Good find… breh got negged (and the neg got 25 daps) for making a profit & selling at 5x the price per share today
Never listen to financial advise without doing your own due diligence and trend analysis, let this be a lesson brehs
Nah don't give up, the market can be difficult but use this as a lesson to not use it as a casino, it's not gambling which many was doing with amc. You can make a shyt ton of money, just have to learn the market and how certain tickers behaveSince may of 2021, i've put nearly 10 k into stocks/crypto.
as of January 24, 2022... 8 k down the drain (for now).
But i'm holding on to the 125 shares of AMC i have (average cost, 40$) and see what happens to it in 8 years when i retire.
Hopefully i get something nice back.
Just deleted Robinhood.
Leaving this thread forever and letting faith ride this one out.
Lesson learned and i'm never playing stocks ever again. It's just not for undisciplined./callow/market unsavvy people like me.
Good find… breh got negged (and the neg got 25 daps) for making a profit & selling at 5x the price per share today
Started at 16 and averaged up to 32When did you buy in?
Everything is playing out like it was predicted to last year at this time. In some cases even better. The hole is much deeper than it ever was... Wish I could've loaded up on these current prices. But I'm content to hold. This situation is something that can't be ignored. They are stuck. Not enough people selling to help them.
eventually this has to go one way or another, if nobody is selling how long can they keep this up? obviously market conditions have helped them
if u gonna do that might as well sell them damn amc shyts and buy some apple options for a few years from nowSince may of 2021, i've put nearly 10 k into stocks/crypto.
as of January 24, 2022... 8 k down the drain (for now).
But i'm holding on to the 125 shares of AMC i have (average cost, 40$) and see what happens to it in 8 years when i retire.
Hopefully i get something nice back.
Just deleted Robinhood.
Leaving this thread forever and letting faith ride this one out.
Lesson learned and i'm never playing stocks ever again. It's just not for undisciplined./callow/market unsavvy people like me.
We want a market crash for margin call.. What are u guys bytching about lol.. The worse it gets for the whole market the better chance for margin call
amc haad 82 million volume yesterday people are definitely selling
amc has a 50% chance of going bankrupt
and the dude cant even do an offering cause yall voted against it
more streaming services putting out movies same day
gon get spooky for amc soon unless amazon buys them
this shyt will be single digits in February if not this month
they already shorted u from 75 dollars to 15 dollars what margin calls are u expecting to come ?
been telling yall since amc was 40 sumn dollars to take yall money out
now all of yall in the red
momentum is gone, the element of surprise is gone
they have the best financial minds from the top schools in the nation in that office yall caught them lacking once they wasnt gon fold again
u think they kept shorting on the way up cause they were dumb and yall somehow outsmarted them? look at them now up thousands of percent and yall in the red
i wanna see everybody eat but yall gotta let go of this amc dream
so many other stocks have gone up hundreds of percent why sit in this one
you can see who really read all the dd or participated in chats and understands it, compared to people who read a bit or nothing and just jumped in. Drs of float for Gme will end this. Next week and first week of March have some interesting developments to see play out too.
I dunno how you see the volume on AMC yesterday and really tell yourself that nobody is selling. That chart is a screenshot with Microsoft Paint over it.
Hedge funds bought puts on the way down too, you think they’re sweating right now or laughing?
Nothing matters they are going to believe what they choose to believe. It was a hope and a prayer to begin with. It’s even less of a chance now.
Good find… breh got negged (and the neg got 25 daps) for making a profit & selling at 5x the price per share today