"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


May 19, 2012
Not the same science that once taught that blacks were less than human? :dead:

The science you're following absolutely has to do with race and agendas. But then again when you're too scared to address these things:

Then theres not really much else to say. All that rambling you did AGAIN, and you're still wrong. Not one of those things proves that the earth is round. It does prove that you believe the earth is round, and fit everything to match that world view. Just like the your cac high priests of science taught you. You believe everything they say without questioning it, then turn around and clown christians who do the same with their high priests...

Hypocrite :camby:

What does classical physics have to do with race breh? Pray tell :laff: Does gravity not apply to you if you're Hebrew? :deadrose:


May 19, 2012
-Admiral Byrd went to Antarctica then came back saying there was an unmapped land there. He died a year later. Care to address why he said there was an unmapped land there?
-Flat earth map in JFK's strategy room and the UN logo is a flat earth map. Why if the belief has no credence?
-Cacs ran to Egypt, learned from Egypt, came back to their nations, stamped their names over what the Egyptians taught them, then said the earth was round (unlike what the Egyptians said). Why dont you even QUESTION how that happens? How could the Egyptians know so much about the solar system, but be WAY OFF when it comes to the earth they were on?
-Copernicus, the daddy of your religion, was a sun worshiper. Is it really surprising that a sun worshiper would view the sun as the center of the universe and not the earth that he was on?

1) Was Antarctica mapped at the time of Admiral Byrd's expedition you f*cking dumbazz? :laff: :dead:

2) Azimuthal equidistant projection - Wikipedia

Distances and directions to all places are true only from the center point of projection. Distances are correct between points along straight lines through the center. All other distances are incorrect. Distortion of areas and shapes increases with distance from the center point.

3) If you check my first post from Erastothenes you will see I said he discovered the Earth was round in Egypt from previous scholarly work of Egyptian origin.


a) Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first to propose a heliocentric system, and we know that a great number of Greeks were atheists/deists, not sun worshippers, we are talking about a good 1000 years before Copernicus.

b) Copernicus teachings were actually banned by both the Catholic Church and Martin Luther, the father of modern day Protestants. Interesting I might add that religious groups from BOTH sides were against this theory :mjpls:

c) Kepler's laws of planetary motion are LAWS. Not theory, LAWS, all derived from the ORIGINAL heliocentric theory. At this point it's not up for debate if the earth follows an elliptical path, it's a LAW. If it's wrong just prove it wrong breh with mathematics, no need to argue with me :mjpls:

d) Galileo, not the US government, not the Pope, not the Russians, not NASA confirmed the heliocentric theory by in fact proving that not everything rotates around the earth, and that sun rotates on its own axis. Similar to my observations about seeing the sun rise around 7 AM while being dark in another part of the earth, Galileo noticed that he could spot the same exact sunspots on the sun in the same position on yearly basis, proving both the sun rotated on its own axis and it was stationary, this was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the 18th century breh. And yes, Galileo was submitted to the Catholic Inquisition and placed under house arrest for his "heretical" ideas.

Copernicus and Galileo risked their lives for the truth as they saw it based on their analyses. Unfortunately for you breh you were born about 4-6 centuries too late. You would have been top scientist killer during the Catholic Church's heyday in the Dark Ages :pachaha:
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Nov 21, 2013
1) Was Antarctica mapped at the time of Admiral Byrd's expedition you f*cking dumbazz? :laff: :dead:

He said beyond the south pole was uncharted land, BIGGER than the US. Wheres that on any map? :mjlol:

So how about you explain how these maps helped sailors in the 1500's and 1600s sail earth when the earth wasnt even shaped like that? Why the map actually fits what ancient societies thought the earth was shaped like? Why (in your opinion) the UN uses this as their logo? What was JFK using it for in his jet and strategy room? Why do they randomly put it in movies?




You nikkas just wanna stick your head in the sand and pretend as if nothing is fishy about Admiral Byrd coming back and saying there was a land beyond the South Pole, larger than the US, then nations coming together and declaring the land off limits.
3) If you check my first post from Erastothenes you will see I said he discovered the Earth was round in Egypt from previous scholarly work of Egyptian origin.

