The Christian right is coming for divorce next


Nov 20, 2013

It's actually wild how ahead of it's time Moral Orel was. That show walked so a lot of shows could run.

With that said it's weird the Republicans would push this considering how overturning Roe V Wade has been politically radioactive for them.
It’s because they plan on trying to overthrow the government by any and I mean any means. They are attempting to terraform the political landscape as their utopia and people think it’s a joke. They have constantly been chipping away at shyt since they lost the election . Things on very local levels nationwide, they are about to try and cheat to win the election.
Dec 19, 2017
The numbers telling a different story breh
The same numbers that predicted Republicans would own the last two midterms?

The same numbers that said Hillary got it in the bag?

Trump is barely ahead of Biden and the media had done everything possible to prop Trump up. The minute he starts taking public L's, that gap is gone. Trump is very much capable of winning but his ceiling is low with a high floor. That means he'll always get a decent number of votes but he can't really blow anyone out because too many people hate him.

GOP conceded the middle a long time ago. They get their base out, use shady tactics to discourage people from voting (#bothsides) or flat out use the courts to purge voter rolls and any other means to create obstacles to potential Dem voters.
Dec 19, 2017
Blacks and browns already marry less though, especially us (blacks). After the Roe ruling this is a plan to scare (white) folks (women) under 30 into conservative courtship and unions and stay in a marriage to have nuclear families and maintain or regain the white portion of the nation's pie chart.

They are trying to save the middle class White man from young adulthood incel/dating strife and his future mid-life self from being dragged on nuptial coals of fire.

Problem is that they're taking a one-sided approach. Doing everything to appeal to white men.....but forgetting white women in the process.

Outside of WW already on Team MAGA, most white broads under 40 aren't trying to be tied down and treated like a Stepford wife from 1955. All these laws and regulations are just gonna discourage WW from dealing with Brad and Hunter.

Think about it. WW are lapping white men in terms of education and catching up on money. THE ONLY thing keeping them somewhat in place is white supremacy and the benefits of it...but this generation of white men is like "give up everything you enjoy so I can feel like a man again!" A Boomer white woman would fall on their sword but these Gen Z and Gen Alpha white girls ain't moving backwards unless they're already there.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359

I dont personally care about a couple's decision to get divorced but it seems like nothing is sacred in today's society EXCEPT the ability "to do what you want do when you feel it".

No one wants to be held accountable long term for anything they do from, creating babies to getting married. It's a really juvenile approach to life that a lot of folks seem to have taken.

Having to live with a life decision you made seems to be something folks just dont have the internal fortitude for. There's always got to be a way to walk away from the situation when it's not to the liking of one person. Very transactional.
I kinda agree but this is a cultural issue,not something a coercive government can force or should fix like proposed.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law

Problem is that they're taking a one-sided approach. Doing everything to appeal to white men.....but forgetting white women in the process.

Outside of WW already on Team MAGA, most white broads under 40 aren't trying to be tied down and treated like a Stepford wife from 1955. All these laws and regulations are just gonna discourage WW from dealing with Brad and Hunter.

Think about it. WW are lapping white men in terms of education and catching up on money. THE ONLY thing keeping them somewhat in place is white supremacy and the benefits of it...but this generation of white men is like "give up everything you enjoy so I can feel like a man again!" A Boomer white woman would fall on their sword but these Gen Z and Gen Alpha white girls ain't moving backwards unless they're already there.
They aren't forgetting's just a conscious effort to reverse the progressions in the white woman's favor.

I personally think the feminism/anti-patriarchy movement of the last century has overcorrected (it trickles down to other ethnicities of women) but this ain't the answer.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
They've been talking about it for awhile. These are some crazy motherfukkers.



Problem is that they're taking a one-sided approach. Doing everything to appeal to white men.....but forgetting white women in the process.

Outside of WW already on Team MAGA, most white broads under 40 aren't trying to be tied down and treated like a Stepford wife from 1955. All these laws and regulations are just gonna discourage WW from dealing with Brad and Hunter.

Think about it. WW are lapping white men in terms of education and catching up on money. THE ONLY thing keeping them somewhat in place is white supremacy and the benefits of it...but this generation of white men is like "give up everything you enjoy so I can feel like a man again!" A Boomer white woman would fall on their sword but these Gen Z and Gen Alpha white girls ain't moving backwards unless they're already there.

This isn't the nightmare endgame though....

I don't have secret access or info but I have in the past been involved in demographic research and seen how discussions on fertility issues plays out in some debates.

