"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving

May 7, 2012
Prove it by showing the actual routes

the guy does the flight tracking on the website in the video lmao and proves you wrong
United posts its flight routes: U.S. and International Route Maps | United Airlines
The Newark to Tokyo flight that I was describing earlier does just what I said, they fly north into Canada, because it's a shorter route when fly around a spherical object

Now this route also makes sense on your flat earth map, but that's just cuz your flat earth map is looking down on the north pole, so it does a reasonable job depicting the northern hemisphere. Where that map falls completely apart is with the southern hemisphere. It makes those countries seem much further apart than they actually are. I tried to illustrate that to you by comparing flight times of a NYC-Rome flight to a Sao Paolo-Johannesburg flight. An even more egregious example would be Tokyo-Newark vs Sydney,Austraila-Santiago,Chile. Look how much further Sydney is from Chile on your flat Earth map than Tokyo is from Newark. It makes no damn sense for those two flight to be so close in terms of flight times (12h50m vs 12h20m) if the flat earth pic was true. However, if you look at the globe, the distsances between the two sets of cites are actually comparable.

But of course you want flight routes. Problem is, of course, the airlines that fly the southern hemisphere are generally not as sophisticated as the likes of United which openly show their routes (and you can check the flight status on United's website, and it will show you where that flight in the flight path at that moment). However if you look at United's LAX-Sydney route....

...or Emirates' Dubai-Auckland New Zealand route....

..neither of those flight routes make sense on your flat earth route. The LAX-Sydney route is harder to see because of the resolution of your pic, but the flat earth route would have you flying over Papua New Guinea to get to Sydney. United doesn't do that because that would be going out of the way. The Dubai-New Zealand route is much easier to see. On your flat earth map the direct routes would have you flying over Russia, China, and Japan to get from Dubai to New Zealand. On a globe, that would be going wayyyy out of the way, which is why Emirates doesn't do that and instead flies over India and Australia. A direct route on the globe, but wayyy out of the way on your flat earth map.


winter is coming
Jun 3, 2012
Did you watch the video I posted

they have an explanation for all that shyt, the sun moves over the flat Earth and that's what the believe, and the guy goes in depth in the video I posted

I'm saying to you I can't prove them wrong, you can't prove them wrong

I don't if its right I wrong, I'm saying I can't prove it, neither can you

The guy makes good points why the Earth doesn't revolve around the sun, and I can't refute them

you choose to ignore the video go ahead, but don't argue against until you heard they side
because that's just ignorant

But Mars has seasons just like Earth... only twice as long. They don't have another sun hoverboarding over it like dude says the sun does to earth...


King of Short Gang
Nov 21, 2016
I know what gravity is. Doesn't mean I believe it. You're basically just saying shyt that you can't prove but have heard so you believe it. You can't prove shyt you're trying to convince me of. Gravity could be some bullshyt they made up to explain how all this water isn't falling off this so called spinning ball.

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
until you watch the video you posted I'm not talking about
shyt I'm done with this shyt yall can't handle having your view challenged lmao, and I didn't even say one was right and one was wrong just that I merely cannot prove it, and you can't either
I watched it what points about it do you want to discuss?
May 13, 2012
Some of you wasted some major time talking about this. Kyrie is a fool and must be trolling.

We all know the earth is not flat.
May 15, 2012
United posts its flight routes: U.S. and International Route Maps | United Airlines
The Newark to Tokyo flight that I was describing earlier does just what I said, they fly north into Canada, because it's a shorter route when fly around a spherical object

Now this route also makes sense on your flat earth map, but that's just cuz your flat earth map is looking down on the north pole, so it does a reasonable job depicting the northern hemisphere. Where that map falls completely apart is with the southern hemisphere. It makes those countries seem much further apart than they actually are. I tried to illustrate that to you by comparing flight times of a NYC-Rome flight to a Sao Paolo-Johannesburg flight. An even more egregious example would be Tokyo-Newark vs Sydney,Austraila-Santiago,Chile. Look how much further Sydney is from Chile on your flat Earth map than Tokyo is from Newark. It makes no damn sense for those two flight to be so close in terms of flight times (12h50m vs 12h20m) if the flat earth pic was true. However, if you look at the globe, the distsances between the two sets of cites are actually comparable.

