@null I think the point he is subtly trying to make is if you can't give examples you either are A. Talking a bunch of shyt just to be talking or B. Haven't even watched the show.
a babble whisperer.

1. that is not what babbler asked.
2. he repeated the question about the
3. maybe OP will get around to posting details.
and finally
4. you are limiting choices there. c). maybe OP doesn't want to get mired in those discussions with a babbler who asks a stupid question more than once.
if babbler had asked the right question he well may have got the answer he desired.
not everyone has the energy/time/patience/disposition to disentangle babble that you clearly have.
That is why he is asking for examples. If the writing is that bad it shouldn't be that hard to give one or two.
he is asking for examples because he cannot understand why his initial question was inane enough to be dismissed / criticized.
he clearly has not understood my post.
oh damn .
and now i'm out of energy on this topic too