"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving

May 16, 2012
Really? Even with pictures, videos, telescopes, satellites, eyewitness accounts.

When these spaceships go up in the air, where are they going?

When that one spaceship exploded and killed everyone on takeoff, where was it going?

bruh. everyone on the alleged Challenger explosion in 1986 is still alive. just look it up.

NASA is so arrogant they don't think people will notice that the astronauts they alleged died are still working and using their same names.

all you have to do is open your eyes bruh. The NASA conspiracy is so arrogant its right in our face.


May 1, 2012
If you look closely enough you can see a nipple


May 19, 2012
that and the bro science behind planes needing to fly with their nose pointed at the ground :what: :deadmanny: :biglol:

The earth has a circumference of 25,000 miles but you have to make sure to point the nose down to the grown for a flight from Chicago to LA, as if commercial planes could reach escape velocity :deadrose:


Nov 21, 2013
Saying density is directly proportional to mass is rambling? :dead: It's easy to be right when you can just dismiss all evidence that contradicts your musings with the swipe of a hand. :laff: Real science my azz :laff:

You cant prove none of that rambling you drooled out of your mouth. That sounds like a you problem, not me :yeshrug:

that density is directly proportional to mass, then you will have a basis to argue about gravitational pull, please note by the way gravity is a LAW, not a theory, it has been proven empirically and scientifically, until you prove something is flawed with the relations you are actually the one "rambling". You should take a basic physics course, it would help a lot in your understanding of "cac" science

Cacs tell you "the earth is round and thats final" and you believe it, DESPITE the fact that the went to Egypt, stole the knowledge they had, then stamped their names on it (Pythagorean theorem anyone?). Thats without mentioning that you believe what they say without even questioning it. Yet probably turn around and clown christians who believe the bible without questioning it. Can you dig it now breh? None of that shyt you rambled, can you prove yourself. You'd have to run to a cac scientist (or scientist taught by cacs) to ask them to do it for you The same shyt most of yall clowns get on christians for doing with their bibles/priests

:camby: :mjlol:
In regards to your other points:

1) Interesting, so you yourself @Everythingg have physically observed the stars moving? :sas1: Pray tell how did you calculate its change in position? :sas1:

Calculate? All I have to do is sit outside and observe. In due time, the stars will be in a different position than when I first started watching. If I dont have the time to do that, I can set up a video and watch start trails. Since we cannot sense,feel, or see the earth moving, well, thats easy as pie. Now for you who says the earth is moving, what have YOU observed that shows that that is the case? What have you personally seen to say the earth spins? Or that its a ball? Please, dont bring up "well the cac scientists said... :damn: ". Im asking about YOU, the user @blackzeus

2) Science doesn't say the moon doesn't move, so you're wrong on that point. Scienes does saw we orbit around the sun, and we spin on an axis, to make it as simple as I can that's how science explains the movements of the oceans and the fact that it be daytime in USA and nighttime in China on the same planet. What's your explanation for day and night occuring at different times on a flat disk? :sas1: If you put a flash on the edge of a disc shouldn't the whole disc still reflect light my fellow Honors Society member?:sas1:

I clearly said that the sun and moon move above us according to our perspective but of course, science, only tells us that the moon is moving and the sun is stationary. So much for your "science is only based on observations" lie


All that shyt has been answered time and time again, TO YOU even, by Swagnificent. Why are you going over it, AGAIN? The same answer applies now, that did then. The sun (according to flat earthers that is) moves over the earth and only lights up a particular area of the earth. So while its in one area, (say China) its light only reaches that area and not the other area (say the USA). By the way, I havent said once in this thread that the earth is definitively flat. All Im saying is, they're hiding something and I've pointed out why thats the case. You keep ducking and dodging because you havent caught up yet.

3) Observing and understanding what you are observing are two different things. When you are on a treadmill are you moving? :sas1: I mean, I know it feels like you are moving, but are you actually moving? :sas1: If we both cross each other on escalators going opposite directions are we moving? :sas1:An object can be stationary and be in motion, and an object can be in motion but also be stationary. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Since we're talking about the earth and a person on it. YES, the treadmill (which would be the earth) is moving and so is the escalators. Now am I stationary? Yes. BUt that which Im on is not. Terrible analogy but that is to be expected

4) The surface is flat relative to your viewpoint, doesn't make it flat, that's why I gave you the example of a plane. An ant crawling around on a wrecking ball is gonna feel that it's walking on a flat surface, that doesn't make it true. Please explain to me why latitude and longitude is measured in degrees and not in feet or meters or cubits, and you will have made your point :sas1:

:mjlol: Bruh you really gonna tell me what an ant feels?

You dont know if an ant knows what its walking on or not. Without mentioning, that you seem to be ducking certain things I've said. Here they are again, and these arent even "objective" things. They're facts. So why duck them?

-Admiral Byrd went to Antarctica then came back saying there was an unmapped land there. He died a year later. Care to address why he said there was an unmapped land there?
-Flat earth map in JFK's strategy room and the UN logo is a flat earth map. Why if the belief has no credence?
-Cacs ran to Egypt, learned from Egypt, came back to their nations, stamped their names over what the Egyptians taught them, then said the earth was round (unlike what the Egyptians said). Why dont you even QUESTION how that happens? How could the Egyptians know so much about the solar system, but be WAY OFF when it comes to the earth they were on?
-Copernicus, the daddy of your religion, was a sun worshiper. Is it really surprising that a sun worshiper would view the sun as the center of the universe and not the earth that he was on?


