Texas Brehs and Brehettes how y’all handling this winter storm?


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Surely someone will be held accountable for this debacle?

A. Jones, who is in Austin, TX, shows the documents of screen:

4 mins abbreviated video
(First 3 minutes are the facts, pause and read the documents yourself), everything else is opinions

  • May 2020:Trump signs Executive Order (EO) Securing United States Bulk Power System to prevent foreign adversaries from attacking the system as vulnerabilities had been allegedly found.
  • January 2021: Biden signs Executive Order Protecting the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle Climate Crisis rescinding Trump's EO for 90 days.
  • February 12 2021 (just before winterstorm): Texas Governor Gregg Abbot declared state of disaster due to anticipated prolonged freezing temperatures.
  • February 12-13, 2021: ERCOT (Texas utility commission for 90% of state), with 5 members that actually live outside of state, requested that Secretary of Energy (not clear if U.S. or TX Secretary) restrict power generation from February 14 - 19, 2021 based on Biden's EO with concern about excessive emissions because of anticipated high demand. Basically, ERCOT was "alerted that numerous generation units would be unable to operate at full capacity without violating federal air quality or other permit licensess", thus ERCOT authorized "the provision of additional energy from all generation units [to be] subject to emission or other permit limits"
  • February 14, 2021: Biden Administration responded w/ official document that says during this state of emergency, it supports ERCOT to withhold energy generation to protect the environment from February 14, - 19, 2021.
  • Essentially According to the Videos w/ Documents Shown on Screen: The Biden Administration incentivized ERCOT to cut off TX power by charging them 18,000% higher (that is not shown, 6,000% is shown on screen though, so not sure where 18K% is from.) from out of state sources. When the record freeze hit Texas, ERCOT shut off power to areas deemed non-essential which is why all the skyscraper filled downtowns were lit up, but many neighborhoods surrounding were not. So people lost power and the results are what we see.........according to those 2 videos w/ Documents Shown on Screen
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Jul 14, 2015
Learning how to operate a gas generator is a needed skill (which I still need to learn).

I've been researching these portable power stations that can be charged by solar. They can't give you the AC power of a gas generator but you can run small devices. small heaters and electric blankets.

That’s what I have, a ninjabat generator that kept all our cell phones the baby’s iPad and my work laptops going. Paired with the hotspot capability I was still able to work and didn’t miss a day of paychecks. We moved back into our house yesterday and had full water and electricity. We had power since Thursday but didn’t want to chance it when we had good amenities at my parents.
Lessons were learned for next time though, we applied what we already knew from Hurricanes just need some small adjustments for snow.


Nov 1, 2015
A. Jones, who is in Austin, TX, shows the documents of screen:

4 mins abbreviated video
(First 3 minutes are the facts, pause and read the documents yourself), everything else is opinions

  • May 2020:Trump signs Executive Order (EO) Securing United States Bulk Power System to prevent foreign adversaries from attacking the system as vulnerabilities had been allegedly found.
  • January 2021: Biden signs Executive Order Protecting the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle Climate Crisis rescinding Trump's EO for 90 days.
  • February 12 2021 (just before winterstorm): Texas Governor Gregg Abbot declared state of disaster due to anticipated prolonged freezing temperatures.
  • February 12-13, 2021: ERCOT (Texas utility commission for 90% of state), with 5 members that actually live outside of state, requested that Secretary of Energy (not clear if U.S. or TX Secretary) restrict power generation from February 14 - 19, 2021 based on Biden's EO with concern about excessive emissions because of anticipated high demand. Basically, ERCOT was "alerted that numerous generation units would be unable to operate at full capacity without violating federal air quality or other permit licensess", thus ERCOT authorized "the provision of additional energy from all generation units [to be] subject to emission or other permit limits"
  • February 14, 2021: Biden Administration responded w/ official document that says during this state of emergency, it supports ERCOT to withhold energy generation to protect the environment from February 14, - 19, 2021.
  • Essentially According to the Videos w/ Documents Shown on Screen: The Biden Administration incentivized ERCOT to cut off TX power by charging them 18,000% higher (that is not shown, 6,000% is shown on screen though, so not sure where 18K% is from.) from out of state sources. When the record freeze hit Texas, ERCOT shut off power to areas deemed non-essential which is why all the skyscraper filled downtowns were lit up, but many neighborhoods surrounding were not. So people lost power and the results are what we see.........according to those 2 videos w/ Documents Shown on Screen


this is quite the spin job :comeon:

https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2021/02/f82/DOE 202(c) Emergency Order - ERCOT 02.14.2021.pdf

how come every other states power grid can operate at full capacity without violating federal air quality rules and emission standards but Texas can't? :martin:


May 1, 2012
Damn, They saying this shyt gonna be more costly than Harvey was.
That's just the damage from the Winter Storm. Just wait to see how much it costs to fully weatherize and modernize the power grid in Texas. You're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars in higher power bills at a minimum.

Companies aren't gonna stick around long if the power grid can't handle major storms. They'll leave Texas the same way their leaving California.

Lots of Red States are in for a huge reckoning by neglecting infrastructure for so long. And deregulating markets and letting Businesses do whatever they want with no rules. Because when shyt hits the fan these companies will just pull up stakes and move rather than help foot the Bill.
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