That means no matter where you go or who you are you're still a n-word.Ok…?
Just imagine calling a sand cac or a small hat those words openly.
Should think about when dealing with all non Black people
That means no matter where you go or who you are you're still a n-word.Ok…?
What part of my post about self respect do you have a problem with that you can retort with these silly ass posts? You have the nerve to call me a c00n from your 6x9 but post ignorant shyt like the above. You are very simple and likely a part of the problem. You’re just another nobody who should never been given an Android and a Coli account. Answer MY question of what problem you have with my post about self respect or fuk off.All cap.
Like I said.
How old are you?
That I know you were not cognitive before nwa. Plus sheltered and lack urban intellectualism.
Now answer the fukk'n question.
As real talk.
You only have this little platform. From me showcasing clarity to make this shyt profitable.
Like I said. Sheltered c00n.
Who lack knowledge of self.
How old are you.
What city?
What side?
What state you from?
As you post like some sheltered goofie. With no knowledge of self and a victim of too much free thought.
Art Barr
What part of my post about self respect do you have a problem with that you can retort with these silly ass posts? You have the nerve to call me a c00n from your 6x9 but post ignorant shyt like the above. You are very simple and likely a part of the problem. You’re just another nobody who should never been given an Android and a Coli account. Answer MY question of what problem you have with my post about self respect or fuk off.
I created the profitability of all the internet products in new media to telecommunication. You and the whole world uses daily moving forward in history.
You are the failure who lacks self respect sir.
Plus urban intellectualism.
While exhibiting c00n double speak and incapable of answering just how old you are.
To see if you are what you say you are. Plus you talk like you were raised in out first enslavers religion as well.
So now you know I gave your isp. The profitability to have a business to connect you. To the very devices you use.
Now answer my question.
Mr clandestine c00n.
Art Barr
Ignored, weirdo.
@Art Barr =@Htrb-nvt-blk-&-ug-as-evr =
Emo and sheltered and goofie c00n.
clandestined as ever.
Take yo urban intellectualism lacking ass on.
Yousa goofie sheltered lame.
Art Barr
Kill yaself p*ssy.Shut up, nigguh.
"A proverb and a by word amongst all peoples"Every culture has a word they use to insult us.
I thought this was globally known.