The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
I think that options would be the best choice so far huh? 

Alright gentleman I'm officially done with AMC. Dont feel like watching it bleed anymore. Bought in painfully high ($53 DCA) and finally decided to sell my 100 shares today for a realized loss of $3700.
I'm a never say never guy so I may buy back in at some point but I'd rather just take out the $1500 I have left and throw it in CRM or TSLA which has been good to me.
I'm sure AMC will see better days but I'm also not convinced it wont drop below $10 or $5 either. With my own DD & gut feeling I'm not counting on a GME level short squeeze any time soon, the more I understand GME the more it feels like a lightning in a bottle perfect storm that probably wont happen again, at least not in a predictable way.
With that said, I wish everybody here well. Will let you know if I ever buy back in
Alright gentleman I'm officially done with AMC. Dont feel like watching it bleed anymore. Bought in painfully high ($53 DCA) and finally decided to sell my 100 shares today for a realized loss of $3700.
I'm a never say never guy so I may buy back in at some point but I'd rather just take out the $1500 I have left and throw it in CRM or TSLA which has been good to me.
I'm sure AMC will see better days but I'm also not convinced it wont drop below $10 or $5 either. With my own DD & gut feeling I'm not counting on a GME level short squeeze any time soon, the more I understand GME the more it feels like a lightning in a bottle perfect storm that probably wont happen again, at least not in a predictable way.
With that said, I wish everybody here well. Will let you know if I ever buy back in
We want a market crash for margin call.. What are u guys bytching about lol.. The worse it gets for the whole market the better chance for margin call
Lol I hate that I ever saw this fukking topic
Gotta say that to everybody then lolBears coming out to say “i told you so” lol
Everything is playing out like it was predicted to last year at this time. In some cases even better. The hole is much deeper than it ever was... Wish I could've loaded up on these current prices. But I'm content to hold. This situation is something that can't be ignored. They are stuck. Not enough people selling to help them.
Everything is playing out like it was predicted to last year at this time. In some cases even better. The hole is much deeper than it ever was... Wish I could've loaded up on these current prices. But I'm content to hold. This situation is something that can't be ignored. They are stuck. Not enough people selling to help them.