feet, and then came back to earth. Average baseball weighs around 150 grams. So it takes 300 feet of air resistance to stop a 150g object moving at 100 mph. Now from studies we know that helium has a density of .2 kg/cubic feet. so roughly 200 grams is 1 cubic feet of helium. Of course feel free to test all these facts yourself. So for argument's sake let's assume these measurements are correct, so let's say we fill a balloon with 1 cubic feet of helium. The balloon is a solid object, same weight as the baseball. Technically it is a much larger object so it should technically encounter MORE air resistance. Why does the much larger, less aerodynamic 150g helium balloon not stop at 300 feet? Hell it's not even being thrown, why does it not stop at 1 feet? :jbhmm: Why does 150g helium balloon not get the same treatment from air that 150g baseball does. They both WEIGH the same! :dwillhuh:

Helium causes the balloon to rise.They dont both weigh the same because helium causes the weight of the balloon to go down.

While in your belief system, there is a force that can keep tons of weight strapped to the earth, but has trouble with feathers :mjlol: So much for "logic"

Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
Flat Earthers are either trolls or idiots. Really there is no other excuse for thinking the Earth is flat. There are just too many holes in their explanation of the movements of the sun, moon and planets.


Nov 21, 2013
Trucks don't float, so gravity isn't real :dead:

Or how about this. The Sun forces earth to rotate around it, but somehow the sun doesnt also force the moon to orbit around it. No, the moon stays orbiting the earth, while the sun forces the much larger object (the earth) to orbit around it. But hey, thats all good right?


Box Factory

May 14, 2014
Or how about this. The Sun forces earth to rotate around it, but somehow the sun doesnt also force the moon to orbit around it. No, the moon stays orbiting the earth, while the sun forces the much larger object (the earth) to orbit around it. But hey, thats all good right?

Between what you just said, and " helium ballons float but trucks dont", you are making the argument FOR gravity but you're just too far gone to even realize it.


Nov 21, 2013
Between what you just said, and " helium ballons float but trucks dont", you are making the argument FOR gravity but you're just too far gone to even realize it.

I think YOU'RE the one too far gone.

Balloon argument: If "gravity" can hold 6 ton objects down to the ground, it shouldnt have a problem with helium

Sun argument: If "gravity" can cause the earth to orbit the sun, then it should also cause the moon to orbit the sun.. It doesnt.

Both of these call into question what we're told about "gravity" because somehow gravity can hold down heavy objects, but not light, and can cause heavier objects to orbit something, but not lighter ones. Play dumb all yall want, but your belief system is from a bunch of cac sun worshipers. So many holes


Box Factory

May 14, 2014
I think YOU'RE the one too far gone.

Balloon argument: If "gravity" can hold 6 ton objects down to the ground, it shouldnt have a problem with helium

Sun argument: If "gravity" can cause the earth to orbit the sun, then it should also cause the moon to orbit the sun.. It doesnt.

Both of these call into question what we're told about "gravity" because somehow gravity can hold down heavy objects, but not light, and can cause heavier objects to orbit something, but not lighter ones. Play dumb all yall want, but your belief system is from a bunch of cac sun worshipers. So many holes

Why wouldn't a heavier object be held down more? Less mass = less force to lift. Do you expect obese people to have the same jumping ability as skinny people?

And if it isn't earth's gravity holding the moon in orbit up there, why is it still there?

You literally don't even have the first clue what you're talking about. These are the stupidest arguments possible for gravity not being real


May 19, 2012
Helium causes the balloon to rise.They dont both weigh the same because helium causes the weight of the balloon to go down.

While in your belief system, there is a force that can keep tons of weight strapped to the earth, but has trouble with feathers :mjlol: So much for "logic"

I fill a balloon with 1 cubic feet of helium and it weighs less than it did with no helium? Please explain how that makes any sense breh, because helium definitely has a molecular weight :dwillhuh: You will need a lot of cubic feet to get a lb of helium but it definitely has weight breh, it's not "nothing" You do realize all elements have weight right? :why: Nitrogen, oxygen, helium, carbon, all of these have a molecular weight breh. And the large and object the more air resistance it encounters, that's why a big sail is preferred because it catches more wind than a small sail. So I fill this HUGE plastic object with 150 g of helium, how does it weigh less than before I filled it with helium breh? :jbhmm:It's WAY larger than a baseball, why does it encounter less air resistance? :jbhmm: Please advise :jbhmm:


May 19, 2012
Why wouldn't a heavier object be held down more? Less mass = less force to lift. Do you expect obese people to have the same jumping ability as skinny people?

