I believe it. Let me tell you about my nephew and my brother in law. My nephew is young 18 just finished high school, my brother in law just got out the pen l. Both of them ask me about how to get into being an electrician. I tell them about the trade school I went to and say I'll write both of them a recommendation letter since I'm a supervisor it will help then. I tell them you'll probably start at $17-19/hr but in 4 years when you become a fresh journeyman you'll be making $30/hr or more and you'll still get a raise every year. Both of them look into it and both of them decide to go work at a fukking warehouse making like $17/hr and are perfectly OK with just sticking it out until they find something else. Brother in law is a supervisor up there works his ass off to make $22/hr and brags about how he gets 80 hours a week 40 of them being OT, and he showed me his paycheck stub and he was looking like

when he saw his 80 hour check isn't even what my 40 hour check is. Not to mention I promise they do more actual work than I do.
At the end of the day even if you present the avenue to someone, it ain't gonna make them go get it. Too many young black men are cool with these jobs that pay those meager salaries.