Sorry I don’t get that interpretation. Episode 1 Obi Wan and Qui Gon get sent as a peace delegation to the trade federation. The trade federation immediately tried to gas them. Instead of killing everyone in that station they run away. Even at the end of episode one they only go so far as freeing Naboo. They don’t impose any laws, or install any governments.
Also where does Qui Gon not want to fight Maul?
“We’ll handle this”
Mace lost to Sidious because he didn’t see Anakin had already turned to the dark side.
Luke tries to kill an unarmed emperor in Return because his goal is to save his father. People misread the tossing away the lightsaber scene as if it means Luke is a pacifist after he’s bodied dozens on Jabbas men and storm troopers. Nah he just wanted to save his dad
The Jedi who are alive ran away because they individually weren’t strong enough to beat the empire. Not because they didn’t seek conflict. The Jedi are based of Bushidi Samurai lore. They aren’t Buddhist monks
We really trying to both sides the Jedi and Sith