I have 400 years of evidence as to why I should take everything a cac says to me with a grain of salt. You do you though breh :mjpls: How could Egyptians, without the use of telescopes, know soooooo much about Astronomy, but fail when it comes to the shape of the earth?

Mind bringing up what you pointed out earlier?


a) Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first to propose a heliocentric system, and we know that a great number of Greeks were atheists/deists, not sun worshippers, we are talking about a good 1000 years before Copernicus.

b) Copernicus teachings were actually banned by both the Catholic Church and Martin Luther, the father of modern day Protestants. Interesting I might add that religious groups from BOTH sides were against this theory :mjpls:

c) Kepler's laws of planetary motion are LAWS. Not theory, LAWS, all derived from the ORIGINAL heliocentric theory. At this point it's not up for debate if the earth follows an elliptical path, it's a LAW. If it's wrong just prove it wrong breh with mathematics, no need to argue with me:mjpls:

d) Galileo, not the US government, not the Pope, not the Russians, not NASA confirmed the heliocentric theory by in fact proving that not everything rotates around the earth, and that sun rotates on its own axis. Similar to my observations about seeing the sun rise around 7 AM while being dark in another part of the earth, Galileo noticed that he could spot the same exact sunspots on the sun in the same position on yearly basis, proving both the sun rotated on its own axis and it was stationary, this was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the 18th century breh. And yes, Galileo was submitted to the Catholic Inquisition and placed under house arrest for his "heretical" ideas.

Copernicus and Galileo risked their lives for the truth as they saw it based on their analyses. Unfortunately for you breh you were born about 4-6 centuries too late. You would have been top scientist killer during the Catholic Church's heyday in the Dark Ages :pachaha:

Since not enough is known about Aristarchus personally, lets fast forward to Copernicus and Galileo. Copernicus, was a sun worshiper, UNDOUBTEDLY, and Galileo was a Jesuit. This is who you put your trust in when it comes to the sun centered universe. A pagan sun worshiper, and a Jesuit (which is practically the same thing when it comes down to it). The church was "against" Galileo just like those Jewish Bankers who put Hitler in power were "against" Hitler somehow.

:mjlol: Funny how this works though. You dont have to prove it right, but I have to prove it wrong? And if you were even to attempt to prove it right, you would simply just parrot what those who taught you said. Aint nothing a law because a man says its a law. The earth's spin hasnt been proven. Heliocentrism hasnt been proven. The pics they say they have, have been doctored heavily. So what do you actually have to support your belief? The words of men. Just like the christians yall like to clown have in their bibles. Oh but thats where you can clow a person for believing something they havent proven themselves. But when it comes to this cac science, yall swallow it without question. Your faith is in man and numbers. And with how dumb this world is and always has been, you'll fall short everytime breh...
What does classical physics have to do with race breh? Pray tell :laff: Does gravity not apply to you if you're Hebrew? :deadrose:

That BS dont apply to me thats for sure :childplease:

Again, a geocentric earth, lays credence to the belief that our lives have PURPOSE and that we are here for a REASON. A wacky universe that is endless, and has many earths many times over? Well that leads to where we're at today where you and those like you clown people for believing the words and experiences of others when it comes to the bible, yet yall can do the same when it comes to science.


May 19, 2012
He said beyond the south pole was uncharted land, BIGGER than the US. Wheres that on any map? :mjlol:

Compare the Size of Antarctica to the Continental United States


...Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, windiest and brightest of the seven continents. It is roughly the size of the United States and Mexico combined and is almost completely covered by a layer of ice that averages more than one mile in thickness, but is nearly three miles thick in places....

So how about you explain how these maps helped sailors in the 1500's and 1600s sail earth when the earth wasnt even shaped like that? Why the map actually fits what ancient societies thought the earth was shaped like? Why (in your opinion) the UN uses this as their logo? What was JFK using it for in his jet and strategy room? Why do they randomly put it in movies?




