The Christian right is coming for divorce next


Lv 100 Bold natured
Sep 2, 2014
Can someone explain to me WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I have no problem making divorces harder because women file 70% of all divorces. If you don't want to get married THEN DON'T But if you make a commit to someone then why SHOULD you be able to just bounce like that in a NO FAULT situation?

You want to leave then leave but I should have to lose 50% of my shyt if I have not done wrong.
It probably should be harder but not damn near impossible without proof of abuse.
Somewhere in the middle it should meet like most things.
I think too many couples where no abuse is taking place don't actually try and work things out properly.
Women's go to is "I fell out of love"
Loving someone is a choice too.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Men in these conservative states are going to get on board if it means keeping more of their assets out of the hands of a conniving woman. As time goes on and none of your doomsday scenarios happen more states would adopt.

I dont understand how you can't see how we have got here. To many women are using fake marriages and their own children as a financial crutch because they didn't have the drive to be independent. They had no business being a wife and probably vice versa.

Women cash out their own dreams for the security found in marriage. Men, stay the same outside of maybe their appearance. Women get fat, still entitled, get divorced, lose weight and find a new sucker to get fat on while collecting child support/alimony.

There's to many horror stories so legislatures are listening to their voting Block to do something.

I suggest you find someone to have and to hold asap.
All that is incredibly inaccurate.

How do you get rich off of someone who doesn't have wealth or assets?

:skip:Ya'll really be thinking an extra $300 to provide for an extra human beings is enough to get a Bentley. The math and reality ain’t mathing.

And the worst part about this is that you think the solution is trying to force women to stay with men or deterring women from marrying correct?

Yeah oh god.

1. Child support has nothing to do with marriage. Being a single mom is something women are actively choosing now and still get CS. Literally no fault would not solve that at all. In fact, I'm sure it would just increase CS because less people would get married.

2. You already have a growing population of lonely men. Why would you want to do something that encourages less men to have a chance at family?

3. How will forcing a woman to stay when she doesn't want to be there help a family? You think because she's there she'll turn to June Cleaver? Everyone in that house will be fukking miserable.

It's just so obvious that ya'll see women as objects to be controlled. And you are really puzzled why women are checking out of these relationships. Ya'll want marriage to be a slave contract so bad but won't say it.

Oppression hidden behind a bible and disguised a morality...where have we seem thst before?


May 1, 2012
All that is incredibly inaccurate.

How do you get rich off of someone who doesn't have wealth or assets?

:skip:Ya'll really be thinking an extra $300 to provide for an extra human beings is enough to get a Bentley. The math and reality ain’t mathing.

And the worst part about this is that you think the solution is trying to force women to stay with men or deterring women from marrying correct?

Yeah oh god.

1. Child support has nothing to do with marriage. Being a single mom is something women are actively choosing now and still get CS. Literally no fault would not solve that at all. In fact, I'm sure it would just increase CS because less people would get married.

2. You already have a growing population of lonely men. Why would you want to do something that encourages less men to have a chance at family?

3. How will forcing a woman to stay when she doesn't want to be there help a family? You think because she's there she'll turn to June Cleaver? Everyone in that house will be fukking miserable.

It's just so obvious that ya'll see women as objects to be controlled. And you are really puzzled why women are checking out of these relationships. Ya'll want marriage to be a slave contract so bad but won't say it.

Oppression hidden behind a bible and disguised a morality...where have we seem thst before?
Lol. You don't have to get married. :skip: There's going to be a more serious group bubbling up.

Its not oppression and abuse. 80 percent, no fault. Yall just wake up over it. In 8 years. Meaning you probably been feeling that way for a while. Rabid ass mind

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Well, it’s til death do us part. So suicide is a very quick divorce. Again, Abuse is grounds for at fault divorce. Would suggest you use it before you end up parting at death.
Well no death is not a divorce.

After someone dies you are still considered their spouse so try again.

We're talking about at fault divorce as a legal means to dissolve a marriage.

Again tell me how you can divorce someone after they die.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

Lol. You don't have to get married. :skip: There's going to be a more serious group bubbling up.

Its not oppression and abuse. 80 percent, no fault. Yall just wake up over it. In 8 years. Meaning you probably been feeling that way for a while. Rabid ass mind

Someone's mind is rabid but it isn't mind. You're not even typing in full sentences. Lol

Yes Mr. Wanna Be Oppressor I am free to make my own decisions. Something more and more women are choosing everyday.

Thank goodness for that.

But please keep letting everyone know that men wanna force women to stay with men because men don't wanna pay for your children to eat if you cannot have access to the woman and her labor.

The more women hear you the more women opt out of the BS.

Keep preaching.



Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
Well no death is not a divorce.

After someone dies you are still considered their spouse so try again.

We're talking about at fault divorce as a legal means to dissolve a marriage.

Again tell me how you can divorce someone after they die.

Round and round we go. They can always file before it reaches that point. What’s the issue exactly? Looks like you should have chose better if suicide and murder are on tye table before divorce was


May 1, 2012
Someone's mind is rabid but it isn't mind. You're not even typing in full sentences. Lol

Yes Mr. Wanna Be Oppressor I am free to make my own decisions. Something more and more women are choosing everyday.

Thank goodness for that.

But please keep letting everyone know that men wanna force women to stay with men because men don't wanna pay for your children to eat if you cannot have access to the woman and her labor.

The more women hear you the more women opt out of the BS.

Keep preaching.

I don't know why you'd want women to opt out of family. Weve got enough chaos created from women who had kids then left their dude because they got bored. Lot of men they raised, now in prison

Some women just aren't built for long term commitment because they look at every man as a stepping stone to the final trick. Their kids are just a monthly check in child support and a yearly claimant on their taxes. House slaves to go get mama this and that while she watch TV and play with her phone.

More serious couples getting married will keep the scammers out. When the entitlements from divorce are gone women will find another way to sucker men out of their money. I think everything's going to be fine.

Men should def keep you away from their girlfriend/wife. You probably booby trap women in happy relationships with all kinda of subliminals to make them single again.

Girl he need to this girl he need to that whole you fully uncommitted. Get married sis