"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Have you been to space? Have you actually taken a photo of the earth from space? How do you know those pictures are real? Do you believe everything you see in the media?

There are actually very few real pictures of earth from space. Most of the pictures floating around online are composites. That means NASA made them using Photoshop.

There is actually only one picture of earth that is alleged to be 100% real by NASA. And it is this one allegedly taken by the Apollo astronauts on their way to the moon.


This is the picture in every school textbook.

Since we know the NASA moon landings were FAKED. Its not very hard to know this picture is also a FAKE.

There are no real pictures of earth from space. PERIOD.

How did they fake the moon landings when you can literally get a high-powered telescope and see shyt from the moon landings on the moon? :jbhmm:


Jul 27, 2012
You mean like downward into the ground? :why:

Flying into the ground doesn't get you to the other side of the world. Flying level to the ground does. Even if the world is round.

Just get a giant beach ball and a toy plane and try this out for yourself. Fly your little toy plane in a circle around the beach ball with the bottom of the plane facing the ground. Does the plane ever had to point towards the beach ball in order to go around the beach ball? Of course not. The bottom of the plane is always facing the beach ball. You can go around and around the ball without ever pointing "down" towards it. If you ever actually point down towards the round beach ball, you crash into it.

Now, how the hell can you chase the sun to go to a country on the other side of the world, like get to India from Los Angeles via Hawaii/Tokyo/Singapore whatever chasing the setting sun, and then continue chasing the setting sun from India via Dubai/Spain/London back to New York and then Los Angeles, if the Earth ain't fukking round?

I didn't say down into the ground... and the plane doing the beach ball thing is what I was trying to express when I said downward curve.. I shouldve just said curve but I was picturing flying from the north to the south when I said it.

When you fly a toy plane around a beach ball it Flys in a curve... how can a real airplane fly in such a direction?

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
If you really think about it on a basic level the earth has to be flat because imagine someone standing up in northern Canada


Now imagine someone standing up in southern South America

One person is bound to be upside down is the earth was truly round right:ohhh:
May 16, 2012
okay so why does everything that go up come down

Same reason things fell down before Isaac Newton created his little theory of gravity.

Ya'll nikkas are so brainwashed you don't even realize it. That is why you asking me questions like this. If the earth is a flat as all our senses suggest and as the ancients believed then your question is irrelevant.

Before the theory the earth is a sphere, nobody ever questioned why things fall down. They fall down before there is an objective up and an objective down. And things that are heavier than air fall down because we live on flat plane with an objective up and an objective down.


Jul 27, 2012
You mean like downward into the ground? :why:

Flying into the ground doesn't get you to the other side of the world. Flying level to the ground does. Even if the world is round.

Just get a giant beach ball and a toy plane and try this out for yourself. Fly your little toy plane in a circle around the beach ball with the bottom of the plane facing the ground. Does the plane ever had to point towards the beach ball in order to go around the beach ball? Of course not. The bottom of the plane is always facing the beach ball. You can go around and around the ball without ever pointing "down" towards it. If you ever actually point down towards the round beach ball, you crash into it.

Now, how the hell can you chase the sun to go to a country on the other side of the world, like get to India from Los Angeles via Hawaii/Tokyo/Singapore whatever chasing the setting sun, and then continue chasing the setting sun from India via Dubai/Spain/London back to New York and then Los Angeles, if the Earth ain't fukking round?

You ever been in a moving car? Can you toss a ball from the back seat to the front seat, even though the car is moving and doesn't stay in the same spot? Since everything in the car has inertia, it's like it's not moving in the car, and you can toss the ball wherever, even though the front of the car where the ball lands is actually going 60mph.

Same with the Earth. Everything held to the Earth by the Earth's gravity is moving at about 1000 mph, but you don't feel that shyt at all because it's all moving together, just like you don't feel the speed of a plane when it's moving at a constant speed. When the plane flies from one part of the Earth to the other, the speed of the Earth is irrelevant as to which country you'll end up in, just like when you're walking through a train the speed of the train is irrelevant as to which car you will end up in.

Cars and trains are such small examples... they don't travel to the other side of the world... are there any satellite images of plans flying :jbhmm:

El Coupeacabra

Diamond Teeth Samurai
Nov 22, 2016
You tell me... I've never been to Asia. This is a subject I really don't talk about much and I'm trying to learn and or understand some shyt.

Because gravity exists (nikkas is ACTUALLY ACTIVELY refuting the existence of GRAVITY:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:) no matter where you are "DOWN" is always "TOWARD THE EARTH".