Europeans didn't discover the US until the late 1400s/early 1500s and those are the cartographers you want to base your argument on? :dead: As far as Alexander Gleason:


You can read the details of his patent here:

Patent US497917 - Alexander gleason

I claim as my invention- The combination with a time chart of a circular time dial encompassing the circular map, a disk or dial graduated and divided to indicate longitude and sun time on any meridian line or intervening lines, two indicating arms loosely pivoted to the center of the circular map, numerals indicating degrees of longitude on each of said arms, and apivoted joint for holding said arms together so the friction between them will be sufiieient to hold them one to the other at any point to which one may be moved on the other and permit both to be moved together by turning one, substantially as and for the purposes described.

You nikkas just wanna stick your head in the sand and pretend as if nothing is fishy about Admiral Byrd coming back and saying there was a land beyond the South Pole, larger than the US, then nations coming together and declaring the land off limits.

Opportunities | Palmer LTER

Our field teams are mostly composed of our students, postdocs and lab techs. However there are limited opportunities for volunteer help during the field season at Palmer Station, or on the annual (January) oceanographic research cruise off the Antarctic Peninsula. Interested volunteers should consult the Palmer website for details about our research, and contact information for applying to individual investigators. Different investigators may have specific requirements; previous college-level laboratory and/or field experience is desirable. Previous oceanographic or Antarctic experience is not required.

Typically, volunteers are selected in the late spring before the following October to April field season. All volunteers must pass US Antarctic Program-approved medical and dental examinations prior to deploying to the Antarctic. The investigator may pay partial costs for medical exams for successful applicants. All travel between the USA and Antarctica is covered by the program. Volunteers residing outside the USA must pay their travel costs to and from the USA for onward travel to Antarctica. The usual duration for fieldwork by volunteers is 6-12 weeks, but may be longer or shorter depending on individual needs and obligations. All volunteers must read and abide by the Palmer LTER Manifesto, linked below.

Prospective volunteers should send a brief resume and statement of experience and interest to the individual co-investigators for further information. We get many applications and there is a long waiting list.

You do know you can just volunteer to go to a National Science Foundation base in Antarctica right? :mjpls:

I have 400 years of evidence as to why I should take everything a cac says to me with a grain of salt. You do you though breh :mjpls: How could Egyptians, without the use of telescopes, know soooooo much about Astronomy, but fail when it comes to the shape of the earth?

The Egyptians also worshipped Anubis, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, and also committed human sacrifices to their gods. What infallible scientific mind approves of human sacrifice? :what: And you sure as hell hold a lot of admiration for a group of people that enslaved your religious ancestors, committed infanticide against them, and cast spells against the God of one of the archprophets of your religion :mjpls: And if you did know anything about Egypt the fundamental basis for the research into astronomy was for agriculturual purposes, and to predict the ebb and flow of the Nile, which was their life source. Their goal for astronomy wasn't to confirm if the earth was flat or round, if it rotated, etc etc, those details were of little relevance to their empire or to their agricultural prowess. The Greeks themselves set out to confirm whether or not the world was flat or round. Greeks thought for the sake of thinking, not for religious or military or medicinal purposes, but just for the sake of it.

Mind bringing up what you pointed out earlier?

It doesn't matter, you brush aside everything without even reading what I have been typing, it was in one of my first posts in this thread, just do a search for eratosthenes and you will find it, I'm pretty sure I was the first one to mention him.

Since not enough is known about Aristarchus personally, lets fast forward to Copernicus and Galileo. Copernicus, was a sun worshiper, UNDOUBTEDLY, and Galileo was a Jesuit. This is who you put your trust in when it comes to the sun centered universe. A pagan sun worshiper, and a Jesuit (which is practically the same thing when it comes down to it). The church was "against" Galileo just like those Jewish Bankers who put Hitler in power were "against" Hitler somehow.

