Ending the year at $30. This shyt is

Ending the year at $30. This shyt is
shocked a man who blew his PPP loan on a gaming chair would have a failing business![]()
People who don’t have a portfolio don’t understand I see. I don’t have to check on my amc have you ever noticed when you watch the news an item called tickers scroll across the screen. Do you even understand how any of this stuff works?
but I guess you wouldn’t notice that since you just troll on the internet you sassy thot
At this point I don’t even watch it anymore.
I don’t even check that portfolio anymore
I still look at my amc/GME
Bipolar fakkit always angling![]()
OP claims to have an “Urban Street Wear Business” but I think he’s full of shyt. Trying to look cool on a hip hop forum.
The same cat who was clowning folks back in May 2020 who were still working and not getting that UI stimulus. Bragging about buying TVs with his $600 a week boost.
But in this same thread yall were talkin about buyin OP a rollie when shyt was good
Giddy as hell in this thread posting for pages, like Datejust or Submariner sir
Then again you bought in around the 60s so you prolly were too late for that part of the thread![]()
you don’t understand the difference in checking the portfolio and looking at the price point.
you are about as bad as that @Master Teacher dude
This dude makes 4 AMC videos a day, all for 3-5% gains at the most
Too many updates and no substantial movement. He probably got the most click bait-ish of titles too
But in this same thread yall were talkin about buyin OP a rollie when shyt was good![]()
dikkhead. There’s posts of you saying you watching your portfolio closely to exit your position in this right after you said you don’t watch it. Buffoon.
Same shyt with your pump fake in the Saitama thread when you didn’t even know what a Certik audit was. Couple posts after saying you waiting on the squeeze you turn around talkinbout no squeeze this is just a stable not company all cause you saw OP trolling the squeeze evangelists. You’re just a fakkit through and through.
I was well aware of the certik audit. But that isn’t why I left saitama. So it was irrelevant to my statement. I got out of saitama because I was in too many different cryptos that I didn’t believe in so I cut out the ones I wasn’t sold on. Saitama was one of them. I also got out of wolverine and Celsius and shut cleared everything out of bitmart. But your sassy ass started talking about the audit. Which had nothing to do with me.
that was just your sassy thot tendencies coming through.
low reading comprehension peon. you quoted the certik audit post talkinbout “brehs I’m about to be out. my p*ssy hurts” that’s why nikkas had to explain to you what a certik audit was. the rest is just you angling like your thong is out of place.
everything about you is vapid. not a single original thought ever.