The Central African Republic, Burkina Faso & Mali are essentially now fully Russian colonial states


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Most people don't understand that the actual current country called Russia is the result of centuries of expansionism. We don't really see it in the same way as we see Western colonialism because that took place overseas, but Russia basically did the same, only with territorial continuity with the "mainland". Russia and Germany are similar in that aspect that their expansionism was/is aimed towards their immediate vicinity, as opposed to overseas (even though Germany DID have colonies in Africa, the "lebensraum" was more about Central and Eastern Europe.)
Russia had a FAILED colony in Africa for all their claims that "well we didn't expand in africa"...They just failed at it.

IRONICALLY, for all the claims about Ethiopia "fighting off" the Italians, people forget where they got those guns...RUSSIA


African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
Russia had a FAILED colony in Africa for all their claims that "well we didn't expand in africa"...They just failed at it.

IRONICALLY, for all the claims about Ethiopia "fighting off" the Italians, people forget where they got those guns...RUSSIA

How Ethiopians getting guns from Russia contradict the fact they fought off Italians? This is stupid.

I now Ethiopians giving Italians make a lot of people mad, but at least find a better argument.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It's not being open minded. It's admitting reality. CAR can't stand on itself. It will necessary be under a power for a moment, whether we like it or not. The only question is what is the worst influence.

You're trying to paint me as some naive russian apologist, but I'm not. I would've said the same thing if it was Germany, China or Turkey instead of Russia.

If Russia is kicked out, France will be back as the neocolonial ruler. And we know how it went for the last 60 years.

Pick your poison.
Still baffled that brehs would be so open-minded and patient about neocolonialism when it comes from Russia. I doubt the reaction would be the same if it were the US, the UK, Germany, Israël, Turkey, etc. The benefits of being "new" at this colonial game I guess. Anyway :yeshrug:

This is the same argument I raise with Haiti.

We know what caused them to be in their present circumstance, but unless they find a miracle, the west is gonna be faced with a narrow set of options to intervene...


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
How Ethiopians getting guns from Russia contradict the fact they fought off Italians? This is stupid.

I now Ethiopians giving Italians make a lot of people mad, but at least find a better argument.
My point is that the guns were still from another imperially oriented country, not that Ethiopia just manifested some divine order to repel Italy

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
My point is that the guns were still from another imperially oriented country, not that Ethiopia just manifested some divine order to repel Italy

It's not a point.

The origin of the guns does not matter. Ethiopians were not fighting for the glory of the russian Empire. So it's useless precision.

At this point it’s hard to sympathize.

Africans keep electing and allowing incompetent leaders who make bad deals and only care about enriching themselves.

I don't think sympathy is needed, especially when things that happening in CAR does not depend on elections. The country was in a 'civil' war.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
When those who rule your nation have no sense of national pride and/or those who do get removed, this is the result. Your country becomes a prostitute via leaders who sell their country away to the highest bidder or the biggest power

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
It's not being open minded. It's admitting reality. CAR can't stand on itself. It will necessary be under a power for a moment, whether we like it or not. The only question is what is the worst influence.

You're trying to paint me as some naive russian apologist, but I'm not. I would've said the same thing if it was Germany, China or Turkey instead of Russia.

If Russia is kicked out, France will be back as the neocolonial ruler. And we know how it went for the last 60 years.

Pick your poison.

France is a known quantity. Africans in CAR have been dealing with the French for 130 years. They know that it means mass murder, slavery, killing CAR leaders, enthroning and then deposing 'emperors", systemic rape of CAR children - and the list goes on.

Russia in CAR is an unknown quantity. Likely not good in the long run, due to things such as the principal-agent problem, anti-black racism in the Russian Federation, increased Franco-American attempts to involve themselves in CAR.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Russia had a FAILED colony in Africa for all their claims that "well we didn't expand in africa"...They just failed at it.

IRONICALLY, for all the claims about Ethiopia "fighting off" the Italians, people forget where they got those guns...RUSSIA

I mean...the link clearly states that that colony was a private initiative without any backing by Russia. Matter of fact when approached by France the Russian embassy disavowed that priest and later on participants of that colony where charged with treason (all of this is the wikipedia article you shared). Whole thing didn't even last a month and that ragtag group raised the white flag as soon as French troops arrived lmao
Dec 19, 2017
Most African countries exist as a mash up of different ethnic groups that would have never been unified before colonialism.

As a result, Africans have lots of tribalism but ZERO nationalism. Nationalism can be bad (see most of Europe at different times, Trump/GOP etc), but you need some of it to really thrive and put your country first.