I don't put my trust in Copernicus, or Galileo. I do put my trust in scientific observations backed by rigorous mathematical proof and/or scientific deduction. The force/acceleration relationship as proposed by Newton could have came from a monkey or a talking donkey for all I care. The source of knowledge is of little relevance to the actual knowledge being judged on its own merits. Big difference, you should try it sometime. And yes both Copernicus and Galileo had their teachings banned by the Church. Copernicus on his mother's side was relatied to all the wealthy families of Prussia, not somebody you kill. Galileo himself was tried under the Inquisition and sentenced to house arrest for life, because he had not followed a previous edict to stop all works in regards to the heliocentric system. And for whatever it's worth Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the Church for being a proponent of the Copernican solar system, the very same people you claim were using it as a subversive agenda over a world they already controlled :dead:

:mjlol: Funny how this works though. You dont have to prove it right, but I have to prove it wrong? And if you were even to attempt to prove it right, you would simply just parrot what those who taught you said. Aint nothing a law because a man says its a law. The earth's spin hasnt been proven. Heliocentrism hasnt been proven. The pics they say they have, have been doctored heavily. So what do you actually have to support your belief? The words of men. Just like the christians yall like to clown have in their bibles. Oh but thats where you can clow a person for believing something they havent proven themselves. But when it comes to this cac science, yall swallow it without question. Your faith is in man and numbers. And with how dumb this world is and always has been, you'll fall short everytime breh...

Actually I gave you simple anecdotal proof, because you can't handle math. A scientific law is always based in math, not conjecture. You should maybe research Kepler's laws of planetary motions. And if you don't believe math then breh there is no point to this argument. You choose not to believe, that doesn't make what you don't believe not true.

That BS dont apply to me thats for sure :childplease:

Again, a geocentric earth, lays credence to the belief that our lives have PURPOSE and that we are here for a REASON. A wacky universe that is endless, and has many earths many times over? Well that leads to where we're at today where you and those like you clown people for believing the words and experiences of others when it comes to the bible, yet yall can do the same when it comes to science.

Go walk off a cliff my Hebrew friend, and come back here and let us know if gravity applies to you or not :pachaha:


Nov 21, 2013

Let me repeat. ON THE OTHER SIDE of the South Pole. Why are you comparing it to the size of Antarctica? :dead:

Europeans didn't discover the US until the late 1400s/early 1500s and those are the cartographers you want to base your argument on?

They were sailors. So while it may have not been on point, they did know SOME things. And if you want to believe that Alexander Gleason put the a flat map, with an ice ring around it (just like the flat earth theory) to denote a "time chart" than thats on you. I dont think his map, and the others before it and after coincide coincidentally with the flat earth theory. You do you though

You do know you can just volunteer to go to a National Science Foundation base in Antarctica right? :mjpls:

If my position is that they're hiding something, and that they called it off limits to unauthorized exploration, why would they offer free exploration to people? You still ducking and dodging

The Egyptians also worshipped Anubis, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, and also committed human sacrifices to their gods. What infallible scientific mind approves of human sacrifice? :what: And you sure as hell hold a lot of admiration for a group of people that enslaved your religious ancestors, committed infanticide against them, and cast spells against the God of one of the archprophets of your religion :mjpls: And if you did know anything about Egypt the fundamental basis for the research into astronomy was for agriculturual purposes, and to predict the ebb and flow of the Nile, which was their life source. Their goal for astronomy wasn't to confirm if the earth was flat or round, if it rotated, etc etc, those details were of little relevance to their empire or to their agricultural prowess. The Greeks themselves set out to confirm whether or not the world was flat or round. Greeks thought for the sake of thinking, not for religious or military or medicinal purposes, but just for the sake of it.

If Im trying to find the cure for aids, but find the cure for cancer, does the PURPOSE matter? Nope. All that matters is the results. And the Egyptians got results. Yet, with the shape of the earth, they were SOOOOOOO OFF? Im not buying it. Cacs tell you to buy it, and you buy it

When it comes to science, the Egyptians were the standard. And thats who all the cacs you trust in get and got their information from. So you tell me how they were so right about astronomy without the technology we have today, yet soooo off on the shape of the earth..

Just because I denote the Egyptians knowledge in science as it pertains to today, doesnt mean Im championing them either. Lame point.

