This is true as well. But still a black man with functioning limbs and a HS diploma or not even that back then had a better shot at a gig that could comfortably support a family (4 or 5 people total not 10 kids) than a dude with a masters in most fields today.
The game has really changed.
White men, post WW2, were working in the only factories left standing in the world's largest economy.
- Population was smaller.
- Women really couldn't work like they do now.
- Not every plot of nearby farmland had a house on it, so to escape Black people, Housing was cheaper.
- Everything was cheaper.
This is the boomer generation. They (the white ones) had it easy.
But the US financed the rebuilding of Europe and Japan.
20 years later, US factories are competing with Europe and Japan.
Then white women got equal rights (thanks Black people) - and they started to compete white men for "good jobs".
So white men were losing jobs to white women, and a white woman is a preferable hire to a Black man in a lot of situations.
Trying to drive a wedge between China and the USSR, Nixon started to open up China.
Clinton then got China into the WTO AND signed NAFTA
So now American workers are competing with China and Mexico. Cats in the Midwest stay blaming illegals, but Ford stay moving factories to Mexico. It's not the lawn care guy's fault that folks don't have a job with benefits...
Throughout all of this - the world has become more financialized
- Can't just buy something once, you gotta buy a subscription
- If the stock market goes up, my paycheck doesn't. But if the market goes down, I might lose my job
- more efficient markets in car insurance, medical insurance, etc
- on and on.
White men have lost a lot since the "good ol days". And when the white man catches a cold, the black man catches cancer.
In this historical context, Black folks need to understand the real constraints of economic life in this country and the world.
Advocating for trades, IT Certs, "group economics", etc - in my view, it just doesn't take into account the actual precarious state of Black America and Black People globally..