The Cornball Brother's Team Getting Destroyed Appreciation Thread

May 16, 2012
It's the way he comes off. Even you agree to some degree as much in the past. The moving himself from Black QB's. Never giving those before him props. Never reaching out to anyone Black but his dad but quick to prop up a white QB in a heartbeat. His actions knowing he is doing some serious c00ning. He's a republican and said so much at Baylor. If he was on TV as a political guy and not a star Football player for your beloved Redskins, what would make him any different than Larry Elder aside from age?

Unlike some in here who don't like RG3 for Football. I think RG3 is a beast on the field and I am entertain when he plays without question, my issue is with RG3 the person, not the player.

:whoo: well thats news to me

can anyone else confirm this?

if RGIII really is a republican then I'll lose even more respect for him as a person

however I'll still fukk wit him on the football field :obama:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Rob Parker is really the last person we are using as reference. We been on RG3 since the NFL Combine. What Rob did was publicize RG3 attitude to the mainstream. Honestly, Rob wasn't right nor was he wrong. He had an idea, just couldn't clarify himself. RG3 is your typical self hating anti-Black nikka. He loves being Black in parts. You know, the penis, athletic ability, etc but hates everything else and fights not only a stereotype but looks down on others who are the same race regardless of their style or success. He only relates his success to Whites regardless if there are Blacks who have done it better. His lack of respect for his own is incredulous. He has made that clear day 1.

His own aura is built to appease the White man but you can't appease one who hates you regardless. Some might be sympathy and their will be others who really like you but those are more far and between than anything else. I hope RG3 realizes what it is. I really think he will sign a bad life deal before he realizes what the real is. It's sad because it wasn't long ago we had real Black athletes like Ali, Jabbar, etc.

You are a true coli scholar. I always enjoy your posts. RG3's anti-black attitude is reflected in his behavior (ie. lack of black respect, inability to relate and unerstand what an Uncle Tom is as though they don't exist and have never existed, Republicanism, etc), so that part is fact. Those who deny it are c00ns or idiots.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
The difference for me is the source of it. Rob Parker is the absolute last fukking person that should be question in the world that she be questioning the blackness of anyone.

People said the same shyt about young Kobe that they're saying about Bob. Russell Wilson is the same level of doofness as RG3, but folks leave him alone. Even if you say his personality is corporate or manufactured he ain't the first nor the last black QB to go that route cause even Donovan Chunky Soup McNabb was cheesin in commercials. If Parker never said what he said RG3 would just be the ugly nikka with the superman socks and the big tittied wife on subway commercials.

Wrong. Parker (badly) articulated what many of us were thinking already. Like #1 pick said, he was the last reference. He didn't think of the idea, he just brought it up in discussion. If you're going to criticize him for questioning blackness, you should equally criticize anyone for questioning blacknesss. Some of yall act like no one can be a self-hating Uncle Tom. Uh yes they can and I have a right to call it as I see it.[/quote]
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
so you judging RG3 off people you've been around, but not dude himself personally. whom you know nothing about?

breh stop it
His reaction to Rob Parker was a prime example of some of my issues with RG3. Instead of ignoring it and laughing it off or even taking the professional route and saying this is an off air matter and setting up an one on one meeting since this was a national subject. He was aggressively angry and while he had a withhold a lot of his anger for Parker for the White media to not look at him as an aggressive Black male, he was calling for Rob's job which the last thing you want to do to another BLACK male as we all know how hard it is to get good jobs, especially ones for ESPN. Rob didn't do this on Sportcenter, he did this on First Take which is buffonery barbershop chatter where stupidity is said on a daily basis takes place. So even his opinion, no matter how wrong it is was just said on a place where out of wack opinions are said on a daily basis so to call for someone job especially a Black man who isn't Rush or Don Imus and will never get it back will take place but RG3 didn't either think about that nor care. That's another move that shows either an non awareness of his love for blacks or his flat off lack of caring in general. But I don't personal know him so how can I say he is a c00n right? If I personally knew him, the only thing that would be able to effect my opinion is emotion because the actions have been acted upon.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
It's the way he comes off. Even you agree to some degree as much in the past. The moving himself from Black QB's. Never giving those before him props. Never reaching out to anyone Black but his dad but quick to prop up a white QB in a heartbeat. His actions knowing he is doing some serious c00ning. He's a republican and said so much at Baylor. If he was on TV as a political guy and not a star Football player for your beloved Redskins, what would make him any different than Larry Elder aside from age?

Unlike some in here who don't like RG3 for Football. I think RG3 is a beast on the field and I am entertain when he plays without question, my issue is with RG3 the person, not the player.
he said his favorite QB was Mike Vick and is a Mike Vick stan.

Never reaching out to anyone black? Where did you get that from? Didnt he and "real nikka" Cam exchange cellphone numbers after a game last year on the field?

I have no idea if he is a Republican, and neither do you. If he is though, why do you care? Most of your favorite QBs and players are republicans.

WHat you guys dont like is that he doesnt act like a rapper or other shyt. You guys associate that with young blackness. Its pathetic.


Reppin fine wine and cigars!
May 8, 2012
Married a white woman known to get trains ran on her in college

Got extorted by White Frat for it

Tap Danced for coach who jeopardized his career making him play when he was clearly injured

Dissed one of the greatest Black QB's of all time for said coach to tap dance even more

This is the most egregious of this list.

Plus he plays for a racist organization, i.e. Redskins <------- :stopitslime:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
he said his favorite QB was Mike Vick and is a Mike Vick stan.

Never reaching out to anyone black? Where did you get that from? Didnt he and "real nikka" Cam exchange cellphone numbers after a game last year on the field?