So the answer to your original question is, planes DO fly across the curvature of the earth. But in your perspective "DOWN" does not become "UP" becuase gravity is pulling the fluid in your ears TOWARDS THE EARTH which gives you your sense of direction.

We can easily calculate this with math and somebody already has in this thread.

Also, if you would like to test this, do a handstand. "DOWN" becomes "UP" right? But not really because you're still being pulled towards the earth, just head first.

Now spin around for a good 30 seconds. Your brain is fukked up now huh? See, you put an outside force on those ear fluids (by spinning) and now they're unsure of which way is "DOWN". Now when try to balance (by natrually standing "UP" and balancing against gravity's natural "DOWN" force) you fall on your ass becuase your brain is confused.

This is like 2nd grade level science and reasoning breh.


May 1, 2012
Almost all these alleged astronauts are CIA/military operatives and almost all are freemasons with all sorts of masonic imagery.

If you watch these alleged astronauts talk about their experiences in space you'll see all types of contradictions. One guy will say you that seeing stars from outer space is breathtaking and another will say once you get to space you can't see any stars.

One NASA astronaut who was allegedly on the international space station was actually caught on tape saying during an interview they were actually on earth while he's supposed to be in space. Lending credence to the theory that the ISS is fake and that they film those scenes on those parabolic planes with green screens and CGI.

Just watch one of the many NASA lies videos on YouTube. You'll see all their fukkery on there. Like when they film those alleged space walks inside swimming pools on earth and you see bubbles coming out of the astronauts helmets in "space".
You can see the iss from earth :mjlol:

El Coupeacabra

Diamond Teeth Samurai
Nov 22, 2016
Same reason things fell down before Isaac Newton created his little theory of gravity.

Ya'll nikkas are so brainwashed you don't even realize it. That is why you asking me questions like this. If the earth is a flat as all our senses suggest and as the ancients believed then your question is irrelevant.

Before the theory the earth is a sphere, nobody ever questioned why things fall down. They fall down before there is an objective up and an objective down. And things that are heavier than air fall down because we live on flat plane with an objective up and an objective down.
No, no, motherfukking no. Take a philosophy class.

Things don't suddenly become true once you learn them. Gravity has always existed. Triangles have always had 3 sides. Bacteria have always given other organisms infections. These things didn't suddenly start to be true once we became aware of them.

Also "UP" and "DOWN" are absolutely subjective to your positioning within the earth's gravitational pull. Otherwise you'd go upside down on a plane ride to Asia.

Also, if the earth is flat, what is on the other side? Why dont we drill right through the center of it and discover some crazy ass upside down land?


May 1, 2012
I have a question, if the sun is supposed to be the largest star in our galaxy why is space so damn dark?

How do they stay in the air? without flapping their wings because you can see birds gliding through the air without flapping their wings, but gravity should drop a bird out of the sky once it stops flapping its wings right?
THe sun is not the largest star in the galaxy and light bends because of gravity it can't be everywhere at once lol.
May 16, 2012
First of all, it's illogical to complain about science while using a computer which relies on science.

Yes we do, we can go up in a high flying planes and see the curve of the earth.
This isn't the 17th century. And even if it was, they knew it was round due to being able to see the tips of sailing ships coming over the horizon.
Navigation has relied on longitude and latitude for centuries. Which relies on the movement of the stars in the night sky depending on the various times of the year. Which all implies we are all a celestial body rotating around a large celestial body on a 365 day orbit.

It's impossible for you to deny the Earth is a large celestial orbit because astrologers have been using that information to predict eclipses for millennium.

No. Computers are a form of technology. They are not dependent on science. They are dependent on engineering. Science is the process by which humans figure out how the world works. Its not about how we put together computers.

You are also wrong about being able to see curvature from an airplane. Even the defenders of the ball earth like Neil Degrasse Tyson say you have to be much higher in the air than a plane to see any curvature.

And you are also wrong about the tips of ships disappearing at the horizon because of the curvature of the earth. There are countless videos on youtube showing that with a telescope or some high power binoculars you can see those ships that look like they disappeared in the horizon because of the earth's curvature come right back into view. This proves that ships at sea don't disappear because they are going down the earth's curvature. Instead they simply disappear because of our perspective and the limited range of vision in our eyes. With the aid of technology those ships come right back into view. Once again this myth that ships at the horizon disappear because of the earth's curvature has been proven false in countless videos on youtube.