Like I said it seems you don’t understand what any of this means.
In order to “short” a stock. It must be loaned/borrowed in the first place.
Since you like google so much read this.
Naked Shorting is Illegal So How the Hell was GameStop 140% Short
jesus christ
People have to short the stock in order for it to be a market
you are being loaned shares that you have to buy back at a later date at a cheaper price, that's how you make profit, but if the stock doesn't go up, you have to still buy back those shares at whatever price it is
that's the problem you taking random shyt off twitter instead of actually looking up the real legal definitions
When you are shorting a stock you are borrowing shares that actually exists and have to pay back at a later date
when you are naked shortings you are creating shares that do not exist you are borrowing shares that do not exist, it's not the same as regular shorting