The Christian right is coming for divorce next


May 1, 2012
Donald Trump has been married 3 times and has had numerous affairs. Ronald Reagan was married twice and cheated on his first wife.
Jimmy Carter was married once and never cheated on his wife. Barack Obama has been married one time. :francis:
What's your point. You base the voting Block on the leadership?

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
it's a great idea
it shouldn't be so easy to break up a family
Jesus gave very few explicit guidelines- but marriage/family is one area He focused on a lot.

no-fault divorce, abortion and homosexuality should be restricted as they go against Jesus' commandment of man and woman becoming 1 unit for life
Authoritarian babble. :scust:

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
You “conservative Christian nikkas” don’t complain now :ufdup:

Y’all wanted Massa and his Christian teachings in control,
good luck.



Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Today, however, a counter-revolution is brewing: Conservative commentators and lawmakers are calling for an end to no-fault divorce, arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society. Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, for example, introduced a bill in January to ban his state’s version of no-fault divorce. The Texas Republican Party added a call to end the practice to its 2022 platform (the plank is preserved in the 2024 version). Federal lawmakers like Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and House Speaker Mike Johnson, as well as former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, have spoken out in favor of tightening divorce laws.

If this sounds outlandish or like easily dismissed political posturing — surely Republicans don’t want to turn back the clock on marital law more than 50 years — it’s worth looking back at, say, how rhetorical attacks on abortion, birth control, and IVF have become reality.

And that will cause huge problems, especially for anyone experiencing abuse. “Any barrier to divorce is a really big challenge for survivors,” said Marium Durrani, vice president of policy at the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “What it really ends up doing is prolonging their forced entanglement with an abusive partner.”

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, divorce is just one of many areas of family law that conservative policymakers see an opportunity to rewrite. “We’ve now gotten to the point where things that weren’t on the table are on the table,” Zug said. “Fringe ideas are becoming much more mainstream.”

Republicans in multiple states are eyeing divorce restrictions​

Pushback against no-fault divorce dates back decades. In the 1990s and early 2000s, three states passed covenant marriage laws, allowing couples to opt into signing a contract allowing divorce only under circumstances like abuse or abandonment. Some backers of the laws intended them to send a larger anti-divorce message, the Maryland Daily Record reported in 2001. Speaker Johnson, then a lawyer in Louisiana, was an early adopter of covenant marriage, entering one with his wife Kelly in 1999.

Ending no-fault divorce would have major consequences​

Opponents of no-fault divorce argue that it is hurting families and American culture. Making divorce too easy causes “social upheaval, unfettered dishonesty, lawlessness, violence towards women, war on men, and expendability of children,” Deevers wrote last year in the American Reformer, a Christian publication. “To devalue marriage is to devalue the family is to undermine the foundation of a thriving society.”

Can someone explain to me WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I have no problem making divorces harder because women file 70% of all divorces. If you don't want to get married THEN DON'T But if you make a commit to someone then why SHOULD you be able to just bounce like that in a NO FAULT situation?

You want to leave then leave but I should have to lose 50% of my shyt if I have not done wrong.
Dec 19, 2017
They could have gotten away with talking about this shyt a few years ago but after nuking Roe? Women peeped game and aren't letting these dudes live. Too many elections have gone bad for republicans over the last few years for me not to see the pattern. And I think the same shyt gonna happen in November.

These people are insane. It's not just a Trump problem, although he clearly gives them more courage than they normally have. They're religious zealots and I'm glad they're out in the open now.
Agree. The media is presenting this like a horse race but I bet Biden will win by a slightly larger margin than before. They want to convince us this is a dog fight for ratings but Trump has a low ceiling and isn't going to add anyone that's not already on his nutsacc.

The people that reliably vote (old folks, college educated etc) can already see what time it is. Only people stanning Orange are hardcore conservatives and low information voters that think $500 during COVID is enough to vote for him.

Project 2025 alone should be enough to scare off any Negroes, Latinos, Asians and women. Notice how none of those "tangibles" both sides nikkas and the 50 Cent types have anything to say about GOP policy. They don't know shyt about the Republican platform and just wanna use Trump because he's dumb and more accessible. Imagine them trying to go tete a tete with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or even HW Bush on policy. They'd look like uninformed schoolchildren talking to grownups. Trump appeals to their ego because they feel smart talking to him but would feel dumb dealing with an intellectual heavyweight....even Biden makes them nervous.
Dec 19, 2017
Can someone explain to me WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I have no problem making divorces harder because women file 70% of all divorces. If you don't want to get married THEN DON'T But if you make a commit to someone then why SHOULD you be able to just bounce like that in a NO FAULT situation?

You want to leave then leave but I should have to lose 50% of my shyt if I have not done wrong.
I think the plan is for fewer people to get married. Working class and middle class folks will hesitate knowing how hard it is to divorce.

The 1% or even Top 5% will get married because they have the $$$$ to deal with the consequences. The elites marry and pool resources to stay on top while the poors get married even less than they do now and WILL NOT pool resources. Basically making the gap between the top and bottom even larger. They want to discourage Blacks and browns while maintaining the status quo for the elites. Fewer people get married, make abortion harder so either poor women of color pop out babies they cannot take care of (school to prison pipeline). Poor whites will feed the school to police/military pipeline.

Old school European shyt. Rich own the land and hire poor whites to be the "knights" who protect their castles and shyt. Everyone else is a serf.