When they research the fall in fertility in East Asia and Europe the two big consistent factors are:

1. Cost of living and cost of childcare
2. Female educational and professional achievement

Countries have spent years and billions of dollars trying to improve fertility by altering #1. It hasn't worked anywhere.

Nobody wants to touch #2 except for the crazies. But the crazies are clear that #2 has harmed fertility and hurt men's position in society.

Those people aren't in power and I have no idea how you could reverse women's rights in a world most homes need two incomes but when you see prominent people like Peter Thiel talk about how the 19th amendment damaged America, just imagine the discussions behind closed doors.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
They could have gotten away with talking about this shyt a few years ago but after nuking Roe? Women peeped game and aren't letting these dudes live. Too many elections have gone bad for republicans over the last few years for me not to see the pattern. And I think the same shyt gonna happen in November.

These people are insane. It's not just a Trump problem, although he clearly gives them more courage than they normally have. They're religious zealots and I'm glad they're out in the open now.
I honestly think they know they have corrupted the election system in certain places and they are sure Trump will win certain states based off that. I'm 100% sure it will be some vote number fukkery that slows shyt up. That's the only reason they are so confidently bragging about laws that 85% of ALL Americans would be against.

Difference is there is a Dem president in office and the military is still under the standing president no matter what.

At some point, force might be forced. If they finesse numbers and cause any level of confusion, the military needs to be used to put down people looking to cause the confusion.

These mothafukkas think the country won't ride with them if shyt gets violent, if shyt gets violent they will target inner cities. nikkas better be ready to make them regret that shyt.
Dec 19, 2017
This isn't the nightmare endgame though....

I don't have secret access or info but I have in the past been involved in demographic research and seen how discussions on fertility issues plays out in some debates.

When they research the fall in fertility in East Asia and Europe the two big consistent factors are:

1. Cost of living and cost of childcare
2. Female educational and professional achievement

Countries have spent years and billions of dollars trying to improve fertility by altering #1. It hasn't worked anywhere.

Nobody wants to touch #2 except for the crazies. But the crazies are clear that #2 has harmed fertility and hurt men's position in society.

Those people aren't in power and I have no idea how you could reverse women's rights in a world most homes need two incomes but when you see prominent people like Peter Thiel talk about how the 19th amendment damaged America, just imagine the discussions behind closed doors.
It's because white men's mentality is that instead of improving themselves, they try to drag everyone down.

White women are the largest demographic in the West. They have a lot of power BUT it requires them to give up white supremacy in order to use it. White supremacy is inherently misogynistic so female equality has no place in that world. The benefits of WS aren't that great unless you're white AND male.

Right now, white women are like a monkey with their hand trapped in a gourd. There's fruit at the bottom of the gourd (white supremacy) but they can't have it and freedom too. They have to let go of the fruit in order to pull their hand (female progress) out of the gourd..essentially a trap.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Agree. The media is presenting this like a horse race but I bet Biden will win by a slightly larger margin than before. They want to convince us this is a dog fight for ratings but Trump has a low ceiling and isn't going to add anyone that's not already on his nutsacc.

The people that reliably vote (old folks, college educated etc) can already see what time it is. Only people stanning Orange are hardcore conservatives and low information voters that think $500 during COVID is enough to vote for him.

Project 2025 alone should be enough to scare off any Negroes, Latinos, Asians and women. Notice how none of those "tangibles" both sides nikkas and the 50 Cent types have anything to say about GOP policy. They don't know shyt about the Republican platform and just wanna use Trump because he's dumb and more accessible. Imagine them trying to go tete a tete with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or even HW Bush on policy. They'd look like uninformed schoolchildren talking to grownups. Trump appeals to their ego because they feel smart talking to him but would feel dumb dealing with an intellectual heavyweight....even Biden makes them nervous.
And his base is just full of racist, sexist and pickme brain dead minorities


May 1, 2012
Right because no one should be allowed to leave under any circumstances. Let's bring back legal marrial rape and honor killings too. Who needs human rights?

Easy didn't say all that. But marriage has become meaningless with the modern sensibilities of couples. Also it's become a way for women to get resources from the man under the false pretense of love.

They want to eliminate no fault divorce. Meaning you not gonna wake up and say, mmmmm meh.

Infidelity, abuse etc would need to be proven. Maybe it will help women take marriage more seriously since 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women and 80 percent of those divorces are "no fault". Meaning the woman woke up, and said meh...
Aka, I can do better then him