It doesn't matter

You're right. I think for myself and dont let others think for me. You should try it

I don't put my trust in Copernicus, or Galileo. I do put my trust in scientific observations

You trust the words/observations/experiences of other men then turn around and clown christians who do the same with the biible. Lame and hypocritical.

And for whatever it's worth Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the Church for being a proponent of the Copernican solar system, the very same people you claim were using it as a subversive agenda over a world they already controlled :dead:

Well if you were well versed in history you know that agendas change over time. For instance, one time those in power enslaved blacks. Now the agenda has chnged to where they cant do that anymore, so they changed to private prisons and hitting blacks covertly when it comes to things such as employment or housing discrimination. Things change over time breh.

Actually I gave you simple anecdotal proof, because you can't handle math. A scientific law is always based in math, not conjecture. You should maybe research Kepler's laws of planetary motions. And if you don't believe math then breh there is no point to this argument. You choose not to believe, that doesn't make what you don't believe not true.

You gave me the words of other men which is like me giving you a bible verse. I want YOU to prove it. All that "math" is stuff some other people came up with. You cant prove it yourself to be true or false. You cant prove yourself, without referring to the words/experiences of someone else, why helium causes a balloon, that on its own is held down by "gravity", to rise. You'd have to start rambling off your science bible verses that you've NEVER proven YOURSELF.
Go walk off a cliff my Hebrew friend, and come back here and let us know if gravity applies to you or not :pachaha:

You cant prove (again, YOURSELF) if its a force bringing me down, or if its just because Im heavier than the air around me. :sas2:


May 19, 2012
Let me repeat. ON THE OTHER SIDE of the South Pole. Why are you comparing it to the size of Antarctica? :dead:

On the other side of the south pole /= other side of Antarctica breh

They were sailors. So while it may have not been on point, they did know SOME things. And if you want to believe that Alexander Gleason put the a flat map, with an ice ring around it (just like the flat earth theory) to denote a "time chart" than thats on you. I dont think his map, and the others before it and after coincide coincidentally with the flat earth theory. You do you though

:laff: at "they did know some things" :deadrose: And read Alexander Gleason's patent filing breh. There was no persecution of scientists at the time, no reason for him to declare a patent other than what it was. At this point you are putting words in other people's mouths, he himself explained why he designed it as such.

If my position is that they're hiding something, and that they called it off limits to unauthorized exploration, why would they offer free exploration to people? You still ducking and dodging

You said the government is hiding something, when they are clearly allowing people to visit Antarctica, which I have shown, what exactly am I ducking and dodging breh? :why:

If Im trying to find the cure for aids, but find the cure for cancer, does the PURPOSE matter? Nope. All that matters is the results. And the Egyptians got results. Yet, with the shape of the earth, they were SOOOOOOO OFF? Im not buying it. Cacs tell you to buy it, and you buy it

When it comes to science, the Egyptians were the standard. And thats who all the cacs you trust in get and got their information from. So you tell me how they were so right about astronomy without the technology we have today, yet soooo off on the shape of the earth..

Where were the Egyptian cars? computers? cell phones? radio? Where was their Sears Tower? London Bridge? Three Gorges Dam? Rockets? Guns? Refrigerators? Robots? Trains? Electric grids? Wind towers? Solar panels? They were so advanced scientifically they needed slave labor to build everything :camby:

Just because I denote the Egyptians knowledge in science as it pertains to today, doesnt mean Im championing them either. Lame point.

You called them the standard when it comes to science. Where was this science against the Greeks and the Romans were all up in that azz? :camby:

You're right. I think for myself and dont let others think for me. You should try it

I can respect that :yeshrug: You still should take some very basic physics courses to further your understanding of the world.

You trust the words/observations/experiences of other men then turn around and clown christians who do the same with the biible. Lame and hypocritical.

