"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


Moreese Bickham with the pistol
Dec 16, 2016
Whats crazy is that the cacs went to black Egypt, got all their science from them, but came out disagreeing about the shape of the earth. Whats so hard for you "black" brehs to address this discrepancy?

So since it cant be studied with a eye, you trust what cacs in suits tell you? :mjlol: :dead:
Your own dumb deflections can be used against you, unless you've been to Egypt, and read the original historical documents in a language that you could not possibly discern, then you trust the teachings of somebody else too you dumb ass contrarian. And what do you keep talking about egypt for anyways?

Also, no I don't trust "cacs in suits" IT'S CALLED A TELESCOPE YOU DUMB fukk, a tool available to the public to study planetary astronomy if you ever had any doubts about what you were being told.
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May 19, 2012
Jealous and merciful arent mutally exclusive :mjpls:

"To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

What about vengeance and mercy?
:patrice: Not permanent

" In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

Being cursed to hard labor until death is not considered permanent? :why:

everybody was warned :yeshrug:

Even the animals? The millions of inncoent lambs, doves, butterflies, elephants and other peaceful animals died of no fault of their own, God's own creations at that.

After Egypt did that to the Hebrews :hula:

  1. 1.
    compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

According to their own deeds :manny:

Didn't the Israelites worship a golden calf? :mjpls: Why were they excluded from genocide

Immaculate conception is pagan belief :francis:

Pagans wrote Matthew Mark Luke and John? And even if so what fault did the Israelite newborns have other than being born? :what:

Let's just agree to disagree, I suggest you get to know your God better breh :francis:


May 19, 2012
We dont speak yiddish breh :umad:

Hebrew vs Yiddish - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

Hebrew and Yiddish are languages spoken by Jews all over the world. Interestingly, Hebrew and Yiddish are very dissimilar even though both languages use the Hebrew alphabets in their scripts. While Hebrew is a Semitic language (subgroup of Afro-Asiatic languages) like Arabic and Amharic, Yiddish is a German dialect which uses many Hebrew words but with a very distinctive Ashkenazic pronunciation.

Differences in Writing System
Hebrew is written from right to left using 22 letters which are all consonants. A Hebrew alphabet is called an abjad. Modern script is based on a form of writing known as Ashurit which has its origination in the Aramaic script. Handwriting script of Hebrew is cursive with letters being more circular and varies from their printed counterparts. Vowels in Hebrew script have to be deduced from context as well as diacritic marks above and below letters which have syllabic onset. Come consonantal letters can be used vowels and these are known as matres lectionis. Diacritic marks are also used to indicate difference in pronunciation and accentuation as well as musical rendition of Biblical Texts.

Yiddish is written using Hebrew script. Silent Hebrew letters become vowels in Yiddish. Letters which can be used as consonants and vowels are read according to context and sometimes are also differentiated through diacritic marks derived from Hebrew. The diacritical marks or points find unique and specific usage in Yiddish.

Though both languages use Hebrew script there are significant differences in which the letters are applied in literary practice.



The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
So is it perfectly spherical or pear shaped? :dead:

nikkas cant even get their story straight cuz massa been telling them two different things... :mjlol:
Is it flat as in flat footed?:lolbron:

Or flat as in flat bread?:russ:

Because, real shyt, all y'all constantly say is the world is flat because nasa's space photographer is a Kardashian.

Just because you've tried to go to the edge of your favorite video game and it was blocked off didn't mean the real world is flat.

Super Mario and Luigi fukked yall whole perception up with that side scroller shyt.:wow:

nikkas saying go to YouTube. You know what else is on YouTube? Twerk videos, a nikka named PewDiePie and creepy videos of little kid opening up fukking candy bars. :comeon:

*Why can't I stop trolling this thread. It feels so good...

Or maybe I'm an agent working for NASA:sas2:

By the way, can we get the thread title to change to...

'Kyrie Fell Off the Earth So We Didn't Have To' Thread :wow:
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Jul 27, 2012
I'm not even going to say I think the world is flat... but if it's so round...
How come planes fly straight and not in a downward curve when going to a country on the other side of the world though?


Nov 21, 2013
"To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

What about vengeance and mercy?

Nope as a person can show mercy while showing vengeance at the same time.

" In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

Being cursed to hard labor until death is not considered permanent? :why:

Not when this isnt the only "life" you get breh :snoop:

Even the animals? The millions of inncoent lambs, doves, butterflies, elephants and other peaceful animals died of no fault of their own, God's own creations at that.

Thus says a meat eating/animal wearing cac/black cac :mjlol:

  1. 1.
    compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

If a person by law deserves the death penalty by law, but certain circumstances in the case lead the judge to giving the defendant life instead, he still showed mercy even though there was still a punishment.

Try again breh (actually maybe not :whoa:

Didn't the Israelites worship a golden calf? :mjpls: Why were they excluded from genocide

If you would have kept reading, you would have read that they werent excluded from a genocide :mjpls:

Pagans wrote Matthew Mark Luke and John? And even if so what fault did the Israelite newborns have other than being born? :what:

Pagans tampered with Matthew Mark Luke and John. What do you mean what fault did they have? What part of the Egyptians sought to kill the Israelites first born, so later, they had their first born killed dont you get? If I take 10 dollars from you, why shouldnt I have 10 (if not more) taken from me?

I suggest you get to know your God better breh :francis:

Thats the plan for every Israelite breh. Word to Moses :ahh: :blessed:


Nov 21, 2013
Is it flat as in flat footed?

Or flat as in flat bread?

Because, real shyt, all y'all constantly say is the withdrawal is flat because nasa's space photographer is a Kardashian.

Just because you've tried to go to the edge of your favorite video game and it was blocked off didn't mean the real world is flat.

Super Mario and Luigi fukked yall whole perception up with that side scroller shyt.:wow:

nikkas saying go to YouTube. You know what else is on YouTube? Twerk videos, a nikka named PewDiePie and creepy videos of little kid opening up fukking candy bars. :comeon:

*Why can't I stop trolling this thread. It feels so good...

Or maybe I'm an agent working for NASA:sas2:

By the way, can we get the thread title to change to...

'Kyrie Fell Off the Earth So We Didn't Have To' Thread :wow:

Its not about going to youtube and believing anything and everything. But going to youtube and seeing likeminded people who are questioning EVERYTHING. Theres people questioning everything from how the gov't operates to things such as the earth's shape. Instead of you know, swallowing the cac interpretation of everything? But instead of doing that, you brehs follow cacs and whatever they tell you. Heck, alot of blacks feel inferior to cacs because thats what cacs told and literally beat into their ancestors... What Kyrie suggested, is that you question EVERYTHING and go and look at the alternatives before making a decision.

If you aint down with that you're a cac, c00n, or agent in my book.. :wow: