The black feminists want R. Kelly’s head

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
nikkas refuse to listen to R.Kelly because he had sex with women who consented but will not skip a beat listening to rappers who glorify murder, drug dealing, and total destruction of the community:francis:.
Minors can’t consent to Sex. Do y’all even know what y’all are trying to defend at this point? Y’all keep bringing up this rhetoric. Yes, we know there are women who have consented to sex with r.kelly. Still consenting to have sex with him. We’re not talking about them. At all:why:


Apr 24, 2015
The journalist who’s been covering R. Kelly for 17 years: "This is rape culture"

Jim DeRogatis

I will confess to you that I took that fax and I threw it on the corner of my desk. I thought, "Player hater." But something about these facts bothered me. It mentioned the Chicago sex crimes unit, and it named the head investigator. I called the PD and asked for her. I said, "I'm wondering about R. Kelly." She said, "Oh. It's about time somebody finally called about this. I can't talk to you." And hung up.

Anyway, we found this lawsuit by a young Chicago woman who claimed that Kelly picked her up when he came to give a lecture to his alma mater choir class at Kenwood Academy. The allegations were horrifying — mainly that Kelly had had sex with her at 14. That he'd arranged threesomes with some of her fellow sophomores. And that when the relationship ended, when she was two years older, she had slit her wrists and tried to kill herself. This lawsuit had never been reported.

We found other lawsuits. We got documents slipped to us that had been sealed in Michigan, when Kelly's marriage to Aaliyah was annulled. We proved that Aaliyah was, in fact, 15 at the time, and that the certificate of marriage had been falsified to say she was 18.

Jim DeRogatis

Yes, around Thanksgiving the following year, 2001, the 26-minute, 39-second videotape that prosecutors allege shows him having sex with a 14-year-old and urinating in her mouth came to me. The Chicago Sun-Times turned it over to the police.

He was indicted for making child pornography. A really important distinction — that so many of my sloppy fellow journalists do not get right — is he was never tried for statutory rape for sex with minors. He was tried for making child pornography, which never made much sense to any of us. Why are you not also charging him with sex with a child?

The answer is the parents and the girl never cooperated with the police and did not testify in the trial. Three dozen witnesses did: her aunt, family members, pastor, best friends, best friends' parents, basketball coach, you name it. They all said this was the girl and that was her age. But because there was no victim — and this is classic rape culture — there was no crime.

Nothing was ever introduced in court of the dozen-plus civil settlements in which [Kelly] had paid off young women who had either filed lawsuits or had directly accused him before they even filed. Instead of a pattern of a long period of behavior, it was about one girl and one videotape. That was how he was acquitted.
. . . .
So many people are at fault for r.kelly thriving this long, a system that refuses to bring justice, parents using their daughters as bargaining chips so they can step up the social hierarchy, the media who refuses to tell this story leaving it to small scale bloggers to try and dig up all the facts.

How could you ever fix your lips or use those fingers to insinuate minors are to blame for being assaulted.

. . Nvm @Booksnrain has arrived to crush the building


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Legally they can't of course but If I smashed a teacher when I was 16 nikkas would be in here patting me on the back. Legally he is wrong I know that but in my opinion, morally it's really a topic of the law. Some people can consent at 15 and for others that's too young.

And they would be praising you for being raped by your teacher.

can some people also consent at 14 or 13?


The 100s LochNess
Dec 31, 2014
The journalist who’s been covering R. Kelly for 17 years: "This is rape culture"

Jim DeRogatis

I will confess to you that I took that fax and I threw it on the corner of my desk. I thought, "Player hater." But something about these facts bothered me. It mentioned the Chicago sex crimes unit, and it named the head investigator. I called the PD and asked for her. I said, "I'm wondering about R. Kelly." She said, "Oh. It's about time somebody finally called about this. I can't talk to you." And hung up.

Anyway, we found this lawsuit by a young Chicago woman who claimed that Kelly picked her up when he came to give a lecture to his alma mater choir class at Kenwood Academy. The allegations were horrifying — mainly that Kelly had had sex with her at 14. That he'd arranged threesomes with some of her fellow sophomores. And that when the relationship ended, when she was two years older, she had slit her wrists and tried to kill herself. This lawsuit had never been reported.

We found other lawsuits. We got documents slipped to us that had been sealed in Michigan, when Kelly's marriage to Aaliyah was annulled. We proved that Aaliyah was, in fact, 15 at the time, and that the certificate of marriage had been falsified to say she was 18.

