Pegasus Jackson
Trump's Amerikkka
@ "Legion" having zero origin story or emotional weight. And if it's not Skynet why are the designs so similar?

Also...@ "Legion" having zero origin story or emotional weight. And if it's not Skynet why are the designs so similar?
This is exactly what I said. She singlehandedly killed any opportunity for this movie to recover. Such a bad casting. Such a bad actress and the role was poorly written.Don't even get me started on the casting of Dani. When she appears as the rescuer in that future flashback standing all but 5 feet tall looking like Dora the Explorer with cornrows I wanted to laugh my ass off. It's not even as if she was a convincing actress either so why they decided to get this chick who nobody could possibly buy as a strong willed resistance leader is beyond me.
Just got out lol. Wasnt T2 taking place in 1992 timeline wise? If so then the opening scene looks kinda goofy lol