Africans think in terms of "what helps my family and village/town/city?" So if accepting some Russian guns and $$$ helps them beat their local rival, they take the money.

Then Russia offers guns/money to a bunch of different groups and keeps them all feuding while extracting resources. Until the various African countries think on a national or even continental scale instead of a local scale, this will keep happening.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I mean...the link clearly states that that colony was a private initiative without any backing by Russia. Matter of fact when approached by France the Russian embassy disavowed that priest and later on participants of that colony where charged with treason (all of this is the wikipedia article you shared). Whole thing didn't even last a month and that ragtag group raised the white flag as soon as French troops arrived lmao
Only after it failed

Problematic Pat

Dec 27, 2017
Propaganda at it's highest. And you fakkits are eating it up. The world will never be free of US hegemony with this amount of stupidity still in existence.:snoop:

Problematic Pat

Dec 27, 2017
Most African countries exist as a mash up of different ethnic groups that would have never been unified before colonialism.

As a result, Africans have lots of tribalism but ZERO nationalism. Nationalism can be bad (see most of Europe at different times, Trump/GOP etc), but you need some of it to really thrive and put your country first.

Africans think in terms of "what helps my family and village/town/city?" So if accepting some Russian guns and $$$ helps them beat their local rival, they take the money.

Then Russia offers guns/money to a bunch of different groups and keeps them all feuding while extracting resources. Until the various African countries think on a national or even continental scale instead of a local scale, this will keep happening.
Please stop with the stupid shyt. So now it's Russia that's arming tribes to fight other tribes when historically we know exactly which nations have been the exact thing you only have accusations of with zero proof. This board is nothing but a neoliberalism dikk sucking contest.


Sep 15, 2014
Please stop with the stupid shyt. So now it's Russia that's arming tribes to fight other tribes when historically we know exactly which nations have been the exact thing you only have accusations of with zero proof. This board is nothing but a neoliberalism dikk sucking contest.

thats an odd post dispute.

@IsThatBrothaMouzone? post was the exact opposite of neoliberalism. He was painting the reality of how Russia is maintaining control over multiple factions by maintain a conflict that was created by the illegal european partition of various African lands.

you have a problem with that? but the other posts make sense when seeing this. another one @BmoreGorilla


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
China and Russia will step in gladly if the West falls back, they don't give a fukk about homosexuals

Uganda's Anti-Homosexual Law Doesn't Matter To Obama. Countering China And Russia With AFRICOM Does

The United States ain't gonna withdraw shyt from Uganda, and Museveni knows it. AFRICOM means more to the U.S. than gays in Africa. Museveni flexing on these Western Cacs :banderas:

You really think the U.S. is gonna fall back and let Russia and China come in and say "It's okay, do business and accept aid from us, we don't care if you hate gays, we hate gays too." (especially in the case of Russia)

From that Forbes article
To the media and the American people, officials insist the US military is engaged in small-scale, innocuous operations there. Out of public earshot, officers running America’s secret wars say: ‘Africa is the battlefield of tomorrow, today.’”

Let these cacs keep convincing you Africa is a worthless shythole, nah the U.S., Europe, and Russia, China need Africa; and these African leaders are starting to realize it.

You mean like China did for 30+ years leading up to it's boom? And the USA? Cheap and questionable labor is a regular occurrence in the economic evolution of developing nations, it happened in every "civilized" 1st world nation before. Please move around because it's clear you understand little about economics and the only time you read about Africa is when homosexuals are involved.

And yet, the countries that are so opposed to this bill hate blacks as well and have already used African children as slave labor (US and Europe) :mindblown:

Didn't we already discuss how you weren't the right person to be speaking on anything Africa related. :comeon:

Demonize China and Russia if you want to, but only a naïve idiot thinks they have a track record worst than The USA and European nations as far human rights and intervention in Africa. Even without worrying about fakkits, Russia and China growing interest in the continent is one of the best things that can happen for Africa.

Russia and China two sides of the same coin, they both reemerging superpowers trying to seduce African nations that have historically had relationships with the U.S. and Europe into fukking with them. None of them gives a fukk about Africans anymore than the other. They only difference is Anti-Chinese and anti-Asian propaganda is so effective in Africa, China has to go the extra mile over US/Europe/Russia in order to win contracts and deals.

Reel in Africom and compete with Russia and China for Africa's resources fairly on a leveled playing field.

When Obama killed Gaddafi, that was a turning point for me. Couldn't support him anymore.