I trust the research and the mathematical proofs, not the words. At my university we had to DEMONSTRATE THE PROOF for every theory/law we studied. I was in computer engineering, they start you out with a rigorous courseload in calculus, then from there you went on to circuit theory. We were shown and had to prove Thevenin circuits and how they were derived for example. And then we went in the lab and put our proofs into real life in the form of circuits/robots we designed. The first thing they teach you in science is to question EVERYTHING. The basis of science is the question "Why?". Why do birds fly? Why do I get shocked when I drag my feet across carpet and touch the doorknob? Why does wood float? Why does fire make things warm? There are ASSUMPTIONS made in science for ease of calculations. E.g. pi = 3.14. There are also PROBABILITIES calculated in science, such as on average 2 hydrogen molecules will bond with 1 oxygen molecule to make water. These are for ease of calculation, based in empirical data. To contradict myself however Goedel's theorem did show that faith existed in science in the axiomatic theory for any axiom applied for a specific set of numbers on its own set, but that's a discussion for another day :pachaha: For whatever it's worth breh there are plenty of scientists that are Christians, and right now Intelligent Design is and has been making waves in the scientific world. None of that however makes the earth flat :pachaha:

Well if you were well versed in history you know that agendas change over time. For instance, one time those in power enslaved blacks. Now the agenda has chnged to where they cant do that anymore, so they changed to private prisons and hitting blacks covertly when it comes to things such as employment or housing discrimination. Things change over time breh.

You are moving the goalposts here. You clearly said they had an agenda, I showed you they killed proponents of the heliocentric system. I also showed you that Martin Luther, the man basically responsible for the fall of the Church from power, was also against the heliocentric system. Is it one mic or shorty owe you ice? :pachaha:

You gave me the words of other men which is like me giving you a bible verse. I want YOU to prove it. All that "math" is stuff some other people came up with. You cant prove it yourself to be true or false. You cant prove yourself, without referring to the words/experiences of someone else, why helium causes a balloon, that on its own is held down by "gravity", to rise. You'd have to start rambling off your science bible verses that you've NEVER proven YOURSELF.

I did give you anecdotal proofs using my own personable, verifiable experiences, why didn't you respond to any of them? What the hell is a "science bible"? :dead: I already showed you that density is a component of mass breh. It's the same reason why muscle weighs more than fat, or water weighs more than alcohol, it's more dense. if I take any object, and I compress it, it now weighs more per cubic foot than it did prior to compression. Try it yourself breh. No need for complicated math that you don't understand. Go buy some meat, take the measurements, run it through a grinder, and take the measurements again, and compare both by weight. You will see it weighs the same even though it takes up a smaller area. So obviously if you bought more meat to grind, you would see that after you pack it up you get more weight in the same space after it's ground. More density = more mass = more weight, no need to refer to anybody else's experience, try it on your on your own.

Conversely, take a cup of oil and water, and pour it in a cup, and let it sit. You will see the oil float to the top, and the water sink to the bottom. Does it mean gravity is not acting on both liquids? No. but since the MASS of the oil is LESS than that of water (because the density is less :gladbron:) the WEIGHT of the oil (gravitational force acting on the oil) is less than that of water so it floats to the top. It doesn't matter if it's air, liquids, fluids, or solids, the gravitational principle is the same. You reduce the density, you reduce the mass, thereby you reduce the gravitational force (weight).

You cant prove (again, YOURSELF) if its a force bringing me down, or if its just because Im heavier than the air around me. :sas2:

This is stupid breh with all due respect. If I attached a rocket to your feet, you will go up instead of down. Don't you and the rocket weigh more than air, so what is it about the rocket that causes you to go up instead of down breh? Both of you are heavier than air. :sas2:


Nov 21, 2013
On the other side of the south pole /= other side of Antarctica breh

Based on what exactly?

:laff: at "they did know some things" :deadrose: And read Alexander Gleason's patent filing breh. There was no persecution of scientists at the time, no reason for him to declare a patent other than what it was. At this point you are putting words in other people's mouths, he himself explained why he designed it as such.

You and other ignorant people like you act like yall are smarter than the ancient people. But yall arent. They did know some things about what they were doing while if were were to put your ass out there you would be stuck on stupid. You posted it, and I read it. I just dont think there was any reason for him to make a map and put the ice wall around it just as the flat earthers see it.

