The biggest flaw with ALL of these Marvel movies has been the struggle villians

Arson Welles

is the lightning
Sep 27, 2013
The Gilead Gunslingers
I know he's gonna be in Guardians breh, however his role in The Avengers should have been bigger and he should have cameod or been referenced in Iron Man 3 somehow or someway, Marvel Studios biggest two movies, movies that people were always going to watch, it would have got people talking about the character. Also from what i've heard he's not even going to be the main villain or a main character in Guardians of The Galaxy, it's going to be Del Toro and some other character called Ronan,.Thanos will be in a background/minor character, it's all about screen presence, that's what gets people talking about villains, Thanos currently has none of that at this moment in time, you can get away with it with an inconic villain that everyone knows about, however Thanos isn't.

Anyone who has read Marvel comics within the last 5 years (and EVERYONE who has read them in the last 10) knows who Thanos is.

Thanos was in a major arc in 2010 called "The THANOS Imperative".

Thanos was the main villian in "The Infinity Saga" which many people believe to be one of the best arcs in Marvel. Ever.

Thanos has a wicked helicopter with his name on it, and he uses out dated curses when flying it around.


Thanos DATED Death. Like the physical manifestation of Death. - "Thanos had become fascinated with nihilism and death, and worshipped and eventually fell in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death, albeit under a different name and appearance. Committing several horrifying acts at her command, he was doomed to a future of destruction and hate. As an adult, Thanos attempted to create a new life for himself, by starting a family and supporting them by joining a crew of vicious space pirates. One day however, Thanos was visited again by Mistress Death and gave into the temptation she posed. He murdered his family and took command of the pirate crew and set off to his old homeworld of Titan."

Basically, the dude is a huge player in the Marvel universe, and to say that people don't know/aren't excited to see him, is wrong.


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
Note to OP. If you're going to rip off an article for a thread least credit the original article.

You know the one. It praised Loki and slammed every other villain. Or are you going to play it off like this is some original idea?


May 26, 2012
the Joker in TDK was the best villain but he was forced to save a weak movie. A good villain is one you don't want to lose and you sometimes root for just to keep the story/plot going. Loki has been Marvels best villain but because of their storylines you can only use him but so much.
See...Batman at its core has ALWAYS been about the villains and his gadgets


Location: Under Your Skin
May 13, 2012
Under Your Skin
Note to OP. If you're going to rip off an article for a thread least credit the original article.

You know the one. It praised Loki and slammed every other villain. Or are you going to play it off like this is some original idea?


May 3, 2012
I've been preaching this since forever. Let's not forget that wack ass Fantastic Four movies with that lame ass version of Doom and a cloud being Galactus. Venom was wack, BullsEye was wack, Kingpin was wack, Sandman was wack, Sabertooth was wack both times, Mandarin was a joke. Where are the trill ass villains? I want Mr. Sinister, Omega Red, Apocolypse, Kraven (a Spiderman movie based on Last Hunt would be dope). Morbeus (this could also be a Spiderman movie with Blade showing up like the cartoon)

Like someone said ironically DC is having the opposite problem. The villans are more interesting and stealing the movie from the heroes. Bane and Joker straight killed Bale (I'll never call that lame nikka Bats for crying over dog faced broads and hanging it up for 8 years and crying in mid battle after a broad stabs him) in the Dark Knight series. Zod and the other Kryptonians were way more interesting and overall better than the guy playing Supes (but Supes always been lame). Even though people shyt on that Green Lantern movie Sinestro was looking to be a dope ass villain (that last scene in the movie with him making a yellow ring was dope) if they would've made a sequel but that movie was doomed from the start due to Ryan Reynolds being cast as Hal.
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Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
Yep Sam Raimi's has NEVER been a fan of Venom. Never got the character or it's popularity. He wanted to do the Lizard along with Sandman but Avi Arad prodded him into using Venom because he knew that he was a fan favorite.

