The Black Community is a Matriarchy. Black Man go find HAPPINESS, LOVE, VALUE and PEACE wherever u can.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Threads like this only proves the divesters and Shea butter’s right. When they call BM conquered and failed men. This thread makes that sound just about right.

So as far as the “go where you are loved, valued ect” shyt? Y’all might as well start fukking each other cuz no women want conquered men. No women are going to love or respect failed men. Especially women who come from communities where their men do lead. Why would they downgrade?

A lot of BM don’t want to build a community and then lead it, they just want to rule the community with no work put in on their part to build it. That’s now how it works. Y’all skipping too many steps.
nikkas talking about being able to “discline” BW.:mjlol::mjlol: Your average black household is lead by a woman. Who are men who can’t/don’t even lead their households to disciple anyone? How can you discipline or lead a group that you neither provide for nor protect?

Too many of you doom and gloom nikkas wanna be treated like men that you are not. And are too worried about why you’re not being treated like that instead of worrying about becoming the kind of man that deserves or demands that treatment.

A lot of bullshyt babble and no real analysis in your comment. “A lot of black men don’t want to build” is a ridiculous statement.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Along with vetting broads, y’all gotta vet these churches y’all be joining too. They are lowkey female controlled witch convents. Get out of those and if you follow that religion find an actual man lead church



Jul 8, 2014
Op is right to an extent, I understand the sentiments of those stating black men would be abandoning the family structure and without us the family structure collapses true but it's deeper than that

The real answer would be work on yourself, conquer your purpose until you've built yourself up THEN when you're fully established bring your family and homies on. The secret to this world if you wanna make it as a black man in a society that has done everything to suppress, distract, jail, kill, confuse, distract us it is to leave everything and focus on yourself. :ufdup:

We got crakker men against us, crakka woman, Asians, Hispanics, black women and c00ns programmed to go against us and oppose us.:hhh:

That whole save yourself save black man moniker coli adopted may have initially looked harsh but its looking like the direction due to the current scope of things:francis:

You only need 1-3 strong black men around you that you trust that yall gonna have each other's back and get the bag with. If its just you then its just you, those that ain't got any baby mama drama/kids, family meddling in affairs are the ones that got a blessing in disguise cause you ain't no distraction to accomplish what you came to do quicker.:manny:

Now is the time for those that are serious about making an impact on this world and retaining power. The quicker we realize that we all we got and stay on firm code and stay disciplined is when and only when shyt turns around. Cause I don't know about yall but I wake with rage everyday seeing how neanderthals destroyed this world.:yeshrug:


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Unfortunately for you fake militant nikkas that’s not how this works, and never will.

That’s what white supremacists do, make the good black men responsible for the criminal class. But obviously like most lost nikkas like you taken that mindset as well.:mjpls:

Now good Black men gotta be 6 foot 6 fig 6 certs and get every Black man out of prison just to get a woman to listen to him or lead in the community :wow:

I think you missed his point and I'm interested in your answers bc it's a good debate. He's saying that the distinction between good bm and bm thugs is self serving bc you make no similar distinction between good bw and ratchets. The good women posting in this thread have repeatedly been presented with the behavior of ratchets, as if that's their doing. (And, tbh, it really dont even matter at this point, the whole shyt is raggedy even if there are some pockets of good sense.)

Expanding the scope to a community wide lens, the men of those other, as yet unnamed communities you referenced must also manage their thugs, yes. Jose the taqueria owner cant have Miguel the gangbanger shooting up his shyt. There must be some arrangement, whether it's a personal agreement or the damn police. As leaders, the good men of a community are ALWAYS the first line of defense for their women, their children, their businesses, and their neighborhoods.

This is the next step up in leadership, from individual families up to individual neighborhoods, up to groups of neighborhoods, up to a national intra-group 'code.' This is supposed to take place over generations, but a lot of our progress has been destroyed and now we're kinda behind the eight ball at exactly the wrong moment in history.

King Poetic

The D.O.G. (Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
South Pacific
u know when regular honest, responsible, hardworking black men opinions and accomplishments doesn’t matter when u flipped on YouTube or other social media outlets and u see the type of black men getting more respect or interviewed everywhere is ex gang nikkas, ex cons , current criminals and rappers and only time u hear something about a black man with no criminal background or ex con is when he donating money to a college or he was killed by a stray bullet or murdered by the thug set up by a bytch..