But of course you want flight routes. Problem is, of course, the airlines that fly the southern hemisphere are generally not as sophisticated as the likes of United which openly show their routes (and you can check the flight status on United's website, and it will show you where that flight in the flight path at that moment). However if you look at United's LAX-Sydney route....

...or Emirates' Dubai-Auckland New Zealand route....

..neither of those flight routes make sense on your flat earth route. The LAX-Sydney route is harder to see because of the resolution of your pic, but the flat earth route would have you flying over Papua New Guinea to get to Sydney. United doesn't do that because that would be going out of the way. The Dubai-New Zealand route is much easier to see. On your flat earth map the direct routes would have you flying over Russia, China, and Japan to get from Dubai to New Zealand. On a globe, that would be going wayyyy out of the way, which is why Emirates doesn't do that and instead flies over India and Australia. A direct route on the globe, but wayyy out of the way on your flat earth map.

no those flight routes don't make sense on the globe map
of course this route wouldn't work on flat earth map, that's not the argument

the argument they don't take routes that would make sense if the Earth was round

It flies out the way, instead of going a straight rout directly to a japan over the ocean lmao

if you can fly over the ocean from austraila to america, why not to japan

once again watch the video I posted

he use the actually flight tracking software in real time, and explains this

I'm not typing it word for word

you literally have flat eathers with hundreds of videos disproving your argument using gps, the actually distances etc

Nothing you say cannot be countered, that's the point I'm making
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winter is coming
Jun 3, 2012
If I pour water on any round object it falls off. That alone is enough for me to question round earth. I'm not saying that I know earth is flat bit what I'm saying is I don't know shyt because I haven't been in so called outer space.

if you drop a gi joe on that same round object it will also fall off... fall towards the gravitational pull of earth... the same force that is keeping water and your feet from falling off this round planet...


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
no those flight routes don't make sense on the globe map
of course this route wouldn't work on flat earth map, that's not the argument

the argument they don't take routes that would make sense if the Earth was round

It flies out the way, instead of going a straight rout directly to a japan over the ocean lmao

if you can fly over the ocean from austraila to america, why not to japan

once again watch the video I posted

he use the actually flight tracking software in real time, and explains this

I'm not typing it word for word
my dude. what in the flying fukk are you talking about? what part of those routes dont make sense? they are literally the most efficient way to get between those points. it goes "out of the way" because thats a shorter route, IE THE fukkING SPHERE IS SMALLER FLYING AROUND IT THE MORE NORTH YOU GO


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
How do you become such an arrogant piece of shyt? To think you know more than people who spend their life studying this stuff? How do you have the nerve to watch a youtube video and think you can hang with scientist and disprove millions of hours of research and dedication. It's always the dumbest people who think they know the most. You dumb fukk, Jesus christ I can't believe idiots like you are going to procreate and continue to pass your moronic hereditary genes.
Stupid people are stupid for a reason and you nailed it.

Whether its Trump supporters or religious fanatics or this flat earth bullshyt, it isnt just ignorance, but rather willful ignorance, even malignant ignorance. At its core its based on an incredible sense of arrogance and a feeling that the individual themself is somehow special or unique and magically knows better than all the countless people and years of research and lives dedicated to the development of actual knowledge. The arrogance of these anti-intellectuals is often based on a deeper sense of insecurity and ego i.e. "I dont care that every scientific experiment, observation, principle and peer-reviewed study all corroborate the fact that the Earth is round. I havent ever personally been in space to see it myself, nor will I ever do so, so I dont trust the experts because I subconciously believe Im still somehow better than them." When you push back or point out the lack of logic or simply present easily observable facts that disprove their objections, the ego again takes over and rather than reconsider their stance, they dig in deeper and become defensive and basically become a lost cause. At that point they'd rather die on their sword than admit they were wrong all along.

This mentality is sadly growing in this country and the world, and its a disease to progress.