Nov 21, 2013

Thread of the year.

You're welcome :blessed:

Now wait till the gov't tells you the truth. Because in due time, once Trump fukks up terribly, they'll reveal to yall how they misled yall all this time. But hey, believing is seeing right (oh well except when it comes to the spinning ball earth that moves at thousands of miles per hour :dead: )



May 19, 2012
Calculate? All I have to do is sit outside and observe. In due time, the stars will be in a different position than when I first started watching. If I dont have the time to do that, I can set up a video and watch start trails. Since we cannot sense,feel, or see the earth moving, well, thats easy as pie. Now for you who says the earth is moving, what have YOU observed that shows that that is the case? What have you personally seen to say the earth spins? Or that its a ball? Please, dont bring up "well the cac scientists said... :damn: ". Im asking about YOU, the user @blackzeus

So in other words you haven't observed sh*t :dead: And :laff: at CAC this and that, science has nothing to do with race, color, or creed. Just math, phenomena, and empirical observation. In regards to your question in parts, and more imporant in analytical order:


Q: What has @blackzeus observed to show that the earth is a ball?

A: I have flown all over the world, never have I flown more than 5 time zones and have seen the sun at the same level of intensity. It is impossible for there to be light on one side of a disc and darkness at the other side of a disc, when the sun is at its most powerful, which I have personally observed to be 12-2 pm. Using a flat earth map:


How can it be night time in the UK and daytime in Toronoto. According to this map any longitudinal path of the sun would place it right over the area. It's physically impossible that there can be a flat earth and Toronto and the UK are feeling vastly different degrees of solar intensity (in laymans terms one city is still in daytime while the other is experiencing nighttime) This I have observed with my own eyes. The only way this is possible is if the earth is 3-dimensional object, with one side facing the sun, and the other side away from the sun. There is no way according to the flat earth map it can be light in Toronto and dark in London, and yes I took the flight I saw it with my own eyes


Q: What has @blackzeus observed to show that the earth spins?

A1: First and foremost for me a more accurate term would be rotate, but lets proceed with your terminology. This derives from the first statement. Of course you don't have to BELIEVE my proof, but it is very, very real. If you ACCEPT my proof, then it logically follows that there is some phenomena occuring every 24 hours that causes the sun to show in my part of the world, as typically every 24 hours the same cycle of darkness and light passes in my part of the world. So how could it be that the sun is position to light my part of the world everyday around 7AM? Well first maybe one can assume the sun goes to sleep, or maybe the turtle holding up the world lays on his back to take a breather and block the sun. That is until I take a trip to China or France and I see the sun there, ironically for them to at 7 AM for them. So at 7 AM in China the sun shows up, and 7 AM in the UK the sun shows up (sometimes, that's a depressing country weatherwise :heh:), and at 7 AM in the Chi the sun shows up. :jbhmm: It almost sounds like, you guessed, a specific part of the earth is facing the sun at a specific time within a specific measured time cycle, not only in Chicago, not only in Toronto, but in ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! So now we know something is happening, either the sun is moving around the earth, or the earth is moving around the sun, but something is moving in a way that resembles a circular path for sure. Again I have been to Toronto, UK, and China, personally. none of this is hearsay

A2: So is the sun moving around the earth then? Sure let's run with that theory. If the earth is not moving, there should be a star I can see in China that I can't see in Chicago. But try as much as I try, in both places I have seen Orion, Gemini, and Sagitarius (spelling?). But if we both can see it, at a certain time China is facing Orion, and at a certain time Chitown is facing Orion. How is that possible? It's almost as if....
, the Earth turns!!!! So that's why I can always see the same constellations over by Lake Michigan that I can see in Zhuhai

A3: So I have observed that the earth is round, and that the earth spins. Now let's assume both the sun and the earth are moving around each other. Now I go back to my same observation. At 7 AM every day the solar intensity increases in Chicago. But I already know the earth is spinning, so something's up. If the sun had moved while the earth is spinning, why it solar intensity increased around 7 AM every day? :patrice:Then I tried it myself. I stood up in front of my computer, spun around 20 times, and faced it, and then I saw the light!!!!!
My computer didn't move!!!!
Eureka! That's why at 7 AM every day I am facing the sun again, because the sun is in the same spot every day at 7 AM

You too can prove the earth is round, rotates on its own axis, and rotates around the earth simply by going outside and traveling :blessed: It's ok breh, the outdoors won't bite you, don't be afraid of reality now :myman:


Apr 30, 2012
bruh. everyone on the alleged Challenger explosion in 1986 is still alive. just look it up.

NASA is so arrogant they don't think people will notice that the astronauts they alleged died are still working and using their same names.

all you have to do is open your eyes bruh. The NASA conspiracy is so arrogant its right in our face.

for what? What's the conspiracy for?

NASA barely has funding anymore. We don't pay for it out of our taxes like that. What's the end game after 50 years?