That Christopher Nolan movie "Oppenheimer" gon FLOP..


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
Expand my mind lol..

Your kind are small minded people looking for acceptance since you know your dull . Parrot shyt to make yourself feel "smart"

A movie lol

Imma multi millionaire live in lake tahoe

Fukk outta here fakkit.. go watch the gistory channel.. expand your mind.. jajaja
It's a good thing that a lot of us can expand our minds and enjoy different genres of film, music, tv, etc. I sure would hate to stay in whatever close-minded singular world that you live in. Seems like a shytty place to be, which once again explains why you're a shyt poster. It is what it is though. :yeshrug: Enjoy.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Dunkirk is a classic
That scene at the end with Tom Hardy's plane running out of fuel beyond enemy lines and him putting it on fire right before being taken by the Germans to a certain death is GOAT status to me.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm skeptical that it will get massive revenue, not so much because I think it won't be an amazing movie but because so many purposely ignorant takes like this exist.

yup ish looks boring as hell

I mean i love nolan but is anyone hyped about the story behind the nuclear bomb or some shyt?!!?:mjlol::dead: shyt is history channel status...

its important but boring...scientists usually have boring do you make a 3 hour movie about splitting atoms exciting?

Oppenheimer lived an intensely exciting life. You don't even know.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Actually that makes me not want to watch it. They made a movie about another war criminal. The atom bomb should have never been made but you know what happens when stupid people take power. Its all about their ego.

How brilliant can somebody be if your gift and talents are used for destruction and to know it too... they knew they were creating that weapon or their skills would be used for destructive purposes. Tired of them trying to make the mad scientist look innocent.

I was worried about this, but I'm hopeful now that I know the movie is based on American Prometheus. That was a Pulitzer Prize-winning Oppenheimer biography co-written by Kai Bird. I quoted Kai Bird on this site before, he's legit.

“First, intelligence and other advice to President Truman, in significant part based on intercepted and secretly decoded Japanese cable traffic, indicated that from at least May 1945 on, Japan wished to end the war and seemed likely to do so if assurances were given that the emperor would not be eliminated. Second, similar advice to the president suggested that the shock of Soviet entry into the war (expected in early August) would likely tip the balance, almost certainly if combined with assurances conce rning the emperor. Third, Truman was advised by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy, Admiral Leahy, the acting Secretary of State Joseph E. Grew, and others to let Japan know that the emperor would not be eliminated; contrary to the claims of some historians, Truman made clear that he had no serious objection to offering such assurances.” - historians Gar Alperovitz and Kai Bird, writing in the Christian Science Monitor

Bird straight up wrote that they could have ended the war without the bomb and Truman knew it. Oppenheimer came to regret his role in the bombing too. If Nolan is honest to Bird's historical research, this could end up being ground-breaking in exposing the American public to the truth about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
It's a good thing that a lot of us can expand our minds and enjoy different genres of film, music, tv, etc. I sure would hate to stay in whatever close-minded singular world that you live in. Seems like a shytty place to be, which once again explains why you're a shyt poster. It is what it is though. :yeshrug: Enjoy.
Who is not aware of the a bomb ww2 etc.. its general knowledge

Nolan should have shined light on general smedley .. if your a "hustory buff"



Jul 17, 2013
A 100 million didn't die in either of those actually. Get you facts straight.
And sorry, I didn't know YOUR cutoff for what constitutes a "major war'. I'm sure those who have loved ones or fought in wars since would classify thee conflict as 'major". It's a subjective description.
Lmao @ 100 million people. That guy is dumb af.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
I was worried about this, but I'm hopeful now that I know the movie is based on American Prometheus. That was a Pulitzer Prize-winning Oppenheimer biography co-written by Kai Bird. I quoted Kai Bird on this site before, he's legit.

“First, intelligence and other advice to President Truman, in significant part based on intercepted and secretly decoded Japanese cable traffic, indicated that from at least May 1945 on, Japan wished to end the war and seemed likely to do so if assurances were given that the emperor would not be eliminated. Second, similar advice to the president suggested that the shock of Soviet entry into the war (expected in early August) would likely tip the balance, almost certainly if combined with assurances conce rning the emperor. Third, Truman was advised by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy, Admiral Leahy, the acting Secretary of State Joseph E. Grew, and others to let Japan know that the emperor would not be eliminated; contrary to the claims of some historians, Truman made clear that he had no serious objection to offering such assurances.” - historians Gar Alperovitz and Kai Bird, writing in the Christian Science Monitor

Bird straight up wrote that they could have ended the war without the bomb and Truman knew it. Oppenheimer came to regret his role in the bombing too. If Nolan is honest to Bird's historical research, this could end up being ground-breaking in exposing the American public to the truth about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The tokyo fire bombing ended the war.. on the pacific front..
cacs wanted to use their toys

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Like I said, there hasn't been a major war since, lol. You realize that we had 2 world wars less than 30 years apart from each other, right? You realize like 100 million people died in those, right? Why do you think those suddenly stopped happening? Magic? :duck:


World Wars only happened twice in the entire history of the world, and they were directly related to each other. Claiming that they didn't happen afterwards because atomic bombs is unjustified as fukk. Who the hell would have benefitted from a World War post-1945? Which world leader was dumb enough to start one? They had figured out from the first two wars that it was fukking suicidal to go at other major nations like that regardless of whether nukes existed or not.