Jim DeRogatis

Yes, around Thanksgiving the following year, 2001, the 26-minute, 39-second videotape that prosecutors allege shows him having sex with a 14-year-old and urinating in her mouth came to me. The Chicago Sun-Times turned it over to the police.

He was indicted for making child pornography. A really important distinction — that so many of my sloppy fellow journalists do not get right — is he was never tried for statutory rape for sex with minors. He was tried for making child pornography, which never made much sense to any of us. Why are you not also charging him with sex with a child?

The answer is the parents and the girl never cooperated with the police and did not testify in the trial. Three dozen witnesses did: her aunt, family members, pastor, best friends, best friends' parents, basketball coach, you name it. They all said this was the girl and that was her age. But because there was no victim — and this is classic rape culture — there was no crime.

Nothing was ever introduced in court of the dozen-plus civil settlements in which [Kelly] had paid off young women who had either filed lawsuits or had directly accused him before they even filed. Instead of a pattern of a long period of behavior, it was about one girl and one videotape. That was how he was acquitted.
. . . .
So many people are at fault for r.kelly thriving this long, a system that refuses to bring justice, parents using their daughters as bargaining chips so they can step up the social hierarchy, the media who refuses to tell this story leaving it to small scale bloggers to try and dig up all the facts.

How could you ever fix your lips or use those fingers to insinuate minors are to blame for being assaulted.

. . Nvm @Booksnrain has arrived to crush the building

:scust::camby:fukk this cac for leaking the tape to the streets...He a sick mf too, he literally made 100s of copies of Child porn & passed it out like it was candy... He guilty too
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Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
From what I hear in the black community black guardians do not persecute pedos hard enough.

I hear a lot black people saying that the family pedophile visits family reunions and stop by for bar-bq and toss salad.

That's just what I hear though.:yeshrug::manny:

I also know 2 situations first hand where a pedo was let off scott free in the black community and not put in jail. :beli:


May 7, 2012
I remember seeing the video and I stopped fukking with R Kelly since then ......

theres rumours and then theres solid proof .... the fact that he tried to say dude in the video was his brother made it worse

If you think hes innocent then thats one thing and you are entitled to your opinion , i have no issue with you supporting him

If you think hes guilty but you still support him then you are a scumbag
Oct 22, 2017
White supremacists don't even have to put in the work, with traitors like Ava gladly doing their bidding. Even worse, it's done under the guise of being "woke" and "pro-black," pulling in naive young black women who take their cues from her and open their legs to white daddy. :francis:

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
Nobodys dying on this imaginary hill you all keep talking about. This ain't a dying on a hill thing,this is grown folks telling you kids to mind your business thing.
This is all smoke and mirrors,she knows exactly why it wasn't that big of a deal back when these allegations came out. Young girls were choosing old nikkas back in the day,and it was what it was. It's great that the youth are beyond that now,but you think we are about to play these games with them and let them dictate anything:mjlol:. They won't stop at R Kelly,they will come after the long list of black male legends who messed with underage girls just like R Kelly. Based on their current viewpoint which is not relevant to the time at which this happened.
What if we start trying to punish the younger generation for all the bullshyt yall got going on now?based on the way we thought in our era.Go deal with the deviants of this current era that you all champion and defend. Ya'll still ain't got Chris Brown,NBA Young Boy,Kodak Black,Famous Dex the fukk up outta here but wanna tell us about Kells:childplease:?Yall start with Chris Brown who doesn't have 1% of the catalogue of R Kelly before you tell generations of people before you we need to give up Marvin Gay,R Kelly,Prince,MJ.
R.Kelly fukking young girls was always a crime, this cat was doing this shyt in the 90s fam, you talking like he was doing this shyt in the 1920s.
Please point me to the laws on the books on the 90s where pedophilia was legalized until the Twitter generation took over. Sounds like you already pulled the trigger and your body has fallen down the hill. When any of these current guys you named are operating creepy underage sex cults, I'm sure the internet will come for them. But until then, the back in my day defense won't work.
May 5, 2012
I mean I understand you'll say it's not a choice because when you were 15 you were too retarded to say yes or no to sex. I wasn't so it's hard for me to get your point of view :yeshrug:

a 30 plus year old man making pornos fukking and pissing on High School girls is wild problematic to me. I dont respect it. if your ok with that good for you.