I have no idea if he is a Republican, and neither do you. If he is though, why do you care? Most of your favorite QBs and players are republicans.

WHat you guys dont like is that he doesnt act like a rapper or other shyt. You guys associate that with young blackness. Its pathetic.
I remember his statement on Vick, his favorite player as a kid and in video games as a kid. None of which is even close to presence tense. I was in HS when Vick was killing it for the Falcons. RG3 was literally a kid. Ask him who his favorite QB's or QB's he emulates in college and nan one Black even those he is naming Whites, past and present tense.

Naw, he don't reach out. Getting someone number isn't reaching out. That's could be for friendship purposes but is he taking tips from Cam? That is something we don't know. I got co-workers who have my numbers but when I call, am I reaching out for help or just to hang out with if available is the question.

Why would I have him to act like a rapper? I just don't like c00ns and I tend to think RG3 is one of them. You don't act like a rapper. I obviously don't act like a rapper. That's an extremely ignorant thing to say. You starting to act like an ass. Saying well, if you don't like this one extreme, you must like another extreme. When I don't like either extreme. One tends to act like buffoons and the other tends to act like c00ns. Neither is ideal if we want to move forward and build something special as a Black community which we no longer have.

Stop trying to excuse nikkas breh, it's sickness and you know better as well. You aren't a c00n in the slightness so don't defend one who will never defend you.
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May 16, 2012
Wrong. Parker (badly) articulated what many of us were thinking already. Like #1 pick said, he was the last reference. He didn't think of the idea, he just brought it up in discussion. If you're going to criticize him for questioning blackness, you should equally criticize anyone for questioning blacknesss. Some of yall act like no one can be a self-hating Uncle Tom. Uh yes they can and I have a right to call it as I see it.

1. There is no solid evidence that he's a c00n. Ya'll actin like he's Larry Elder or something. But so far all we have is rumors right now. I couldn't find any evidence online that RG3 is a republican except for Rob Parker's word. Being with a white woman ain't enough to be a c00n IMO. If that was the case then just about every big time black athlete would be a c00n. And I've never heard him deny he's black or try to be white. Plus all his teammates love him. If he really was as anti-black as ya'll say, wouldn't he be less popular among his largely black teammates. He's a corny. Yes. But a c00n. No.

2. And even if he was a c00n why are the same nikkas attacking him also be bigging up Luck? :why: That is why I'm convinced all this we hate him cause he ain't pro-black enough is a cover by you cacs. Same ones that are making threads every other week asking whether Kaep is black now that he's ballin.

Once again. No black man welcomes or celebrates the demise of another black man. PERIOD. Ya'll are cacs straight up.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I remember his statement on Vick, his favorite player as a kid and in video games as a kid. None of which is even close to presence tense. I was in HS when Vick was killing it for the Falcons. RG3 was literally a kid. Ask him who his favorite QB's or QB's he emulates in college and nan one Black even those he is naming Whites, past and present tense.
he has also mentioned McNabb being among his favorite QBs

And there were not that many successful black QBs in the league anyway. Should he look to Culpepper or Aaron Brooks? would that suffice?

Naw, he don't reach out. Getting someone number isn't reaching out. That's could be for friendship purposes but is he taking tips from Cam? That is something we don't know.
look at these two sentences. Written in one statement too. You dont even realize they contradict.

Why would I have him to act like a rapper? I just don't like c00ns and I tend to think RG3 is one of them. You don't act like a rapper. I obviously don't act like a rapper. That's an extremely ignorant thing to say. You starting to act like an ass. Saying well, if you don't like this one extreme, you must like another extreme. When I don't like either extreme. One tends to act like buffoons and the other tends to act like c00ns. Neither is ideal if we want to move forward and build something special as a Black community which we no longer have.
this is that faux internet black militant shyt im talking about. Bruhs on here calling dude a Tom and dont even know why. Its pathetic, and you guys need to look at yourselves in the mirror. You idiots dont know what blackness is, and its heartbreaking.

Stop trying to excuse nikkas breh, it's sickness and you know better as well. You aren't a c00n in the slightness so don't defend one who will never defend you.
I havent made a single excuse for anyone.
May 16, 2012
I remember his statement on Vick, his favorite player as a kid and in video games as a kid. None of which is even close to presence tense. I was in HS when Vick was killing it for the Falcons. RG3 was literally a kid. Ask him who his favorite QB's or QB's he emulates in college and nan one Black even those he is naming Whites, past and present tense.

Naw, he don't reach out. Getting someone number isn't reaching out. That's could be for friendship purposes but is he taking tips from Cam? That is something we don't know. I got co-workers who have my numbers but when I call, am I reaching out for help or just to hang out with if available is the question.

Why would I have him to act like a rapper? I just don't like c00ns and I tend to think RG3 is one of them. You don't act like a rapper. I obviously don't act like a rapper. That's an extremely ignorant thing to say. You starting to act like an ass. Saying well, if you don't like this one extreme, you must like another extreme. When I don't like either extreme. One tends to act like buffoons and the other tends to act like c00ns. Neither is ideal if we want to move forward and build something special as a Black community which we no longer have.

Stop trying to excuse nikkas breh, it's sickness and you know better as well. You aren't a c00n in the slightness so don't defend one who will never defend you.

Do you actually have any solid evidence he's a c00n? Being republican = rumor. Other than that, having a white wife ain't enough for me. I'd be more than willing to throw the nikka in the bushes if he was on some Larry Elder tip but I have yet to see anything like that. He's just a corny 90s kid. There are tons of them now. You 80s nikkas need to just accept that times have changed.