The federal government values experience rather than degrees. Degrees are an advantage but experience has a higher value. They want to see how you did the job/ensure you can do the job vs can you be trained to do the job
USAJobs is a mean ugly bytch but don't stop applying. You won't get a response with most applications, once you apply don't think about that application unless you get referred. The stress isn't worth it, just keep applying
Here are some tips that'll go a long way
- Tailor your resume for the specific job announcement. Yes it sucks if you're applying to multiple job titles/series but that's the most important part. Unless you're applying to one job title/series, you're going to have to make the agency think they're special with how much your resume, cover letter etc is tailored to that announcement
- Don't use that bs resume format on the site. Upload your resume as a pdf. After I saw how my resume looked printed from USAJobs I started uploading my resume. The template on the site shifts things around, the pdf will be exactly how you want it to look/be read
- Don't do bullet points, narrative paragraphs are the way. Go into as much detail as you can about how you did xyz
- Read the announcements from top to bottom. Everything you need to know is in the announcement
- You have to be able to provide a narrative response to majority of the required skills. They will train you for some stuff you don't know but you have to have at least some experience in the required skills
- Always think you're worth more than you are
Tailoring means your Resume has to MATCH EXACTLY some of the language in the job announcement.
The same can be said for non-fed jobs. Use white text if need be.
For example

Contract Specialist
The position is a Contract Specialist position and is located in the Technology Acquisition Center. The purpose of this position is to serve as a Contract Specialist for the Department of Veterans Affairs with responsibility for performing professional work involving the procurement of supplies...
here's one line
Comprehensive knowledge and experience in the following: pre-award to post-award phases of cradle to grave contracting duties; negotiating with vendors to acquire products/services and address technical requirements; cost/pricing, and other terms and conditions.
Literally put - "cradle to grave" in your resume.
I don't know if you still use Chat GPT to take your resume and combine it with the Job Listing, but I most definitely would.