"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
:francis: I'm copying this but the numbers are way off
A flight from New York to London takes on average between 7 to 7.5 hours. Conversely, it takes about 8 to 8.5 hours for a flight to cross from London to New York. The difference here, as any Round Earther will tell you, is tailwinds, another strong factor in the alleged discrepancy in southern flight times. More on that later though, first let me walk you though a thought experiment.

Imagine the Round Earther's concept of the earth; a sphere suspended in space. Imagine you're looking at it miles and miles above the surface so you can see it in its entirety (or as much as the round-earth model allows). Look down from the North Pole. A Round Earther will tell you that it is rotating counter-clockwise. Now, look closer. Take note of planes making the trip from New York to London and back. For a moment, recall your lessons of Newtonian Physics; the first law to be precise. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. A brief spark of doubt clouds your thoughts and a question arises. If the planes are no longer in contact with the earth and being slowed by wind resistance, how is it that the ones going from London to New York aren't concluding the flight much quicker than the ones going from New York to London. After all, they are no longer in contact with the earth and it should be spinning independently underneath them as they make their transatlantic flight, thus shortening it considerably.

To rephrase, it would stand to reason that a flight flying from London to New York would be shorter than one flying from New York to London because the earth would spin New York closer to you as you flew. In other words, the spinning of the earth would move New York directly towards you, just as it would spin London away from you if you were crossing from New York to London.

In reality though, the opposite is true. Due to tail/headwinds, flights from New York to London are shorter than the opposite. Tailwinds and headwinds account for much of the variance in flight times in the southern "hemisphere" and can be seen on a smaller scale here.

To conclude, let me reiterate. If the earth did spin as in the round-earth model, then flight times would be shorter when flying from London to New York. As that is not the case (an in fact the opposite is true due to high altitude winds) the world is clearly not round and provably flat
I can't believe I'm back to deal with this thread.

Imagine you and I are in a stretch limo(earth), okay?

That stretch limo is traveling at 250 mph(moving through space.)

You take out a drone(plane)and power it on inside of the stretch limo.

Using the remote, you fly it towards the back and back towards you INSIDE of the closed window stretch limo(within its atmosphere and gravitational pull).

The moment the drone leaves the seat and flies inside of the limo traveling at 250 mph...It STILL WON'T GO CRAZY AND FLY BACKWARDS TOWARDS YOUR FACE.

WHY? because the drone is still within the confines of the forces acting on it INSIDE of the limo and the closed windows and metal frame are what protect it from feeling the 250 mph forces acting on it.

To bring that point to a cool trivia:

If right now the earth were to stop moving, both in its orbit around the sun and it's spin... We'd instantaneously die from being thrown forward at the speed the earth was moving prior to being stopped...

Much like if the driver immediately pressed the brakes because we'd still be moving.

Just because the plane has stopped touching the earth does not mean it isn't subject to the gravitational and atmospheric forces within the confines, land and air, on this spherical planet.
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May 1, 2012
I didn't understand gravity, ok! How you gon knock a man for being humble and admitting that he might've misunderstood gravity. They explained the plane/gravity thing to me, and I dapped em. How you negging people for learning?
You are trolling at this point I have no more patience for the bullshyt.


Nov 21, 2013
So no response just name calling and gifs... gotcha:francis:

Can you at least explain the flat object having a hemisphere thing I'm dying to see that

I didnt ccall you one name breh. They say the earth isnt spherical but is pear shaped, yet EVERY PICTURE they have of the earth is perfectly sphere? Whats going on?

Explain how a flat object can have a north and south seperation is what you're dying to see?
May 7, 2012
That doesn't prove anything, with the flat earth model you can do the same type of calculations
What flat earth model?

Edit: I hope you ain't talking about this bullshyt

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Nov 21, 2013
:stopitslime: People do this on things that are settled as they should. People that try to argue against things that we have physical evidence for and that has been observed in real time are ridiculous.

You have not provided ONE piece of physical evidence for the earth being round. Just insults and cac explanations. JFK flat earth map:


UN Flat earth map:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn't understand gravity, ok! How you gon knock a man for being humble and admitting that he might've misunderstood gravity. They explained the plane/gravity thing to me, and I dapped em. How you negging people for learning?

You are trolling at this point I have no more patience for the bullshyt.

Nah, he legit, most people don't understand gravity but just cop like they do.

God on him for asking questions till he got the answers he needed. Better than the dumbasses who don't listen to reason and the majority of the population who just believe what the TV tells them.

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
I didnt ccall you one name breh. They say the earth isnt spherical but is pear shaped, yet EVERY PICTURE they have of the earth is perfectly sphere? Whats going on?

Explain how a flat object can have a north and south seperation is what you're dying to see?

I just explained it to you the pear shape is to illustrate the very small deviations of the spherical shape.

For example: ( these are arbitrary numbers )

The Earth has a circumference of 15700km at 60 degrees South latitude. It also has a circumference of 15697 km at 60 degrees North Latitude. Thats that's a 3 km difference which which is around a .02% difference which wouldn't be noticeable but is still there.


Oct 24, 2015
:lupe: I appreciate your explanation bruh. I was viewing it as once you elevated to a certain distance you were no longer bound by the rules of gravity but you and others have explained it well. I get it, I haven't 'left the limo'. The drone is still bound by the same laws within the limo. Preciate it.

You can get on the South Pole, you just have to get the right qualifications. The South Pole was on the one major land mass on earth that wasn't claimed until the modern era, so it's not owned by one country but by the international community. They have to govern it together so they're stick about going in and out and try to preserve it for research. Thousands and thousands of people go there, but you have to get the international permissions or hook up with a particular country's research station.
I think it's strange and messed up that 'we' aren't allowed to go.
I can't believe I'm back to deal with this thread.

Imagine you and I are in a stretch limo(earth), okay?

That stretch limo is traveling at 250 mph(moving through space.)

You take out a drone(plane)and power it on inside of the stretch limo.

Using the remote, you fly it towards the back and back towards you INSIDE of the closed window stretch limo(within its atmosphere and gravitational pull).

The moment the drone leaves the seat and flies inside of the limo traveling at 250 mph...It STILL WON'T GO CRAZY AND FLY BACKWARDS TOWARDS YOUR FACE.

WHY? because the drone is still within the confines of the forces acting on it INSIDE of the limo and the closed windows and metal frame are what protect it from feeling the 250 mph forces acting on it.

To bring that point to a cool trivia:

If right now the earth were to stop moving, both in its orbit around the sun and it's spin... We'd instantaneously die from being thrown forward at the speed the earth was moving prior to being stopped...

Much like if the driver immediately pressed the brakes because we'd still be moving.

Just because the plane has stopped touching the earth does not mean it isn't subject to the gravitational and atmospheric forces within the confines, land and air, on this spherical planet.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
JFK flat earth map:

UN flag/flat earth map:


:mjlol: Jokes on you brehs :umad:

Literally every Southern hemisphere distance on that map is WAAAY off. Either every single sailor and pilot in the Southern hemisphere is in on the conspiracy, and they have magic pills that allow them to travel faster down there so a longer journey takes the same time, or the map is wrong.

If you've ever flown in the Northern hemisphere the map don't make no sense either. Pilots would have to all be taking crazy convoluted flight paths just to maintain the myth of the flat Earth. Do you believe literally EVERY cross-oceanic pilot on Earth is in on this conspiracy?