So when Scarlet Witch said "No More Mutants"....and the mutant pop went from the millions to like 200...who all lost their powers? Is there like a comprehensive list? I hate that happened....obviously not a list of millions, but like of the popular mutants who lost their powers?
Think of who kept their powers
Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, Storm, etc.
Mutants like Jubliee lost her powers and they did a storyline where she became a vampire. That was met with mixed reviews because fans thought it had something to do with the Twilight popularity. Magneto lost his powers and his journey went from severe depression to his son trying to kill him in front of his granddaughter to gaining the books of Qwerty which told him he would get his powers back someday.
Polaris lost her powers and Apocalypse snatched her up and made her a horseman with the power to wipe out billions of lives thanks to his tech upgrade and making her Pestiliance in Blood of Apocalypse. She eventually got her status quo back after going to space and fighting the younger Summers brother Vulcan.
Quicksilver lost his powers and turned into a full blown villain after trying to kill himself. Used the Inhumans' Terrigen Mists in Son of M and tried to repower mutantkind but that all went haywire after using it on his own daughter. He lied about it and she turned on him in Mighty Avengers when it was all said and done.