In my opinion that's why Spider-Man 3 sucks, because Sam was prodded into including a character he had no intentions of ever using. He should've been left to complete the trilogy on HIS terms then perhaps try to talk to him about Venom or get another director.
This is why you never want to force a someone to include a character in a movie. It never turns out good. It's the reason we got Tokka and Razar in TMNT 2 (producer was being forced to include Beebop and Rocksteady, who he absolutely hated and created Tokka and Razar as a compromise), and the reason we got that half-assed Robin in Rises (Nolan never wanted to have a Robin character)
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I've been preaching this since forever. Let's not forget that wack ass Fantastic Four movies with that lame ass version of Doom and a cloud being Galactus. Venom was wack, BullsEye was wack, Kingpin was wack, Sandman was wack, Sabertooth was wack both times, Mandarin was a joke. Where are the trill ass villains? I want Mr. Sinister, Omega Red, Apocolypse, Kraven (a Spiderman movie based on Last Hunt would be dope). Morbeus (this could also be a Spiderman movie with Blade showing up like the cartoon)

Like someone said ironically DC is having the opposite problem. The villans are more interesting and stealing the movie from the heroes. Bane and Joker straight killed Bale (I'll never call that lame nikka Bats for crying over dog faced broads and hanging it up for 8 years and crying in mid battle after a broad stabs him) in the Dark Knight series. Zod and the other Kryptonians were way more interesting and overall better than the guy playing Supes (but Supes always been lame). Even though people shyt on that Green Lantern movie Sinestro was looking to be a dope ass villain (that last scene in the movie with him making a yellow ring was dope) if they would've made a sequel but that movie was doomed from the start due to Ryan Reynolds being cast as Hal.

I agree with most all of this EXCEPT I thought Kingpin in Daredevil was actually quite good, matter fact the directors cut R rated version of Daredevil is pretty good.

And Ryan Reynolds wasn't what killed Green Lantern, the movie being an absolute SNOOZEFEST killed that flick. How the fukk do you make Intergalactic space soldiers boring as fukk? I went to see that movie with three other people and WE ALL fell asleep pretty much after that first mini battle


May 3, 2012
I agree with most all of this EXCEPT I thought Kingpin in Daredevil was actually quite good, matter fact the directors cut R rated version of Daredevil is pretty good.

And Ryan Reynolds wasn't what killed Green Lantern, the movie being an absolute SNOOZEFEST killed that flick. How the fukk do you make Intergalactic space soldiers boring as fukk? I went to see that movie with three other people and WE ALL fell asleep pretty much after that first mini battle
Yea I might've jumped the gun on Kingpin being wack he just wasn't very memorable IMO so fair enough. The thing that pisses me off with these movies is they always try to throw a love interest in this shyt. I mean I know they trying to grab that female audience but man how many movies is Wolverine gonna be crying over Jean? Fox continues to fukk these Wolverine movies up with him being a simp and not a cigar smoking bad ass psychopath that I know he can be. Hell just give me one scene of him going all out like in Hulk vs. and I'll be happy.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Yea I might've jumped the gun on Kingpin being wack he just wasn't very memorable IMO so fair enough. The thing that pisses me off with these movies is they always try to throw a love interest in this shyt. I mean I know they trying to grab that female audience but man how many movies is Wolverine gonna be crying over Jean? Fox continues to fukk these Wolverine movies up with him being a simp and not a cigar smoking bad ass psychopath that I know he can be. Hell just give me one scene of him going all out like in Hulk vs. and I'll be happy.

The love interest thing is something we all just have to live with breh. Not only is it a movie staple, it's a common Comic book staple as well, for as many badass Wolverine moments as there are he has just as many Simp moments, love triangles, and tragic romantic stories throughout his written history.
I don't much mind the love story angle as long as it's not SHOEHORNED into the story. A lot of people felt that the first Thor movie for instance, the love story was forced, and it was. Thor's on Earth for all of three goddamn days but he loves Jane Foster enough to be pining away for her across galaxies and shyt? Nah, at LEAST the Wolverine/Jean shyt is both canon to the comics and was fleshed out over THREE films as opposed to just throwing them in "love" in the first flick. One love story I thought worked well was in Captain America, because the romance was budding but it wasn't some "love" shyt where Steve was pining for her all throughout Avengers and shyt.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Anyone who has read Marvel comics within the last 5 years (and EVERYONE who has read them in the last 10) knows who Thanos is.

Thanos was in a major arc in 2010 called "The THANOS Imperative".

Thanos was the main villian in "The Infinity Saga" which many people believe to be one of the best arcs in Marvel. Ever.

Thanos has a wicked helicopter with his name on it, and he uses out dated curses when flying it around.