At this point I see why many positive brothers have just given up and moved on and saying fukk the hood… let those sisters, ex cons and bad ass kids have it


May 1, 2012
I once told the story of trying to counsel the youth at a Compton community center one time years ago and them young nikkas didn’t want to listen and all wanted to be the next Kendrick and Nipsey in rap

I told them focus on other things like construction, landscaping, IT, etc even told them talk with they mom or dad

Next thing I know had 3 mothers come up to me and tell me don’t tell my son about construction, IT, and all that other shyt.. my boys will make it in music…

I said ok and I was done with community after that, I’ll let these baby mamas do they job which they not doing
:mjcry: Damn this hit hard. Our whole community looking for a get rich quick scheme that we can’t even instill values in them babies.

All I can do is help mold my son and the boys around me. This shyt is absolutely sad and I see no end in sight.

King Poetic

The D.O.G. (Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
South Pacific
:mjcry: Damn this hit hard. Our whole community looking for a get rich quick scheme that we can’t even instill values in them babies.

All I can do is help mold my son and the boys around me. This shyt is absolutely sad and I see no end in sight.

Yeah.. like I said to the other poster who think I was lying, the women who came up to me was ex gang bang mothers who are 40 but they mind is 20 and they themselves are still out in the streets acting like kids..

So these kids don’t have a chance if they parents are fukked up

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
A lot of bullshyt babble and no real analysis in your comment. “A lot of black men don’t want to build” is a ridiculous statement.
On a site built by a black man too. smh

I think you missed his point and I'm interested in your answers bc it's a good debate. He's saying that the distinction between good bm and bm thugs is self serving bc you make no similar distinction between good bw and ratchets. The good women posting in this thread have repeatedly been presented with the behavior of ratchets, as if that's their doing. (And, tbh, it really dont even matter at this point, the whole shyt is raggedy even if there are some pockets of good sense.)

Expanding the scope to a community wide lens, the men of those other, as yet unnamed communities you referenced must also manage their thugs, yes. Jose the taqueria owner cant have Miguel the gangbanger shooting up his shyt. There must be some arrangement, whether it's a personal agreement or the damn police. As leaders, the good men of a community are ALWAYS the first line of defense for their women, their children, their businesses, and their neighborhoods.

This is the next step up in leadership, from individual families up to individual neighborhoods, up to groups of neighborhoods, up to a national intra-group 'code.' This is supposed to take place over generations, but a lot of our progress has been destroyed and now we're kinda behind the eight ball at exactly the wrong moment in history.
A more reasonable rebuttal to OP's sentiment than most if not all.

I think some guys are just tired of being blamed for shyt they themselves had nothing to do with. They did not shoot up the block. They did not create 5 baby mamas. They do not do drugs. They aren't trapping. They aren't rapping and all that yet they see themselves being regarded and commented on in this manner by the very same people that would be pissed at white or any other non-black people doing the same to them. They want to be afforded the basic human decency one would give to any random person and in many instances that shyt is missing. It would be one thing if it was on some backwater website like LSA or 4cac but on more public platforms like twitter is bad. And yes, some black men say stupid shyt on twitter but those dudes find themselves fired or cancelled as they should. How often does that happen with women who say similar garbage? I can concede that some of that is due to some men not doing anything but we should still consider that some men are still against it and that basic human decency and common sense still exists. The lack of that is what I think some men are seeing. It seems weird.

I do agree with the idea of a more structured community. The generally racist nature of this country makes it hard for black communities to operate as some others but I guess it could happen. The problem? It would take a level of ruthlessness that a lot of people are not comfortable with. It would take a level of bias some guys do not want to take part in. It could be done but it would be messy.

In any case, that was a really good post.

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
I think you missed his point and I'm interested in your answers bc it's a good debate. He's saying that the distinction between good bm and bm thugs is self serving bc you make no similar distinction between good bw and ratchets. The good women posting in this thread have repeatedly been presented with the behavior of ratchets, as if that's their doing. (And, tbh, it really dont even matter at this point, the whole shyt is raggedy even if there are some pockets of good sense.)

Expanding the scope to a community wide lens, the men of those other, as yet unnamed communities you referenced must also manage their thugs, yes. Jose the taqueria owner cant have Miguel the gangbanger shooting up his shyt. There must be some arrangement, whether it's a personal agreement or the damn police. As leaders, the good men of a community are ALWAYS the first line of defense for their women, their children, their businesses, and their neighborhoods.

This is the next step up in leadership, from individual families up to individual neighborhoods, up to groups of neighborhoods, up to a national intra-group 'code.' This is supposed to take place over generations, but a lot of our progress has been destroyed and now we're kinda behind the eight ball at exactly the wrong moment in history.

I repeatedly said “educated Black women” several times.

And there are no “good women” with coli accounts :mjlol:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Did you go to any of your cac dinner parties yet?
A lot of these brehs are saying to breed with non black women that age like shyt to have families and to "find hapiness"

Just dont settle with a dusty hoodrat.