But you know what we did have after World War II? Constant fukking war that killed millions of people. The Korean War started literally in the ashes of WW2 and millions died. The Chinese Revolution started literally in the ashes of WW2 and tens of millions died. The first of three consecutive Vietnam Wars started literally in the ashes of WW2 and millions died....not to mention directly leading to the Khmer Rouge reign where millions more died. Cold War proxy battles and terrorism across Africa, Central America, the Middle East, Central Asia, combining to millions more deaths as direct result of WW2 aftermath. Atom bomb didn't do jack shyt to stop it.

The idea that nuclear bombs have somehow prevented bloodier wars is wild misinformation.

I wonder why America and Russia havent gone to war and killed another 100 million people yet, it's almost like nuclear bombs created something called mutually assured destruction and keep powerful countries from destroying the world or something, weird.

America and Russia went to war on almost every continent, WTF are you talking about? Millions and millions of people died in America/Russia proxy wars.

Do you mean a direct war against each other? Who the fukk would have gained from that? America doesn't want Russia and could never hold the territory anyway. Russia could never reach the USA, much less successfully invade it, nukes or no nukes. And Russia would never invade a country if it thought USA was going to get directly involved. Do you really think either one of these countries really wants to throw away their own soldiers and weapons against another superpower for zero gain?

Stop believing the propaganda. Do you think American soldiers, "Keep us free" too?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Who is not aware of the a bomb ww2 etc.. its general knowledge

The vast majority of Americans have false beliefs about the atom bomb created as a direct result of American war propaganda. If this movie exposes the truth about the A Bomb to the general public for the first time, it could be one of the most important historical movies ever made.


Brooklyn the planet...
May 2, 2012
Brooklyn son
The man paid for his sins while he was alive. He instantly regretted his involvement in creating the atomic bomb and for the rest of his life tried to regulate its use. For his trouble, the government stripped him of his security clearance and he was accused of being a communist during the red scare. After he died, his daughter was also denied clearance because of her father. while she was working for the UN and then committed suicide afterwards.


Brooklyn the planet...
May 2, 2012
Brooklyn son
I was worried about this, but I'm hopeful now that I know the movie is based on American Prometheus. That was a Pulitzer Prize-winning Oppenheimer biography co-written by Kai Bird. I quoted Kai Bird on this site before, he's legit.

“First, intelligence and other advice to President Truman, in significant part based on intercepted and secretly decoded Japanese cable traffic, indicated that from at least May 1945 on, Japan wished to end the war and seemed likely to do so if assurances were given that the emperor would not be eliminated. Second, similar advice to the president suggested that the shock of Soviet entry into the war (expected in early August) would likely tip the balance, almost certainly if combined with assurances conce rning the emperor. Third, Truman was advised by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy, Admiral Leahy, the acting Secretary of State Joseph E. Grew, and others to let Japan know that the emperor would not be eliminated; contrary to the claims of some historians, Truman made clear that he had no serious objection to offering such assurances.” - historians Gar Alperovitz and Kai Bird, writing in the Christian Science Monitor

Bird straight up wrote that they could have ended the war without the bomb and Truman knew it. Oppenheimer came to regret his role in the bombing too. If Nolan is honest to Bird's historical research, this could end up being ground-breaking in exposing the American public to the truth about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Conjecture and here say! Japan knew the American war machine was coming to their front door when the US slowly and systematically kicked their asses across all those little
Pacific islands back towards Japan. They were awaiting a large scale invasion by Sept 1945. The Us figured the causalities would be 1 million men with in first few weeks. It was gonna be a long and costly encounter. So whether it was painted with a romanticized brush, the choice to use the bombs was simply a decision in allocation and resources. 2 bombs did the work of millions of troops and equipment.

Don’t feel sorry for them Japan nikkas. They came to our back door (pause) and started the war with us when they attacked Pearl Harbor. We spun the entire Pacific for the get back. And yes we dropped the bombs on them but we also spent decades afterwards helping them rebuild.

Wars are an ever changing events. With technology ever evolving at a fast pace, major conflicts are waged vastly different from century to century. Wars before WW1 and WW2 were men on horse back charging heroically. With the invention of the machine gun and chemical warfare, it became a slaughter in the trenches. Then you add aircraft and long range ballistics, it’s entire different game.

The atomic bomb and the cost of generations of men changed how major powers conduct war on each other. Someone said we haven’t had major conflicts since WW2? We are in the proxy wars, where smaller countries do the fighting for the major ones because everyone who matters has nukes and we live in a MAD world. MAD meaning Mutual Assured Destruction.