Russia has always aligned themselves with the right people in Africa, so that has kinda solidified their rep in African nations.
I'm not edifying them though, because I know they have they're own selfish reasons they're so involved in Africa and have done their own wrongs. But compared the the U.S. history in Africa, Russia are a bunch of angels :bryan:

And ignore that poster. He's an executive movie producer securing big-budget 100 million loans from Banks for blockbuster movies :mjlol:

And before I accidentally erased it I had a long as post explaining that the Chinese do better business on paper than the West/Europeans, but it comes with a sacrifice of human rights, and basically it's a "choose your devil" situation. Hopefully Russia gets their shyt together and become a real third player, because competition benefits Africa.

I wouldn't go that far, they just aren't screwing African like the West was because they can't. Due to competition.

The west didn't have competition from anybody so they could handle these African countries anyway they wanted. But now with China and a resurgent Russia, there is competition for Africa.

Competition is good for Africans, Lumumba would be proud. The west just isn't ready to compete with China and Russia on fair terms and are trying to use propaganda to dissuade cooperation with the Chinese rather than come with better deals.

Everybody calling Akon a puppet of China is some pseudo-militant shyt, especially acting like it's bad for Africa.

China has been trying to make its way into Africa, by offering infrastructure development and education; Western powers that be have been covertly fighting China's expansion into Africa through anti-Asian propaganda, because they're not trying to lose hold on the moneypit that is Africa.

So of course Chinese factions are gonna use an African face to further their ambitions in African when the USA and Europe have successfully turned a lot of Africa against Asian through propaganda and stereotypes and the West already has several figureheads in place to control the conscious of Africa.

I'm skeptical about how well these Chinese infrastructure projects are gonna turn out, because Chinese quality control is non-existent. But the fact is they are coming into Africa and trying to compete with the West by offering more than their western counterparts.

More competition for resources and influence in Africa is always a good thing, it's up to the people and politicians of Africa to take advantage of the current China/Russia/USA situation like guys like Lumumba tried to take advantage of the USA/USSR situation.

Russia been making moves in Africa, article is hella late. They're still behind China and the USA, but they're trying to change that.

So he’s just just continuing Obama legacy of driving African nations closer to China and Russia.

Nothing to see here, we already watched Obama try this and fail.

I told y’all what Africom was about 7 years ago, nothing new.

Africans shouldn’t have any loyalty to anybody that not doing shyt for them. We’ve been here waiting for Cold War part 2 since Lumumba, well it’s here now, time for Africans to capitalize correctly this time.

Best part is we don’t have to pretend to believe in Marxism to get the money and resources this time.

The funny thing is one of the most legendary racist books was the “Rising Tide of Color” where Lothrop Stoddard specifically told whites if they wanted to preserve White Supremacy they had to keep the Asians out of Africa and keep the Arabs from reestablishing their caliphates, they still managed to fail at both even with 100 years to prepare.

The Middle East is dropping their nuts too though, the only question is how many African nations switch sides and how long it’ll take, some have already started.

American intelligence community doing all they can to undo decades of propaganda, they’ve been telling Americans that Africa is a charity case for so long they started to believe it.

Now that the West is losing Africa they have to openly state how important of a strategic asset the continent is and hope Americans are smart enough to support their future campaigns in Africa.

It’s them having to compete in a global economy where white people aren’t the only ones with money anymore.

I’ve said this before but most white people are too dumb to understand that these nations aren’t bringing in immigrants and refugees out of charity.

They’re trying to build international citizens that carry out the best interest of their imperial masters back in their developing home countries.

Europeans still think the developing world needs them when it’s the opposite, they need the developing world. In fact the developing world never needed them, they got rich off the developing world not the other way around. Now you have China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Russia making moves in the developing world driving up cost through competition.

No different than the CIA recently pivoting in their messaging to stress how much the USA needs to secure Africa, because dumb cacs thought their country was sending food rations to Africa out the good of their hearts. Those aid programs are poorly covered bribes to politicians so they do what the West wants them to do; and the West isn’t paying enough anymore.

not a cac, an African happily waiting for the fall of the Western hegemony.

You’re clearly a cheerleader for your cac masters, very obedient negro lol.

Turkey smashing Greece is one of the things I’m looking forward to in the next 20 years lol.

Been telling people that Russia might have more pull in Africa than the USA right now. Them, China, and Turkey are trying to get the West out the paint in Africa.
Oh wow only if somebody had been telling y’all exactly what was going on in Africa for the past ten years :russell:

Don’t worry, Africans inviting them in, alot of us trying to jump ship from Western control, BRICS looking more and more attractive lol, the West not gonna let Africa go easily.