And if it isn't earth's gravity holding the moon in orbit up there, why is it still there?

You literally don't even have the first clue what you're talking about. These are the stupidest arguments possible for gravity not being real

@Everythingg 's argument against gravity is the frictional effect of an air mass is what actually reduces the terminal velocity of an object with a counter gravitational trajectory, not gravity itself. The major contradiction with that theory is that as soon as an object has an internal density less than air it will float into the atmophere, regardless of its weight, nullifying his theory. Furthermore if we drop a truck and a golf ball from the same height, both will reach the ground in relatively the same time. Again there is a contradiction here, because if there was a non-negligible frictional effect of air, the golf ball should technically fall a lot slower than a truck because it weighs less. here are the facts:

1)Whatever I throw up in the air comes down

2) Regardless of weight, it comes down at the same rate of acceleration.

This automatically rules out the effect of loss of acceleration due to frictional effect of air, it's much easier to physically stop a kid riding a tricycle at 10 mph than a truck moving at 10mph :heh: It's impossible that I suddenly develop superhuman powers just to make sure I stop the truck within the same timeframe I could stop a tricycle. I would need to call some buddies up or perhaps build a wall in front of me :pachaha: The more weight you are resisting, the more force you need. @Everythingg that is something you can confirm in your everyday life.

Now how does gravity solve this issue. Very simple:

F= mass x acceleration. The force is DIRECTLY proportional to the mass, the more mass an object has, the greater the gravitational force. THAT'S why it's possible for a truck to fall at the same speed as a golf ball, because gravity will exert a GREATER force on a truck than it would on a golf ball because it's MASS is greater. @Everythingg has the right idea, but he is trying to make reality fit his concepts which causes a lot of contradictions in his theories, of which he refuses to accept as contradictions, any attempt to said light to those contradictions result in you being labeled as a CAC scientist :pachaha: Quite anecdotal and amusing to be honest. :pachaha:
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Nov 21, 2013
Why wouldn't a heavier object be held down more? Less mass = less force to lift. Do you expect obese people to have the same jumping ability as skinny people?

If I can carry 100 lbs, then I can carry 1 lb. But your theory says that I can carry 100 lbs, but CANT carry 1 lb. Thats gravity for you. And you wouldnt believe it, if it wasnt forced down your throat as a youngin. Some of us break free, the rest of yall? Into slavery!


And if it isn't earth's gravity holding the moon in orbit up there, why is it still there?

Lets try again. The sun's gravitational pull, makes the earth orbit around it. Somehow, it leaves the moon alone which is much smaller. Why cant you see why some would object to this line of thinking?

You literally don't even have the first clue what you're talking about. These are the stupidest arguments possible for gravity not being real

Actually, these are the main arguments for gravity's nonexistence. The fact that it lets puny balloons float into the air, but somehow straps 2 ton trucks to the ground. Or the fact that it can cause the earth to orbit around the sun, but somehow chooses to leave the moon alone and let it orbit around the earth. Im poking holes in your argument breh... You just rather believe cac science while I rather think for myself...


Nov 21, 2013
I fill a balloon

Breh no matter what theory (well yours is a theory, mine isnt but lets go wit it), helium reduces weight. An empty balloon, will not float into the air. But if its filled with helium? Into the air it goes. Your ramblings dont matter that shows that in EITHER scenario, helium reduces weight.

Now your wacky belief says that a force can hold down 1000 lbs, but not 1 (theoretically). It says the sun forces the earth to orbit it, but doesnt force the moon to orbit it. See I dont believe anything from the establishment wholeheartedly. Not their religions. Not their politics. Not their governments. Not their science. Why? Because why would a black man, who saw his ancestors or other black men oppressed for 300+ years prior, absolutely trust what that very same establishment presents to him wholeheartedly? It makes absolutely no sense. You trust what they gave you when it comes to science. I dont. Not that there isnt truth in it, but that alot of what they're pitching is agenda.

You only believe all that shyt about the spinning ball earth, because you were taught it. Not because you observed ANYTHING that supported it on its own merit. While my view, has support on its own merit. But cacs give you excuses as to why thats the case, and yall run with it. Cant explain nothing without referring to what they taught you