Iron Man - mostly an origin flick and the obligatory cliché villain. One final showdown which was cliché and underwhelming. Movie was dope despite the lack of a super villain
Iron Man 2 - tried to make it too much about Tony Stark. While he carried the first Iron Man, you can't expect RDJ to do it again. it works in an origins movie but you need a proper villain to keep people engaged. A

Mickey Rourke just didn't do it and neither did Starks competitor.
The Incredible Hulk - There was no real villain until the last 15 minutes of the film
Thor - Another origins movie so its not really about the villain but this wasn't even an origins because Thor went from a kid to a man in like 2 minutes. The ice giants didn't really do shyt and even though Loki was the main villain, he wasn't as charismatic as he was in Thor 2 or The Avengers for that matter.
Captain American - another origins flick, but they could've done way more with Red Skull. shyt was disappointing. They focused way too much on captain American.
The Avengers - This movie could've been epic but again, the real villains where weak as fukk.
Iron Man 3 - This movie played out like a damn 2 part TV show. This could've been an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode. Villain weak and predictable
Thor 2 - Finally a dope villain but they still emphasized mundane shyt like Thor's relationship with Portman.
I hope they don't fukk up Thanos. The One thing I give Nolan credit for (even though his movies suck) its he knows how to create a proper villain, BUT he still somehow manages to fukk up movies.
And its not just Marvel, most comic book movies don't know how to create a proper villain. Some of the best good vs. evil movies I've watched had dope villains.