You said the government is hiding something, when they are clearly allowing people to visit Antarctica, which I have shown, what exactly am I ducking and dodging breh? :why:

Breh, I could take you to one part of America, or give you free reign to explore it all. My position is that they are taking people to one part of America (in this case Antarctica) rather than just putting people on the land and letting them go freely. Thus its hardly an example of them not keeping Antarctica off limits. Without mentioning if you and I were to saddle up and go down there, we'd be stopped.

Where were the Egyptian cars?

This and everything else mentioned afterwards has nothing to do with the shape of the earth. We call this deflecting where Im from

You called them the standard when it comes to science. Where was this science against the Greeks and the Romans were all up in that azz? :camby:

What does science in regards to the shape of the earth have to do with war? :mjlol:

I can respect that :yeshrug: You still should take some very basic physics courses to further your understanding of the world.

To prove the earth is spinning you have to go to the ones who believe its spinning on how you can prove it. If you have a certain conclusion you want someone to come to, is it that hard to show them a way to GET TO that conclusion?

I trust the research and the mathematical proofs, not the words. At my university we had to DEMONSTRATE THE PROOF for every theory/law we studied. I was in computer engineering, they start you out with a rigorous courseload in calculus, then from there you went on to circuit theory. We were shown and had to prove Thevenin circuits and how they were derived for example. And then we went in the lab and put our proofs into real life in the form of circuits/robots we designed. The first thing they teach you in science is to question EVERYTHING. The basis of science is the question "Why?". Why do birds fly? Why do I get shocked when I drag my feet across carpet and touch the doorknob? Why does wood float? Why does fire make things warm? There are ASSUMPTIONS made in science for ease of calculations. E.g. pi = 3.14. There are also PROBABILITIES calculated in science, such as on average 2 hydrogen molecules will bond with 1 oxygen molecule to make water. These are for ease of calculation, based in empirical data. To contradict myself however Goedel's theorem did show that faith existed in science in the axiomatic theory for any axiom applied for a specific set of numbers on its own set, but that's a discussion for another day :pachaha: For whatever it's worth breh there are plenty of scientists that are Christians, and right now Intelligent Design is and has been making waves in the scientific world. None of that however makes the earth flat :pachaha:

:mjlol: The very same people teaching you theories passed off as laws, also teach you HOW TO PROVE THEM. Or did you go on your own, and prove these things? Im not talking circuitry or building a computer. Lets take gravity, how can you prove that its a force pulling you to the ground and not simply you being heavier than the air around you?

You are moving the goalposts here. You clearly said they had an agenda,

Yes just like those in power had an agenda to keep black folks at the bottom. At one time they used slavery. Once that was of no longer use, they SWITCHED to private prisons, employment/housing discrimination, and other things. Things change breh but the agenda stays the same. It was back then and now to mislead the general public. Same agenda, just a different way of going about enacting it

I did give you anecdotal proofs using my own personable, verifiable experiences, why didn't you respond to any of them? What the hell is a "science bible"? :dead:

Here lets try again. Helium weighs less than a balloon does. When a balloon has no helium in it, it is "pulled down by gravity". Yet when filled with a lesser in weight item (helium) it now cannot be held down by this force that can hold down 1000 ton items down, anymore. Explain, in your own words, not using equations, why this is the case. Here is your opportunity to prove gravity without the use of math equations or the words of other men. Will you take this offer up?

This is stupid breh with all due respect. If I attached a rocket to your feet, you will go up instead of down. Don't you and the rocket weigh more than air, so what is it about the rocket that causes you to go up instead of down breh? Both of you are heavier than air. :sas2:

:mjlol: So if whats heavier than air must fall, that means we cant jump anymore? Terrible question. Even with no gravity, jumping would be allowed. Not to mention propulsion but what happens when that propulsion stops? I come right back down...Terrible questioning


May 19, 2012
So if whats heavier than air must fall, that means we cant jump anymore? Terrible question. Even with no gravity, jumping would be allowed. Not to mention propulsion but what happens when that propulsion stops? I come right back down...Terrible questioning

