The average income of African American males between 20-59

Jan 24, 2016
By your responses and constantly smileys, I can tell you're a jealous hoe that ain't got shyt going for yourself in life. Too damn dumb to even understand why I used "make due" right after you said it smh. Carry on...

i already understand why you did it, you were being a sassy bytch like i said and like you proved again with this pansy ass post. be mad at another little picture hoe :umad:

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Thank you for providing us a reality check.

People get in this thread and their take is that people need to work harder :mjlol: stop being lazy! ... if this mentality prevails then America and Europe are doomed. There is no insight at all into the root causes.

The struggle to find a decent any job has been normalized that people don't even the question the sanity of several hundreds of job applications to land anything. You know, it's not supposed to be like this in a functional economy in a wealthy country.

The single biggest problem that plagues us this: where capital is invested. We can contrast America vs China on this very point and then hopefully learn to demand more of our leaders and politicians.

Both China and America have run zero or low interest rate policies for a long long time now. In China it happens because banks are state-run public utilities (i.e. no profit motive), in America because that is set by the Federal Reserve. The contrast between how these two countries operate occurs at the next step, which is what do banks do with this capital.

In China, they figure out a productive industrial activity to start, and then allocate money and resources for that, funded by low interest loans, and coordinate local governments, real estate developers, universities, utilities, energy, infrastructure. The new productive industry eventually turns a profit, and the surpluses get spun back into starting more productive industry, and so the cycle continues. It works very well.

In this manner, the Chinese have built up regions with 20-30 million inhabitants in cities living a modern lifestyle to Western standards. Not once, not twice. This kind of development has been repeated in literally dozens of regions of such size, that are specialized into specific industries to achieve efficient supply chains all the way from raw materials to finished goods. Be it EVs, white goods, electronics, semiconductors, commercial aircraft, high speed rail, solar panels, wind turbines. Sometimes on land where two decades ago, it was just empty nature.

The scale and focus and coordination and planning that has been accomplished will boggle your mind once you appreciate how large it is. It's been done by capital investment on capitalist principles. There's no magic here, any country can start doing it. However, what they don't allow is that the surpluses accumulate as private wealth, and now we get to America.

In the US, banks used ZERP to fund real estate and mortgages, to the tune of 80 % of their lending. This is not productive industrial activity that creates jobs. It is however an excellent means for those with wealth to accumulate more and more assets (real estate, stocks, bonds) which enables their rent-seeking. Private wealth is also used to influence politics, to manipulate markets and artificially increase revenue streams.

Inflating debt and cost structures for all of the basic necessities of life is the name of the game. Americans pay $700 billion a year for prescription drugs, housing takes up 40 % of your income vs 20 % a few decades ago, inflated student loans, inflated and highly leveraged stock markets with stock buybacks (because apparently there are no productive investments to be found...). Our economies are fake scams deliberately set up to accumulate wealth to the top by sucking money out of the real economy of production and consumption.

Look at the trendlines, they been going for more 50 years. Where do you suppose it will end? Current generation is doing worse than the previous. This will keep happening until the system is changed. Cancel all debts and nationalize banking. Yeah we should all work hard. But you can never hope to improve society without insight of the troubles we face. It's not some natural law that says only Chinese can build stuff. Western workers in current economies cost too much, but that is only because of purposefully inflated costs which is the mechanism by which the rich get richer.

If you're making $25,000/yr at 32 are you applying yourself?

Y'all don't seem to understand that excuses is hos thr black community got this way. Am excuse for everything


Aug 29, 2012
Im gonna say the numbers are probably even worse in reality. I know everyone here is making 300k, but there are alot of brehs out there struggling. Im sure this doesn't account for the incarcerated population. Im also sure it doesn't count the underemployed (folks that are unemployed and not receiving government assistance). I see so many black males out of work here. nikkas just congregated at gas stations, 40 years old living with moms, not to mention the homeless.

In The Zone '98

Oct 30, 2017


May 31, 2022
I believe it. Let me tell you about my nephew and my brother in law. My nephew is young 18 just finished high school, my brother in law just got out the pen l. Both of them ask me about how to get into being an electrician. I tell them about the trade school I went to and say I'll write both of them a recommendation letter since I'm a supervisor it will help then. I tell them you'll probably start at $17-19/hr but in 4 years when you become a fresh journeyman you'll be making $30/hr or more and you'll still get a raise every year. Both of them look into it and both of them decide to go work at a fukking warehouse making like $17/hr and are perfectly OK with just sticking it out until they find something else. Brother in law is a supervisor up there works his ass off to make $22/hr and brags about how he gets 80 hours a week 40 of them being OT, and he showed me his paycheck stub and he was looking like :mjcry: when he saw his 80 hour check isn't even what my 40 hour check is. Not to mention I promise they do more actual work than I do.

At the end of the day even if you present the avenue to someone, it ain't gonna make them go get it. Too many young black men are cool with these jobs that pay those meager salaries.
On the flip side, lot of electricians like to juelz about how they're desperate for new hires and then give you the
:manny: "ill get your name and number and get back to you someday"
:sas1:"its been a good season...good year for us, we don't need new hires" (while I watched folks in my class get hired for them)
:yeshrug: "try expanding your search , what else can we say"