Thanos DATED Death. Like the physical manifestation of Death. - "Thanos had become fascinated with nihilism and death, and worshipped and eventually fell in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death, albeit under a different name and appearance. Committing several horrifying acts at her command, he was doomed to a future of destruction and hate. As an adult, Thanos attempted to create a new life for himself, by starting a family and supporting them by joining a crew of vicious space pirates. One day however, Thanos was visited again by Mistress Death and gave into the temptation she posed. He murdered his family and took command of the pirate crew and set off to his old homeworld of Titan."

Basically, the dude is a huge player in the Marvel universe, and to say that people don't know/aren't excited to see him, is wrong.

:heh: None of that has been done in the films breh, so all that stuff is irrelevant when we're talking films, most be people dont know anything about the character, that's why the The Avengers credits scene was wack, it was as if we're already supposed to know who he is despite the character never being done in Cinema or mainstream television before, that's why he needed build up during The Avengers but they gave the time to some lackey :mindblown: and had "some character"(because that's what Thanos is right now, just "some character") smile at the end :aicmon:, "To court death" dafuq does that even mean?, maybe if he had some sort of development we would know and it would resonate. They've so far done an absolutely terrible job of "building up" this "mega" villain, two movies into the second phase and no mention of reference, only two movie left until The Avengers and he aint even gonna be the main villain in that or even in Guardians:snoop:.
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Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
:heh: None of that has been done in the films breh, so all that stuff is irrelevant when we're talking films, most be people dont know anything about the character, that's why the The Avengers credits scene was wack, it was as if we're already supposed to know who he is despite the character never being done in Cinema or mainstream television before, that's why he needed build up during The Avengers but they gave the time to some lackey :mindblown: and had "some character"(because that's what Thanos is right now, just "some character) smile at the end :aicmon:, "To court death" dafuq does that even mean?, maybe if he had some sort of development we would know and it would resonate. They've so far done an absolutely terrible job of "building up" this "mega" villain, two movies into the second phase and no mention of reference, only two movie left until The Avengers and he aint even gonna be the main villain in that or even in Guardians:snoop:.

Maybe Thanos was supposed to be like Paulie in Goodfellas :manny:



All Star
May 19, 2012
:heh: None of that has been done in the films breh, so all that stuff is irrelevant when we're talking films, most be people dont know anything about the character, that's why the The Avengers credits scene was wack, it was as if we're already supposed to know who he is despite the character never being done in Cinema or mainstream television before, that's why he needed build up during The Avengers but they gave the time to some lackey :mindblown: and had "some character"(because that's what Thanos is right now, just "some character") smile at the end :aicmon:, "To court death" dafuq does that even mean?, maybe if he had some sort of development we would know and it would resonate. They've so far done an absolutely terrible job of "building up" this "mega" villain, two movies into the second phase and no mention of reference, only two movie left until The Avengers and he aint even gonna be the main villain in that or even in Guardians:snoop:.

Breh, this Avengers shyt is going up to 2017. That Thanos shyt at the end of the first Avengers was for the fans that know who he is. They have PLENTY of time to begin the build up during the second phase.

The Guru

May 2, 2012
I would watch a whole series on King Pin. He is one of the most gooned out characters of all time.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Anyone who has read Marvel comics within the last 5 years (and EVERYONE who has read them in the last 10) knows who Thanos is.

Thanos was in a major arc in 2010 called "The THANOS Imperative".

Thanos was the main villian in "The Infinity Saga" which many people believe to be one of the best arcs in Marvel. Ever.

Thanos has a wicked helicopter with his name on it, and he uses out dated curses when flying it around.


Thanos DATED Death. Like the physical manifestation of Death. - "Thanos had become fascinated with nihilism and death, and worshipped and eventually fell in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death, albeit under a different name and appearance. Committing several horrifying acts at her command, he was doomed to a future of destruction and hate. As an adult, Thanos attempted to create a new life for himself, by starting a family and supporting them by joining a crew of vicious space pirates. One day however, Thanos was visited again by Mistress Death and gave into the temptation she posed. He murdered his family and took command of the pirate crew and set off to his old homeworld of Titan."

Basically, the dude is a huge player in the Marvel universe, and to say that people don't know/aren't excited to see him, is wrong.

Yeah, but the percentage of fans who saw the avengers and are aware of Thanos is pretty small.