I'm not going to answer the other stuff because you keep giving evasive answers. You said Egyptians are the standard of science yet you won't admit they didn't invent much, and that their science was unable to aid them from being conquered, neither did you answer why such an advanced society needed slaves to build everything, nor did you answer why would intelligent and scientific people believe in human sacrifice to appease the gods. You keep referring to the Egyptians as if they are some authoritarian source, and even if they are so, you still ignored the fact that Eratosthenes came to his conclusions from Egyptian research. Gleason's patent filing is there for anybody to read, yet you claim his objective was different that what the patent was filed for. You claim that the Church was using the heliocentric theory to subvert the truth yet they killed, imprisoned and banned the works of people who supported the heliocentric theory. At this point you are just trying to twist and convolute (is that a word?) every fact to fit your argument, so there is no use to debate those points further. So I'm just going to reply to the quoted for now, with some questions that beg the question you asked:

1) How is propulsion realized? What causes it? You don't need to be scientific here, just a basic answer will do.

2) How does propulsion mitigate the fact that you and the rocket combined are more denser than air by several factors? According to you anything denser than air should fall until it encounters an object more denser than itself. So how does propulsion defy the @Everythingg law of density breh?

We are all over the place here, so trying to keep it simple. Just explain how propulsion defies density according to your observations.
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May 19, 2012
How do we know if these are real or fake again? Or are you saying we should just "trust" that they're real because "they wouldnt lie about it"?

Try it bro, try faking Kodachrome, be my guest :yeshrug: Contact multiple professional photographers, and ask them how to fake photos on film developed using the K-14 process. If you want I can get you a list of Egyptian, Rastafarian, Ethiopian, African American, or photographers of any ethnicity. Ask them how they would fake it. I'm actually very curious and will be waiting for the results of your investigation on this matter :obama:


Nov 21, 2013
I'm not going to answer the other stuff because you keep giving evasive answers. You said Egyptians are the standard of science yet you won't admit they didn't invent much, and that their science was unable to aid them from being conquered, neither did you answer why such an advanced society needed slaves to build everything, nor did you answer why would intelligent and scientific people believe in human sacrifice to appease the gods. You keep referring to the Egyptians as if they are some authoritarian source, and even if they are so, you still ignored the fact that Eratosthenes came to his conclusions from Egyptian research.

Its easier to do the things you mentioned when you're building off someone elses template. For the lack of technology they had, they sure knew way more than we can explain concerning outerspace. How in your opinion? How could they without telescopes know so much about the universe and build things on earth in connection with it? War has nothing to do with science, and all that science we have today, hasnt stopped war from happening, and countries from being conquered. Its irrelevant. Human sacrifice is a spiritual belief that has nothing to do with science. A society having slaves, doesnt mean they arent scientific. It means they have people to do the dirty work they dont want to do themselves. None of what you're pointing to is relevant to the Romans and Greeks getting their knowledge from them yet believing otherwise when it comes to teh earth.

Yea I dont trust cacs going to Egypt, learning from them while often stamping their own names on what they learned from them, then turning around and coming to a different conclusion than they did. You do you though.

Gleason's patent filing is there for anybody to read, yet you claim his objective was different that what the patent was filed for.

I questioned why his map contained flat earth concepts

You claim that the Church was using the heliocentric theory to subvert the truth yet they killed, imprisoned and banned the works of people who supported the heliocentric theory

Which is no different than the very people who supported Hitler's rise while knowing what he planned, condemning him in the end. No different than the US system once lynching blacks and leaving alone those who lynched them, to now imprisoning and denouncing those who do such acts. Or the US system once enslaving blacks, and killing those who tried to free them, to now what we have today where those acts are repulsive. The agenda is the same, but the approach to these agendas change as time goes on.

1) How is propulsion realized? What causes it? You don't need to be scientific here, just a basic answer will do.

A force pushes an object in a certain direction.

2) How does propulsion mitigate the fact that you and the rocket combined are more denser than air by several factors? According to you anything denser than air should fall until it encounters an object more denser than itself. So how does propulsion defy the @Everythingg law of density breh?

You're trying to make my argument into me saying that without gravity we cant even throw a ball in the air when its simply if something is in the air that is heavier than air (and not being propelled by some force), that it will fall.