ya know, everyone hated the prequels for their overuse of cgi, and that's valid, but just seeing that thing... it's pretty cool looking. it's something that Disney Star Wars has completely lacked. their non-human characters look like fukkin shyt. who fukkin cares what race the humans are, why do the aliens look so fukkin bad? i'm gonna keep harping on this.
Boss Nass was a ridiculous looking character. Dexter Jettster was a ridiculous looking character. Watto and Sebulba were ridiculous... and yet, shyt like thats' absense is extremely noticable to me in the sequels/Disney+ garbage. There hasn't even been a Jabba surrogate. they did Hutts on Boba Fett, but have they created an original alien that is actually good since buying Lucasfilm? Baby Yoda is just Yoda. remember Snoke? imagine thinking that was worth it. remember nutsack face Maz? Unkar Plutt >>>>
i've probably already done this rant 5 times over the past few years. apologies.